Closed Bug 240794 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

favicon support depends on cache remaining intact


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mconnor, Assigned: p_ch)


In cases where we crash (forcing the cache to be cleared on restart) and where
the user chooses to clear cache as a privacy method, all favicons are lost. 
From a user perspective there is no connection between the two, and this becomes
a dataloss/usability issue in those cases.

Using something like Neil's data: URLs concept would prevent this case from
Blocks: 173762
This is a dup of bug 117895.
From a useability perspective, if you have gone so far as to bookmark a website
you aren't trying to "hide" it from anyone and you would expect the icon to
appear as much as you'd expect the title and URL to also be saved.
There's another cause of losing cache, and therefore the favicon, which I
haven't seen mentioned. Cache lifetime set by web sites (or no-cache set by
websites). This affects many news web sites. 
Nad user can clear the cache by Tools-Options-Privacy. Until a separate favicon
cache is implemented there will be no real solution to this bug.
I think I'd welcome an option for favicons to persist. Perhaps there could be a
favicons folder in profile, a bit like searchplugins ("icons" fortunately
persist in search bar).
Now fixed, with bug 173762

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 173762 ***
No longer blocks: 173762
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
sorry for bugspam, long-overdue mass reassign of ancient QA contact bugs, filter on "beltznerLovesGoats" to get rid of this mass change
QA Contact: mconnor → bookmarks
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