Closed Bug 24665 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

File > Close doesn't work on profiles w/o account setup


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: alecf)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-])

not sure if this should go under FrontEnd or Account Manager... occurs on all three platforms (2000-01-20-08 bits) to repro: 1. with a fresh profile start mozilla 2. open a Messenger window (File > New > Message or Tasks > Mail) 3. dialog will appear saying you don't have a mail profile, click OK 4. account setup dialog appears, click Cancel 5. mail mesg dialog appears; try to close it via the menu or shortcut (File > Close or Alt/Cmd/Ctrl+W). result: doesn't close. need to force a close using the window's close widget. expected: mail window should close.
I can't follow these steps. What I see (using build 2000012108 on WinNT) is: 1. Run mozilla with fresh profile 2. Run mail 3. Get New Account Wizard (I don't see the account setup dialog, and I don't see a dialog saying I don't have a mail account) 4. Cancel New Account Wizard 5. Return to mail three pane window (don't see "mail mesg dialog") Are there some other steps involved? Could you clarify what the "mail mesg dialog" is?
apologies for the vague steps... here's the recipe with clearer descriptions --please let me know if this makes sense. :-) 1. run mozilla with a new profile 2. go to File > New > Message. from this i get an Alert dialog saying "You don't have any email identities. Create one with the Account Wizard" 3. click OK in the Alert dialog. 4. the New Messenger Account Dialog appears. click the Cancel button. 5. the Message Compose window appears. attempt to close it by either going to the menu (File > Close) or using the keyboard shortcut (Alt/Cmd/Ctrl+W). result: the Message Compose window doesn't go away (need use the close widget in the window's titlebar to close it). expected: the menu and shortcut should work to close the Message Compose window.
QA Contact: lchiang → laurel
Ok, now I see what you mean. The key is to bring up the compose window first, rather than the three pane window. My preference would be for cancelling the wizard to return back to the browser window without bringing a compose window up, but alecf says that's hard to do. Reassigning to him for further thought.
Assignee: phil → alecf
Target Milestone: M16
is this still happening?
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
Yes, it still happens. I don't see any alert dialog, but cancel the wizard causes the compose window to come up and you can't close it via menu AND the wizard never really disappears. Sometimes you can close compose window via close box. Even when closing/cancelling wizard or the compose window the underlying browser window loses its page display and weirdness begins. File Quit does work, though. Using 2000-04-12 m15 commercial build on NT 4.0
Mail Review recommends this bug as beta2 stopper. Adding nsbeta2 keyword.
Keywords: nsbeta2
is this /still/ happening? I think this was a window management bug that has been fixed.
Putting on [nsbeta2-] radar. Not critical to beta2.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
moving this later under the assumption that this will eventually Just Start Working
Target Milestone: M17 → M20
adding to cc list since some of this scenario has surfaced again as bug #44666.
Keywords: relnote2
possible general mention item for b2 release notes.
Keywords: relnote3, relnoteRTM
It seems unclear to me whether this bug requires either of a "developer" or "user" release note. If anyone feels it does, can they please draft one and then nominate with the relnote-user or relnote-rtm strings in the Status Whiteboard. Thanks :-) Gerv
Keywords: relnote2, relnote3
This was in the PR3 release notes, but I am removing it because (1) it sounds like an edge case, and (2) no one besides Gerv and me seems to be looking at this, and (3) sounds like it might "just go away." Let me know if my decision is in error. (And be sure to copy me -- I'm not copied on this bug.)
I don't have a stong feeling either way. Go ahead and remove it. Not sure what you mean that no one is looking at this, no I haven't retested this. You'd be surprised, though, at the number of reports of people who have done this in the past.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
fwiw, this is no longer a problem for me --ie, using commercial branch bits 2000.11.06.09/08 on linux, winnt or mac. feel free to mark wfm...
marking wfm per se's comments
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Marking verified worksforme based on reporter's last comments
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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