Closed Bug 240723 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

nsIFilePicker cleanup.


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jst, Assigned: shaver)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files, 3 obsolete files)

nsIFilePicker uses nsIDOMInternalWindow, that interface is not supposed to be used in any interface that others might see (that's why it's named *internal*)! And while I was at it, I made the interface use AString strings in stead of silly malloc happy wstring strings. Patch coming up.
Oh, and this also makes filepickers now require a parent, whereas before they didn't. I forget the details now, but I think I convinced myself that the old code wouldn't have worked w/o a parent anyways, so I just made Init() fail if it didn't get a parent. I can change that back if someone feels that that's too risky.
Attachment #146286 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146286 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146286 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Attachment #146286 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Comment on attachment 146286 [details] [diff] [review] API cleanup, and fix all callers. >Index: widget/public/nsIFilePicker.idl >+ * @param parent nsIDOMWindow parent. This dialog should be dependent on this parent. This is now _required_, right? And it has to have an associated widget, right? We should probably document that. And are we sure that none of the callers are passing in null and expecting it to work? >Index: widget/src/beos/nsFilePicker.h >+ virtual void InitNative(nsIWidget *aParent, const nsAString& aTitle, >+ PRInt16 aMode); Weird indent. >Index: widget/src/cocoa/ >+nsFilePicker::AppendFilter(const nsAString& aTitle, const nsAString& aFilter) > { > // XXX this assumes that these buffers outlive us. Might want to copy > // the strings. mFilters already copies. The comment should go. >Index: gfx/src/windows/nsDeviceContextSpecWin.cpp >- rv = filePicker->Init(nsnull, title.get(), nsIFilePicker::modeSave); >+ rv = filePicker->Init(nsnull, title, nsIFilePicker::modeSave); This will no longer work, no? We don't support not having a parent window anymore, with your other changes. >Index: layout/html/forms/src/nsFileControlFrame.cpp >+ result = filePicker->Init(parentWindow, title, nsIFilePicker::modeOpen); Should probably change parentWindow to an nsIDOMWindow? >Index: mailnews/addrbook/src/nsAddressBook.cpp >+ rv = filePicker->Init(nsnull, title, nsIFilePicker::modeSave); This will no longer work. >Index: mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp > filePicker->Init(nsnull, Nor will this. >@@ -811,21 +811,21 @@ nsMessenger::SaveAttachment(const char * >+ filePicker->Init(nsnull, GetString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("SaveAttachment")), > nsIFilePicker::modeSave); Nor this. >@@ -862,19 +862,19 @@ nsMessenger::SaveAllAttachments(PRUint32 > filePicker->Init(nsnull, Again. >@@ -950,33 +950,33 @@ nsMessenger::SaveAs(const char *aURI, PR >+ filePicker->Init(nsnull, GetString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("SaveMailAs")), > nsIFilePicker::modeSave); And here. >Index: security/manager/ssl/src/nsCrypto.cpp >+ filePicker->Init(nsnull, filePickMessage, nsIFilePicker::modeSave); And here. I'm fine with requiring callers to pass in a window (because posing parentless modals is totally evil), but then they need to pass in a window....
Attachment #146286 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview-
Duh, yeah, of course. Fixed all that now.
Attachment #146616 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146616 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Comment on attachment 146616 [details] [diff] [review] Always pass in a parent. I guess there's no better way to get the window in the device context and crypto code, eh? :( Please fix the comment in the idl like I asked, and sr=bzbarsky, assuming you've checked that JS callers don't pass in null windows.
Attachment #146616 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
bieis, once this lands, a change to not require a context in uriloader will need an accompanying change to the nsHelperAppDlg files (all 3(!!?!) of them) to deal...
Oops, sorry. Comment updated locally.
Comment on attachment 146616 [details] [diff] [review] Always pass in a parent. >Index: widget/public/nsIFilePicker.idl > [scriptable, uuid(c47de916-1dd1-11b2-8141-82507fa02b21)] Rev the uuid? > interface nsIFilePicker : nsISupports > { > const short modeOpen = 0; // Load a file or directory > const short modeSave = 1; // Save a file or directory > const short modeGetFolder = 2; // Select a folder/directory > const short modeOpenMultiple= 3; // Load multiple files >@@ -61,56 +61,56 @@ interface nsIFilePicker : nsISupports > const long filterText = 0x04; // *.txt > const long filterImages = 0x08; // *.png; *.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg > const long filterXML = 0x10; // *.xml > const long filterXUL = 0x20; // *.xul > const long filterApps = 0x40; // Applications (per-platform implementation) > > /** > * Initialize the file widget. > * >- * @param parent nsIDOMWindowInternal parent. This dialog should be dependent on this parent. >+ * @param parent nsIDOMWindow parent. This dialog should be dependent on this parent. Can we document that parent can't be null? >Index: widget/src/beos/nsFilePicker.h >- nsFilePicker(); >- virtual ~nsFilePicker(); >+ nsFilePicker(); >+ virtual ~nsFilePicker(); Does this need to be virtual? I forget the rule of when a dtor needs to be virtual and when it doesn't. Same for the other dtors in your patch. >+NS_IMETHODIMP nsBaseFilePicker::Init(nsIDOMWindow *aParent, >+ const nsAString& aTitle, > PRInt16 aMode) > { >- nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget; >- nsresult rv = DOMWindowToWidget(aParent, getter_AddRefs(widget)); How about an NS_PRECONDITION(aParent, "You suck") here to make it easier to catch braindead callers? >+ nsIWidget *widget = DOMWindowToWidget(aParent); >+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(widget, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); r=caillon
Attachment #146616 - Flags: review?(caillon) → review+
