Closed Bug 239604 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

make uriloader more doxygen-friendly


(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Biesinger, Assigned: Biesinger)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Assignee: file-handling → cbiesinger
Attachment #145426 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #145426 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Comment on attachment 145426 [details] [diff] [review] patch >Index: base/nsIContentHandler.idl > void handleContent(in string aContentType, > in string aCommand, > in nsISupports aWindowContext, Mind documenting aCommand and aWindowContext while you're here? If you can't figure out what they are, ping me and we can try to work it out. r+sr=bzbarsky with that.
Attachment #145426 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #145426 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #145426 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #145426 - Flags: review+
suggestion for windowcontext: @param aWindowContext Window context, implementing nsIInterfaceRequestor, used to get things like the current nsIDOMWindow for this request. (sidenote... why is the type of this argument not nsIInterfaceRequestor then? oh well)
Probably so you can pass it around with minimal dependencies... but nsIInterfaceRequestor is in xpcom-land. Can't we change this api to take that? Or are we being consistent with all the frozen apis taking nsISupports at this point? :(
(In reply to comment #4) > Or are we being consistent with all the frozen apis taking nsISupports at this > point? :( I vote for being sane :) the apis that I'm aware of that use a window context are not frozen (IURILoader, IExternalHelperAppService). nsIURIContentListener, which you might suspect of using a window context, does not. OK... I may regret this, but I'll make a patch to change the type of this argument, and while I'm at it remove aCommand as that's a constant of "view" apparently. If someone sees a use-case for the "command" argument, speak now or forever hold your peace. I hope all people who care about this are cc'd.
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
didn't (doesn't?) gecko use the command parameter to distinguish between "view" and "view-source"? I thought they were passing view source around in this parameter at one point in time....
Scott, that used to be the case before view-source became a protocol handler (bug 66334, April 2001 or so). At this point, it's unused inside Gecko.
Attached patch patch v2Splinter Review
remove aCommand, change type of aWindowContext to nsIInterfaceRequestor (on nsIURILoader, nsIContentHandler and nsIExternalHelperAppService) I'd have added a comment about nsIContentHandler in general, but I don't really know what it's supposed to be used for... and how it conceptually differs from nsIURIContentListener.
Attachment #145426 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #145436 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
The major differences between nsIContentHandler and nsIURIContentListener: 1) A handler can only explicitly register for a particular MIME type (unlike a listener, which can register itself with the URILoader as a listener to be tried for every load). 2) A handler has two options: Don't handle the content, or handle it. If it handles it, it just has to do its own magic; it can't return a stream listener to get data pumped into it. Typically, a handler will actually create a new connection to get the resource or something. Frankly, the more I think about nsIContentHandler the more it seems like a vestigial remnant of how things used to work....
I believe nsIContentHandler is used so we can open particular windows based on the content type. i.e if no content listeners accept the content, then we look for a content handler and if we find it, the content handler knows how to bring up the right chrome window (mail, browser, aim, etc.) and then load the url in that window....
Yes, that's what it's used for. I think those use cases could use nsIURIContentListener just as easily, though (possibly better; it wouldn't require reloading the content). Perhaps this part of the discussion should move to n.p.m.embedding?
nsIContentHandler does look to be pretty redundant. Would be nice to have rpotts' input on this :-/
Comment on attachment 145436 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 so, nsIContentHandler now passes a nsIInterfaceRequestor, but nsIURIContentListener does not have a similar parameter. that might make it difficult to eliminate nsIContentHandler.
Comment on attachment 145436 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 >Index: uriloader/base/nsIContentHandler.idl >+ * Failure of this method will cause the request to be >+ * cancelled. Unless the failure code is NS_ERROR_WONT_HANDLE_CONTENT >Index: uriloader/base/nsIURILoader.idl >+ * to get at the progress event sink interface. >+ * <b>Must not be null!</b> Why not? I don't see anything wrong with passing null if there is no window context.... in fact, we should handle that fine, no? It looks like the only nsIContentHandler that uses the window context is bookmarks. Does it really need that information?
