Closed Bug 240942 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

.EML files (message/rfc822) are shown as source code/plain text in browser window


(MailNews Core :: Networking, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ostgote, Assigned: Bienvenu)




(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:1.8a) Gecko/20040418 Netscape/7.1 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:1.8a) Gecko/20040418 Rendering is as expected if message is opened via remote url, see bug 239555 comment 14. In Netscape 7.1 and Mozilla 1.6 it works. In Mozilla 1.7b it works too, I bet, but I can't reproduce it any longer even with a new profile. Later 1.7b builds like 2004040515 are regressed. I always did a clean uninstall before installation. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. drag 'n' drop a local .EML to a browser window or open it via File -> Open File menu Actual Results: Message is rendered as plain text. Expected Results: Message is rendered like in Mozilla 1.6/Netscape 7.1, i.e. Headers in grey and some header lines in bold like Subject etc. HTML-formatted e-mails displayed correctly. I selected this product/component because of bug 174692 comment 14.
Blocks: 174692
Keywords: regression
Summary: .EML files (message/rfc822) are shown as source code/plain text in browser window → .EML files (message/rfc822) are shown as source code/plain text in browser window
It's possible the problem here doesn't have to do with the converter, but with whatever mechanism assigns a default MIME type to a particular file extension. I assume this is also happening on Linux & Mac systems; can anyone confirm that?
Ever confirmed: true
What MIME type does page info say the file is?
Well, I just tested with a .eml file on my harddrive and saw it as: text/plain Firefox nightly asks us what app we want to open it with, and calls it a "Internet E-Mail Message". I don't see how this could be fallout of bug 239555 as implied. We don't in any way touch how Mozilla would handle by default. The *only* thing we do is add a New open file dialog to MailNews, and route that all through the special URL David specified. That's all MailNews specific. So I don't see any way that it could effect how the browser handles .eml files (though ideally it should open them in MailNews)... we didn't implement that.
So why is the EML file coming up as text/plain? We have a specific mapping of that extension to the rfc822 MIME type, so unless there is a specific setting elsewhere (OS or user prefs) to override it, it should not render as text/plain.
bz: Here's the current patch: I looked at it again, and I still don't see anything to account for it. Your more knowledgable than me. But from what I see, I can't figure out any way for this to take place from that patch. Also note Neil did some cleanup that's pending
stepping through the code, nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mime = do_GetService(";1", &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) mime->GetTypeFromFile(file, mContentType); is not returning message/rfc822 type - it's returning empty or unknown... mMIMEType in nsMIMEInfoBase is empty for eml... will step through more.
Robert, that patch couldn't possibly have affected this bug. ;) David: that's sounding like a good lead...
yes, that's the place where we try to get the content type, but the failure is happening at a lower level.
yes, that's the place where we try to get the content type, but the failure is happening at a lower level. Actually, I think I see the problem. Here, aTypeHint is "" - it probably used to be null. A strlen check would probably fix this. LONG err = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, fileExtToUse.get(), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { nsCAutoString typeToUse; if (aTypeHint) { typeToUse.Assign(aTypeHint); } else { LPBYTE pBytes = GetValueBytes( hKey, "Content Type"); if (pBytes) typeToUse.Assign((const char*)pBytes); delete [] pBytes; }
Attached patch potential fixSplinter Review
this fixes it for me (modulo the fact that nsOSHelperAppService.cpp seems to have moved in cvs to \win... or something - my tree seems a bit confused.)
Comment on attachment 146513 [details] [diff] [review] potential fix r+sr=bzbarsky. Though perhaps we should look into simply converting this method to Mozilla strings...
Attachment #146513 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #146513 - Flags: review+
(In reply to comment #12) > this fixes it for me (modulo the fact that nsOSHelperAppService.cpp seems to > have moved in cvs to \win... or something - my tree seems a bit confused.) Not quite... In CVS, that file has always lived in win\. However, when building, that file gets copied to exthandler/, due to some deficiencies in make on windows (or something like that. see the comments in the Makefile on that topic) This was probably caused by my patch to make exthandler use ACString/AString instead of string/wstring.. sorry :(
thx, yes, I figured out that Makefile stuff, and I figured it was the ACString stuff. No worries, now I know more about how that mime registry stuff works :-)
Assignee: sspitzer → bienvenu
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
> Damn you guys are quick ;-) Yeah too quick for me to answer. Thanks!
Verified fixed: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a) Gecko/20040420 Thanks, David!
*** Bug 241346 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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