Closed Bug 242248 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

IPC synchronous message support needs to be reworked


(Core :: IPC, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: darin.moz, Assigned: darin.moz)



(1 file)

synchronous message handling does not work well when a message target uses both synchronous and asynchronous messages. this has to do with the hackish was synchronous messages were implemented. synchronous message handling also would not work well between two clients of the daemon. consider this scenario: A sends sync message to B C sends sync message to A B sends sync reply to A in this scenario, A receives a message from C before it receives the sync reply from B. the way things are now, A gets confused and thinks the message from C is the sync reply. this is because the daemon marks the next message sent to A as the sync reply. basically, the whole system of marking a message as expecting a sync reply is broken by design. a better solution is to enable A to wait for an incoming message that matches its own criteria. IOW, an API like this would be nice: SendMessage(clientID, targetID, msg); WaitMessage(clientID, targetID, &msg, SelectorFunc); SelectorFunc is called whenever a message arrives, and it returns a boolean value that indicates whether or not the new message is the desired message. this sort of API is much more flexible and robust. --- along with reworking the client-side messaging API, i also fixed a couple small bugs and greatly refactored the client-side library implementation. the hope i have with this refactoring work is to pave the way to building the IPC client library in standalone mode. this would make it easier for 3rd party apps to talk to mozilla via the IPC daemon.
Attached patch v1 patchSplinter Review
note: this patch is not totally clean. i've commented out some things instead of removing them b/c i plan on adding them back. i've also changed the "client querying" API quite substantially. now, it is only possible to query for a client id by name. there is no support yet for querying for properties about a particular client. that can come later as needed.
brendan: here's that IPC cleanup bug i mentioned. comments welcome if you have time =)
fixed-on-trunk... the patch that went in on the trunk is the v1 patch + various other bits of cleanup.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: ipc
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