Attachment #145436 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky) → review+
(In reply to comment #14) > Why not? I don't see anything wrong with passing null if there is no window > context.... in fact, we should handle that fine, no? We don't handle it. See nsDocumentOpenInfo::Open // ask our window context if it has a uri content listener... m_contentListener = do_GetInterface(m_originalContext, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; So when we can't get a content listener, and if the context is null it's guaranteed we can't get one, this function will return before calling AsyncOpen. It should be handled, maybe. But I was just trying to document as-yet undocumented preconditions of this function. >It looks like the only nsIContentHandler that uses the window context is >bookmarks. Does it really need that information? uses it as well... and and probably others. but the C++ implementations don't really need any changes, because do_GetInterface takes an nsISupports pointer.
> We don't handle it. In that case the window context passed to nsIContentHandler will never be null, will it? I guess that can be a follow-up bug, though. The browser instance user seems bogus, but the address book user is legitimate... Let's do a followup on nsIContentHandler where we look at its users. I feel that using nsIContentHandler for anything that may return data is just evil, and maybe we can modify this code to enforce that (at least via asserts).... But that's a separate bug.
(In reply to comment #16) > In that case the window context passed to nsIContentHandler will never be null, > will it? Indeed, in the current implementation it will not be. But it would be nice if uriloader didn't require a window context, and I want to allow for that. > I guess that can be a follow-up bug, though. yeah, I'd prefer that note that the scope of this bug already widened from "make some stylistic comment changes" to "change all implementations of nsIContentHandler in the tree" :) > The browser instance user seems bogus, but the address book user is > legitimate... Let's do a followup on nsIContentHandler where we look at its > users. I feel that using nsIContentHandler for anything that may return data is > just evil, and maybe we can modify this code to enforce that (at least via > asserts).... But that's a separate bug. you things like the xpinstall contenthandler? sure. I'll file a followup bug.
> note that the scope of this bug already widened Noted. ;) > you things like the xpinstall contenthandler? For a glaring example, yes.
Comment on attachment 145436 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 (I'll make the first change mentioned in comment 14)
Attachment #145436 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Comment on attachment 145436 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 >Index: uriloader/base/nsIContentHandler.idl >+ * @throw NS_ERROR_WONT_HANDLE_CONTENT Indicates that this handler does not >+ * want to handle this content. A different way for handling this >+ * content should be tried. >+ */ shouldn't this be "@throws" instead of "@throw"? unfortunately, it looks like using "@throws" would through off your indentation by one character! :-/ a newline between the "@param" and "@throws" sections might be good :) >Index: uriloader/base/nsIURILoader.idl >+ * <b>Must not be null!</b> ugh, i'm not a big fan of markup in IDL documentation, but short of some other way... >Index: uriloader/exthandler/nsMIMEInfoImpl.h >+ nsCStringArray mExtensions; ///< array of file extensions associated w/ this MIME obj >+ nsString mDescription; ///< human readable description >+ PRUint32 mMacType, mMacCreator; ///< Mac file type and creator is this ("///<") some kind of doxygen commenting format? sr=darin
Attachment #145436 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
thanks for the fast sr! > shouldn't this be "@throws" instead of "@throw"? from : \throw <exception-object> { exception description } Synonymous to \exception (see section \exception). Note: the tag \throws is a synonym for this tag. > is this ("///<") some kind of doxygen commenting format? yeah, it is - used for putting documentation after the member it describes. I'll make the other change
filed Bug 240731 for allowing passing null to nsIURILoader::Open and Bug 240732 to review nsIContentHandler implementations.
checked in with the mentioned changes made.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Christian, this change confused me: - rv = loader->OpenURI(channel, PR_TRUE, listenerRef); + rv = loader->OpenURI(channel, PR_TRUE, listener); listener gets released several lines before you use it: Do we really want to be using this variable after it was released?