(In reply to comment #7) > > [scriptable, uuid(c47de916-1dd1-11b2-8141-82507fa02b21)] > > Rev the uuid? Done. > Can we document that parent can't be null? Done (as stated earlier here). > >Index: widget/src/beos/nsFilePicker.h > >- nsFilePicker(); > >- virtual ~nsFilePicker(); > >+ nsFilePicker(); > >+ virtual ~nsFilePicker(); > > Does this need to be virtual? I forget the rule of when a dtor needs to be > virtual and when it doesn't. Same for the other dtors in your patch. If you have virtual methods, you better have a virtual dtor, or some copilers will warn and the real destructor might not get called (in cases where an object is deleted through a pointer of an inherited type). > How about an NS_PRECONDITION(aParent, "You suck") here to make it easier to > catch braindead callers? Done. Thanks for the reviews!
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8alpha
(In reply to comment #8) > If you have virtual methods, you better have a virtual dtor, or some copilers > will warn note that gcc will not warn, because the build system passes a -Wno-virtual-dtor or so flag which disables that warning
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Camino has been busted since this was checked in.
Sorry about that, I landed a fix this morning.
would someone please post to some newsgroup indicating the change to nsIFilePicker?
Blocks: 242991
jst, this checkin caused a regression. see bug #242991 (fix in hand)
Blocks: 245554
I'm going to try to get this on the branch, so that I can get caillon's gtk24 stuff there as well. Blah.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Attached patch Bonsai-derived patch for aviary. (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Works on Linux, at least! =)
Assignee: jst → shaver
Attachment #146286 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #154804 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 154807 [details] [diff] [review] Pretend, if you will, that I am not a moron. Chris, can you check my work?
Attachment #154807 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Comment on attachment 154807 [details] [diff] [review] Pretend, if you will, that I am not a moron. I'm making it very hard to pretend that I'm not a moron, what with diffing trees from the wrong machine and attaching them. I'll try that again tomorrow AM.
Attachment #154807 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #154807 - Flags: review?(caillon)
I assume that patch has the fix for the regression too, right?
This is what caillon agreed was not evidence of being a moron.
Yeah, the regression fix (using parentWindow in nsAddressBook.cpp, as near as I can tell from CVS history and bug comments) made it in as well. Closing this out, now that I've roughed up the tree a little.
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hi Mike, this patch broke the file picker when exporting address book data on the aviary branch: Bug #255733. I'm guesssing the patch that landed didn't have the regresion fix Boris cited before landing :). It's linked to this bug as a dependency blocker, Bug #242991.
Yeah, I got part of it (making sure we don't pass null as a parent window at some point) but I obviously didn't get it all. Thanks for wiping my chin.
Mike: some people are reporting download failure, most likely a regression from this fix. Could you please checkout the conversation on:
I can't reproduce that failure with a 08-17 Win32 build, though I do note that I don't get a filepicker prompt if I have told Firefox to always download to a given folder (as expected). I'm on XP without SP2. Which is not to say that it _couldn't_ be related to this, but I don't see the relationship. What makes you say that it's most likely related to this bug?
The bug was introduced on the 20040811 build. The only bugfix mentioned on Peter(6)'s post on 20040811 in relation to download functionality was this fix. That's why we jumped to this conclusion. (from our point of view the most likely case, if it isn't: mea culpa) I was confinced by vertigo451 here:
I can't reproduce it, so I'm not sure what I can do to help at this point. If someone gets some errors on the console with a debug build, or can verify that it goes away by backing out my patch and the follow-ons (painful, I fear), I'm happy to help chase it, though. The paths through the download manager seem to use the new filepicker APIs correctly, so I'm at a bit of a loss to explain a connection.
Javascript console displays this error after failing download window Error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIFilePicker.init]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///D:/Internet/firefox/components/nsHelperAppDlg.js :: anonymous :: line 155" data: no] Source File: file:///D:/Internet/firefox/components/nsHelperAppDlg.js Line: 155
We just thought it was related to this, we aren't Moz devs so there is a big change we are wrong :) This is perhaps not the place to research this download error, but I am hesitant of filing a new bug at this point (too early to file it?) Hope the above Java exception will help us find the real problem, thank you for your effort looking into this Mike.
Ger Teunis, can you please file a new bug for that issue? Whether or not it was caused by this bug, it is still not this bug and therefore deserves its own bug. Please feel free to note your suspicions as to this bug causing the issues you're seeing.
Yes, please file another bug against me. I don't want to believe it, I still don't see where we go wrong, but that Java_Script_ error message sure does point the finger at some nsIFilePicker jiggery and pokery.
This comment belongs in the other bug that doesn't exist yet, so until then, I'll put it here... Maybe the problem is that a closed window happens to be used as the parent of a file picker, seems like that could cause this exception to be thrown...
This XPSP2 strangeness is bug 256235. Future comments to there, pls.
for the record the silly change to require a non null parent broke various code snippets we had in our product and screws anyone (ok me) trying to use xpcshell with the filepicker (on windows or beos or os/2 or macosx or gtk2.4+).
This patch broke the Camino branch build.
Comment on attachment 169733 [details] [diff] [review] Fix cocoa file picker on the MOZILLA_1_7_BRANCH branch r=pink
Attachment #169733 - Flags: review+
Cocoa file picker patch checked in.
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