Closed Bug 240275 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Painting large tables is slow


(Core :: Web Painting, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bzbarsky, Assigned: roc)




(Keywords: perf)


(1 file)

The main problem is that nsTableRowGroupFrame::PaintChildren doesn't intersect the dirty rect with the kids' rects (see I assume we want to skip the intersect check if and only if the row has a cell spanning out of it (since then we need to paint that row if that cell intersects the dirty rect), right? Is there a fast way to detect this situation that we could use here, bernd? As things stand, scrolling the page in the URL field (which you may not even be able to load without applying the patch in bug 54542) is _very_ painful.
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Robert could you please run your pixel comparison on that. Thats the thing we talked last week on irc.
I ran the tests. There were no changes other than sporadic failures, which are almost certainly due to my testing infrastructure rather than your patch. My tester isn't necessarily that effective on this kind of patch. Usually it captures right after the first and only reflow of the entire page, which usually repaints everything, so any frame which overlaps the visible area of the page will paint itself even if its overflow area is incorrect or the visibility checks are coded incorrectly. Still, it's good that we didn't find any obvious bugs :-)
Comment on attachment 146741 [details] [diff] [review] patch sounds like no risk no fun
Attachment #146741 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #146741 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #146741 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #146741 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #146741 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #146741 - Flags: review+
fix checked in, net effect on tinderbox pageload: zero. As usual. Now I understand why Chris did not touch these bugs ;-).
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Like I said, on most pages there's just one big paint that repaints all the frames that are visible on the page. The win from this patch, if there is one, is when you scroll or otherwise repaint just a small part of the page many many times.
Bug 241796 filed on the remaining issue I see in the profile with that patch applied. Bernd, roc is right -- this was not a page layout issue but an interactive performance issue, and tinderbox has absolutely no test pages with a large table on them. So it's no good whatsoever for testing any of the large table issues... certainly not ones that require user interaction like this one. :(
Depends on: 241796
Component: Layout: View Rendering → Layout: Web Painting
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