Closed Bug 241993 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Use window class name corresponding to UI/content/general


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: aaronlev, Assigned: aaronlev)



(Keywords: access)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

All Mozilla windows are of class "MozillaWindowClass". This confuses screen readers, because screen readers determine what action to take based on the window class name. This bug is to create new window classes which have different names, but the same properties for all other purposes. MozillaUIWindowClass -- for the top UI window that the screen reader should look at. This corresponds to the HWND that receives focus when the XUL main window or dialog window gain focus. MozillaContentWindowClass - for the top content window that the screen reader should traverse the MSAA tree of. This corresponds to the HWND that receives focus when the XUL main window or dialog window gain focus. MozillaHiddenWindowClass - for hidden windows MozillaWindowClass - a general catchall window class
Summary: Use window class name corresponding to UI typeblame → Use window class name corresponding to UI/content/general
This is extremely helpful to screen reader vendors. MozillaContentWindowClass - start of MSAA tree for content areas. These are also the windows that get system focus when the user clicks in there. MozillaUIWindowClass -- start of MSAA tree for dialogs and the main window. These are the windows that get system focus. MozillaWindowClass -- general utility windows that have an MSAA tree, but aren't the start of one. A typical dialog would look like this: - #32770 - MozillaUIWindowClass A typical main browser window would look like this: - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaUIWindowClass (start of UI MSAA tree) - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaContentWindowClass (start of content MSAA tree) - MozillaWindowClass A framed browser window would look like: - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaUIWindowClass - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaContentWindowClass - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaContentWindowClass (first frame) - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaWindowClass - MozillaContentWindowClass (second frame) - MozillaWindowClass
Comment on attachment 147264 [details] [diff] [review] Implements the new window classes without changing any behavior (broke many touchpads - tsk) Seeking r+sr = roc+moz
Attachment #147264 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #147264 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #147264 - Flags: review?(roc) → review?(ere)
This also fixes two other bugs: bug 241497: Focus events inside iframes returning garbage (in MSAA event viewer) No bug filed: get_accChildCount returning 0 on ROLE_WINDOW and ROLE_CLIENT
Blocks: 241997
Blocks: 241497
No longer blocks: 241997
Severity: normal → blocker
Comment on attachment 147264 [details] [diff] [review] Implements the new window classes without changing any behavior (broke many touchpads - tsk) So, no 3rd party is using GWL_ID now? This would break any, right?
Ere, that won't break anyone. The only people using it were GW Micro, and that was broken. I talked with them and we agreed this is a better way.
Comment on attachment 147264 [details] [diff] [review] Implements the new window classes without changing any behavior (broke many touchpads - tsk) Ok, good. r=ere
Attachment #147264 - Flags: review?(ere) → review+
Attachment #147264 - Flags: superreview?(roc) → superreview+
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(way to go not quoting the bug number on the checkin comment, btw.) widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp @@ -4635,15 +4607,32 @@ + wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameHidden; + nsWindow::sIsRegistered = nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc); + + wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameContent; + nsWindow::sIsRegistered &= nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc); + + wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameGeneral; nsWindow::sIsRegistered = nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc); + + wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameUI; + nsWindow::sIsRegistered &= nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc); That third call to RegisterClass looks bogus (=, not &=). Plus, RegisterClass returns an ATOM, not a BOOL. You can't just bitwise-and the results together to check they all succeeded (what if the first two calls return 0x1 and 0x2?). result &= (RegisterClass() != 0); would work ok. [or 'result &= !!RegisterClass ()', but I find that hard to read myself]. Reopening; this needs a follow-up patch.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Thanks for catching the error and sorry about forgetting the bug # in the checkin comment. It's been about a year since I've been actively checking in code to the tree, so that's my excuse. I guess I sound like an old timer, but since when did people get so damn cranky in this project. Is that the "in" thing to do now -- to sound as tough as possible when pointing out mistakes?
Attachment #147626 - Flags: review?(malcolm-bmo)
Don't use 'bool'. We use PRBool instead. I think the easiest way to write this is just if (!nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc)) nsWindow::sIsRegistered = PR_FALSE; People get cranky. It's an online thing :-).
Comment on attachment 147626 [details] [diff] [review] Followup patch cleans up mistakes in handling possible errors in registering classes I'm not an official reviewer, so I won't mark this r=, but the change looks fine to me (possible nit: extra whitespace after 'bool succeeded ='?). Many apologies for the attitude expressed in comment 7. I was annoyed about something completely unrelated, but I shouldn't have let that leak into here. Thanks for producing a follow-up patch so quickly.
Attachment #147626 - Flags: review?(malcolm-bmo) → review?(bryner)
> Don't use 'bool'. We use PRBool instead. .. and that illustrates exactly *why* I'm not a reviewer ;) Yes, what roc said, plus an initialisation of nsWindow::sIsRegistered to a true value before, obviously. ah, actually sIsRegistered is a Win32 BOOL, not an NSPR PRBool, so perhaps we should use that (is it ok in platform-specific code?). > People get cranky. It's an online thing :-). That's no excuse, though.
Yeah, BOOL is OK in Windows code.
Ok, so: nsWindow::sIsRegistered = TRUE; wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameHidden; if (!nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc)) nsWindow::sIsRegistered = FALSE; wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameContent; if (!nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc)) nsWindow::sIsRegistered = FALSE; wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameGeneral; if (!nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc)) nsWindow::sIsRegistered = FALSE; wc.lpszClassName = kWClassNameUI; if (!nsToolkit::mRegisterClass(&wc)) nsWindow::sIsRegistered = FALSE;
Blech, I miss being able to use normal, simple types for things :)
Attachment #147626 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #147626 - Flags: review?(bryner)
Attachment #147629 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #147629 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #147629 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #147629 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #147629 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #147629 - Flags: review+
C:\moz\mozilla\widget\src\windows>cvs ci -m "Bug 241993. Follow up patch that cleans up error checking code for registering class. r+sr=roc" nsWindow.cpp Checking in nsWindow.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp,v <-- nsWindow.cpp new revision: 3.500; previous revision: 3.499 done
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 242799
I'm prepared to backed this out. you broke my touchpad. The commands I'm going to use are: cvs update -j3.500 -j3.499 widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp cvs update -j3.728 -j3.727 layout/html/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp cvs update -j3.252 -j3.251 layout/html/document/src/nsFrameFrame.cpp cvs update -j1.214 -j1.213 xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp cvs update -j3.175 -j3.174 widget/src/windows/nsWindow.h cvs update -j3.499 -j3.498 widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp followed by a hand correction of nsPresShell due to viewmanager decom.
Attachment #147264 - Attachment description: Implements the new window classes without changing any behavior → Implements the new window classes without changing any behavior (broke many touchpads - tsk)
Does it help the touchpad issue if we make the content window class 'MozillaWindowClass' (as it was pre-patch), and change the outermost window to 'MozillaWindowFrameClass'?
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