Closed Bug 242368 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Setting dynamically a table column's visibility in 1.8a will crash


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)


(4 keywords)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

While working on a global testcase for bug 77019, bug 76497 and bug 242253 with Mozilla 1.8a build 2004050108, I stumbled across a reproducible crash. It seems that var ColumnCollection = document.getElementById("idTable").getElementsByTagName("col"); ColumnCollection[2].style.visibility = "hidden"; // or collapse cannot be executed. Testcase coming up. XP Pro here.
Attached file Reproducible CRASH testcase (obsolete) —
Please make sure you're using a recent Mozilla 1.8a build. Note that Opera 7.50 beta1 does not crash on this testcase.
Keywords: crash
I must say that while trying attachment 31308 [details] of bugfile 76497, I do not crash and I get the expected results (correct column visibility). Somehow, accessing the node via nodeList from getElementsByTagName("col") instead of getElementById("idTargetedColumn") causes the crash.
Happens on Linux too. Stack: #6 0x4117f35f in nsStyleBorder::GetBorder(nsMargin&) const (this=0xbfffdd10, aBorder=@0x8832844) at nsStyleStruct.h:350 #7 0x412d6830 in TableBackgroundPainter::PaintTable(nsTableFrame*, nsMargin*) ( this=0xbfffdd10, aTableFrame=0x8832844, aDeflate=0x0) at /home/bzbarsky/mozilla/xlib/mozilla/layout/html/table/src/nsTablePainter.cpp:435 #8 0x412b438b in nsTableFrame::Paint(nsIPresContext*, nsIRenderingContext&, nsRect const&, nsFramePaintLayer, unsigned) (this=0x8832844, aPresContext=0x87659c0, aRenderingContext=@0x8677860, aDirtyRect=@0xbfffde60, aWhichLayer=eFramePaintLayer_Underlay, aFlags=0) at /home/bzbarsky/mozilla/xlib/mozilla/layout/html/table/src/nsTableFrame.cpp:1427 #9 0x4119db6e in nsContainerFrame::PaintChild(nsIPresContext*, nsIRenderingContext&, nsRect const&, nsIFrame*, nsFramePaintLayer, unsigned) (this=0x88326e4, aPresContext=0x87659c0, aRenderingContext=@0x8677860, aDirtyRect=@0xbfffdf00, aFrame=0x8832844, aWhichLayer=eFramePaintLayer_Underlay, aFlags=0) at /home/bzbarsky/mozilla/xlib/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsContainerFrame.cpp:303 And data: (gdb) frame 7 #7 0x412d6830 in TableBackgroundPainter::PaintTable(nsTableFrame*, nsMargin*) ( this=0xbfffdd10, aTableFrame=0x8832844, aDeflate=0x0) at /home/bzbarsky/mozilla/xlib/mozilla/layout/html/table/src/nsTablePainter.cpp:435 435 mCols[colIndex].mCol.mBorder->GetBorder(border); (gdb) p mCols[colIndex].mCol.mBorder $2 = (const nsStyleBorder *) 0x0 (gdb) p colIndex $3 = 2 (gdb) p mCols[colIndex].mCol $4 = {mFrame = 0x883a514, mRect = {x = 1162, y = 0, width = 546, height = 1512}, mBackground = 0x0, mBorder = 0x0, mSynthBorder = 0x0} mBorder is not set by TableBackgroundData::SetFull if mFrame->IsVisibleForPainting() is false (as here). But the loop over cols in PaintTable() doesn't check visibility of the col.... It probable should.
Severity: normal → critical
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
This is strange: attachment 31308 [details] of bug 76497 works perfectly for me while this testcase crashes (while using getElementById or getElementsByTagName) and I don't know why.
Attachment #147512 - Attachment is obsolete: true
drunclear does it crash the 1.7rc1, the visibilty:hidden should be handled identical for strict mode rendering.
it crashes 1.7rc1 TB37208W
this should be fixable before 1.7
Flags: blocking1.7?
Yes, I crash with 1.7RC1 while trying attachment 147514 [details] (both buttons will crash the application).
Removing mCols[colIndex].mCol.mBorder->GetBorder(border); seems to fix it. At least, it's not crashing. It's not hiding the columns, either... (That line doesn't seem to be doing anything, and the relevant background tests work fine without it.) Bernd, does that seem right to you? Do you want a patch?
Er... wouldn't that break the border when cols have a border? Or am I missing something? I'm still confused why the change I proposed (to check whether the col is visible before doing anything with it) is wrong...
> Er... wouldn't that break the border when cols have a border? Or am I missing > something? It gets the border and then... does what? > I'm still confused why the change I proposed (to check whether the col is > visible before doing anything with it) is wrong... Because if that line is not necessary, checking to see whether it's a valid operation is not necessary. :)
> It gets the border and then... does what? Doesn't it affect the border that gets set on the next col?
That's stashed in lastLeftBorder... which really should be called nextLeftBorder. :/
Er, yeah. Then removing the line sounds fine to me. ;)
fantasai: could you please explain what this code inside the bordercollapse switch should in theory do.
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Attachment #147637 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #147637 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Attachment #147637 - Flags: approval1.7?
Attachment #147637 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla) → review+
fantasai, I'm not really doing srs at the moment... poke roc or rbs?
Comment on attachment 147637 [details] [diff] [review] patch Oh, sorry bz! *didn't notice that*
Attachment #147637 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview?(rbs)
Attachment #147637 - Flags: superreview?(rbs) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 147637 [details] [diff] [review] patch a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.7
Attachment #147637 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
fix checked in trunk & branch
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: blocking1.7?
Keywords: fixed1.7
I tried the testcase with Mozilla 1.8a build 2004050609 and I did not crash: so this is FIXED.
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