Closed Bug 244141 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Composition -> (default) Character Encoding should include Hebrew (Windows-1255)


(MailNews Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzillamozilla, Assigned: smontagu)


(Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0, verified1.7)


(2 files)

Many people still prefer to send mail using 8-bit encodings rather than Unicode, as these are more widely supported. However, Mozilla's current default encodings menu only lists Hebrew/ISO-8859-8-i. This encoding is quite limiting compared to Hebrew/Windows-1255 - it doesn't support Hebrew diacritics, nor does it support important punctuation marks such as Maqaf, Geresh and Gershayim. I suggest to include Windows-1255 in addition to the ISO encoding, rather than to replace the latter. I'm also ccing mscott, as this bug should also be fixed in Thunderbird. Prog.
Whoaa... that was quick Simon, thanks! could you ask someone to review the patch? there's still more than a week to squeeze this into 1.7 Prog.
Attachment #148939 - Flags: review?(jshin)
Comment on attachment 148939 [details] [diff] [review] Add windows-1255 to intl.charsetmenu.mailedit sorry for the delay (i've been out of country and still is) hope this is not too late
Attachment #148939 - Flags: review?(jshin) → review+
Does this patch need an SR before an approval1.7 can be requested? Prog.
Flags: blocking1.7?
not going to block the release for this but if you get a fully reviewed patch, please request approval.
Flags: blocking1.7? → blocking1.7-
Attachment #148939 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #148939 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu) → superreview+
Attachment #148939 - Flags: approval1.7?
Fix checked in to trunk.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 148939 [details] [diff] [review] Add windows-1255 to intl.charsetmenu.mailedit a=chofmann for 1.7
Attachment #148939 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
Checked in to 1.7 branch.
Flags: blocking1.7-
Keywords: fixed1.7
Seems like you should patch toolkit/locale/ as well, no?
Verified as fix on latest 1.7 branch 06-24 build. Changing keywords from fixed1.7 to verified1.7. Leave this bug status "as is" until this bug be verified on trunk again...
Keywords: fixed1.7verified1.7
Attachment #153714 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #153714 - Flags: review?(jshin)
Comment on attachment 153714 [details] [diff] [review] patch for toolkit r=jshin
Attachment #153714 - Flags: review?(jshin) → review+
Attachment #153714 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu) → superreview+
Attachment 153714 [details] [diff] is checked in to trunk.
Whiteboard: needed-aviary1.0
Simon: have you also checked this into aviary branch?
Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0
Whiteboard: needed-aviary1.0
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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