Closed Bug 242457 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

NTLM should use nspr logging instead of printf with a special ifdef


(Core :: Networking, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Biesinger, Assigned: Biesinger)





(1 file)

Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8alpha
Attached patch like thisSplinter Review
I had to rewrite the hexdump function (PrintBuf); nspr would have written each char on its own line...
("rewrite" as in "make slightly less trivial changes than to the rest of the file")
Attachment #147652 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #147652 - Flags: review?(darin)
Comment on attachment 147652 [details] [diff] [review] like this >Index: nsNTLMAuthModule.cpp >+#ifdef MOZ_LOGGING >+#define FORCE_PR_LOG >+#endif >+#include "prlog.h" I don't know that this needs to be enabled in release builds. Do you know of cases where it would be helpful to have this in release builds? I believe HTTP logging logs the WWW-Authenticate challenges, and so we can always use netwerk/test/ReadNTLM to generate the same kind of output that this file produces. Therefore, my recommendation is to not define FORCE_PR_LOG. >+#ifdef PR_LOGGING >+PRLogModuleInfo *gNTLMLog = PR_NewLogModule("NTLM"); If it is indeed valid to instantiate these at file scope, then maybe we should be doing that everywhere else too. What do you think? >+#else >+#define LOG(x) >+#define LOG_ENABLED() PR_FALSE > #endif I don't think you should need to define LOG_ENABLED outside of PR_LOGGING. If you do need LOG_ENABLED outside of PR_LOGGING, then it probably means that you should wrap the conditional in a #ifdef PR_LOGGING anyways. > static void PrintFlags(PRUint32 flags) > PrintBuf(const char *tag, const PRUint8 *buf, PRUint32 bufLen) > static void PrintToken(const char *name, const void *token, PRUint32 tokenLen) s/Print/Log/ perhaps? I think these would be better as Log* r+sr=darin with those changes. Thanks for writing this patch.
Attachment #147652 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #147652 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #147652 - Flags: review?(darin)
Attachment #147652 - Flags: review+
(In reply to comment #3) > I don't know that this needs to be enabled in release builds. Do you > know of cases where it would be helpful to have this in release builds? sorry... this is a leftover from testing this patch. > >+#ifdef PR_LOGGING > >+PRLogModuleInfo *gNTLMLog = PR_NewLogModule("NTLM"); > > If it is indeed valid to instantiate these at file scope, then maybe we > should be doing that everywhere else too. What do you think? hm... several modules do this already: e.g. cookieservice, jpeg decoder, stopwatch.h, parts of content, parts of gfx, webshell... > I don't think you should need to define LOG_ENABLED outside of PR_LOGGING. > If you do need LOG_ENABLED outside of PR_LOGGING, then it probably means > that you should wrap the conditional in a #ifdef PR_LOGGING anyways. hm, looks like I only use it inside an ifdef PR_LOGGING block. ok, I'll remove that define. > > static void PrintFlags(PRUint32 flags) > > PrintBuf(const char *tag, const PRUint8 *buf, PRUint32 bufLen) > > static void PrintToken(const char *name, const void *token, PRUint32 tokenLen) > > s/Print/Log/ perhaps? I think these would be better as Log* ok, will do that.
Checking in nsNTLMAuthModule.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/security/manager/ssl/src/nsNTLMAuthModule.cpp,v <-- nsNTLMAuthModule.cpp new revision: 1.9; previous revision: 1.8 done
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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