"oops" well, this is not what I intended... In the end it doesn't matter, because the listenerRef COMPtr will keep a reference: 811 nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> listenerRef; 812 listenerRef = do_QueryInterface(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIURIContentListener *, 813 listener)); But there's no real point in having both the listenerRef variable and the listener one... I'll attach a patch to make this code clearer
Attachment #146438 - Flags: superreview?(mscott)
Attachment #146438 - Flags: review?(blizzard)
Attachment #146438 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
actually wait, NS_RELEASE sets the pointer to null. a null context makes OpenURI fail. so this patch is rather important for this code to work thanks for finding this mscott! Thanks guys, for the heads up on the [not backwards-compatible] change. We now have ChatZilla not working on *any* official release because of this change. I hope, for your sake, I can work out how to tell what parameter list the function is getting. This code is meant to work on *all* Mozilla builds since 1.0.
James, you may be in more trouble yet, since the api you are using may end up being removed altogether. > I hope, for your sake Is that a threat? I'm sorry, but did I miss something important here? > I can work out how to tell what parameter list the function is getting. instanceof will help you out, I would wager. For now. > This code is meant to work on *all* Mozilla builds since 1.0. In that case, why are you using unfrozen apis? I suppose if we eliminate nsIContentHandler we'll move you over to the frozen (since 1.0!) nsIURIContentListener, but you may want to consider doing that yourself.
I do agree that we should have dropped you a mail about this change, by the way, though it's getting rather hard to keep track of all the various projects using unfrozen apis and all having totally different policies about where and when and how they want to work.
(In reply to comment #29) > James, you may be in more trouble yet, since the api you are using may end up > being removed altogether. Great. I hope we'll get told when that's going to happy. > > I hope, for your sake > > Is that a threat? I'm sorry, but did I miss something important here? Well, it depends. Breaking other people's code isn't good. Changing other people's code without so much as "hi, we changed this interface so we changed this function for you" isn't good. I'm not too happy about it, having had to spend a good hour or so trying to work out /what the heck/ was causing the problem. Then had to work out what had actually changed. Then had to fix it. I'm sorry if I'm not being as nice as I could be, but it's made a right mess of my evening and irritated me greatly, not too mention the confusion of random users. > > I can work out how to tell what parameter list the function is getting. > > instanceof will help you out, I would wager. For now. I've got by with arguments.length. > > This code is meant to work on *all* Mozilla builds since 1.0. > > In that case, why are you using unfrozen apis? I suppose if we eliminate > nsIContentHandler we'll move you over to the frozen (since 1.0!) > nsIURIContentListener, but you may want to consider doing that yourself. It's not my code - I have no idea why it uses the interfaces it does. (In reply to comment #30) > I do agree that we should have dropped you a mail about this change, by the way, > though it's getting rather hard to keep track of all the various > projects using unfrozen apis and all having totally different policies about > where and when and how they want to work. The fact the patch changed code in extensions/irc/* should have been enough to have been told about it, IMHO, but this certainly isn't leveled at you or anyone else in peticular - it's an annoying general problem.
firstly, let me apologize for not telling you about the chatzilla change :( cc'ing the owners of similar projects, summary of the change: nsIContentHandler::handleContent now has only three arguments - the command argument was removed. (the type of the window context argument has also changed to nsIInterfaceRequestor. But this doesn't break JS Code I think). I'll also post something to npm.embedding, which I should've done before but obviously forgot. (done now). The code can probably be changed to use the (frozen) nsIURIContentListener; at least if it doesn't use the window context. iirc almost none of the JS code I changed used it. > Changing other > people's code without so much as "hi, we changed this interface so we changed > this function for you" isn't good. um. well. I kinda disagree here... I mean, (I claim that) most people don't care so much when random apis they have to use change, and their code gets changed to be not broken. I do realize that your project has a different view on this matter, as you want to work on several releases. Again, sorry for not notifying you about this change. But, as bz points out, unfrozen apis are always subject to change... >I hope, for your sake, I can work out how to tell what parameter list the >function is getting. hm, if xpconnect lets that function be called... you could check this.arguments I think.
looks like the browser/ part needs relanding
Keywords: aviary-landing
Relanding relevant part of patch v2 following aviary branch landing
Keywords: aviary-landing
Attachment #146438 - Flags: review?(blizzard)
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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