Closed Bug 249610 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

disabling form autocomplete doesn't take effect until restart


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P3)






(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: bryner)




(Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0, Whiteboard: testrunner)


(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

seen on windows build 2004-07-02-11-0.9 1. Type a search topic in the Search Bar, hit Enter. 2. Type the first character of the same topic in the Search Bar. Notice the Drop Down with the full topic ready to be selected to fill the search field. 3. Goto Tools | Options | Privacy 4. Under Saved Form Information uncheck the setting for Save information I enter in web page forms and the Search Bar. 5. Type the first character of the same topic in the Search Bar. tested results: The drop down appears with the full topic. expected results: No drop down appears. the suer must complete the topic manually 6. Restart the app. 7. Type the first character of the same topic in the Search Bar. results: now the form completion is off as selected in the prefs before restart. a drop down does not appear. This is as expected. I've also seen this non-dynamic updating of a pref setting with Tools | Options | Advanced | Browsing | Hide the tab bar when only one web site is open. change the setting for that pref but it doesn't take the new state until a restart of the app.
I can confirm that enabling/disabling form history doesn't take effect until restarting Firefox. Note that switching the pref doesn't clear the form history. If you enable it (and restart Firefox), it's available again. The "hide tab bar" issue is bug 177506. -> limiting summary to the first issue. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.0+ (Steffen)
Summary: Some changes in prefs don't activate until restart. → enabling/disabling form history doesn't take effect until restart
Marcia just discovered that the pref for allowing cookies for the current session only doesn't take until restart
Severity: major → critical
Summary: enabling/disabling form history doesn't take effect until restart → many prefs changes don't take effect until restart
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0RC1?
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Mike, see comment 2.
the pref for allowing for current session only shouldn't have that problem, at all. If it does, its a backend problem that would affect Mozilla 1.7.x, 1.8x, and all trunk and branch builds since the 1.7b timeframe. Steffen, I'm the QA contact for this bug, you don't need to cc me ;)
Using Build ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040715 Firefox/0.9.1+, unchecking the Save Form information pref box did not work properly until I restarted the browser.
(In reply to comment #0) > I've also seen this non-dynamic updating of a pref setting with Tools | Options > | Advanced | Browsing | Hide the tab bar when only one web site is open. that's bug 177506. And it does actually take effect without a restart, it just doesn't update the UI immediately. Start with it checked, make sure you have one tab open. Open a new tab, the tab bar appears. Close the second tab, the tab bar stays. I'm going to change this into a bug for a single issue. If the cookie acceptance doesn't change on Firefox, it will most likely be able to be replicated on Mozilla builds of the same vintage. That code does use pref-observers and I've tested that code extensively (I rewrote that part of the code during the 1.7 cycle). Please file a bug under Browser->Cookies if this can be replicated.
Assignee: firefox → bugs
Severity: critical → major
Component: Preferences → Location Bar and Autocomplete
QA Contact: mconnor → davidpjames
Summary: many prefs changes don't take effect until restart → disabling form autocomplete doesn't take effect until restart
Okay, no problem, we'll write bugs for each occurance in the failure of an individual pref to dynamically update. Leave this one for the form autocomplete pref not taking until restart.
Whiteboard: testrunner
UI that seems broken is bad in a finished product. We should either fix it to work without a restart (best case) or add text indicating that a restart is necessary.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0RC1? → blocking-aviary1.0RC1+
Priority: -- → P3
-> bryner
Assignee: bugs → bryner
Blocks: 252482
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 154269 [details] [diff] [review] patch Actually I don't like the attachFormFill/detachFormFill part of this, it should use the autoCompleteDisabled attribute instead. New patch in a bit.
Attachment #154269 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch patch #2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This seems a little cleaner to me, in that disabling autocomplete is done the same way for the search bar and for the form fields.
Comment on attachment 154270 [details] [diff] [review] patch #2 Just a little explanation of what I'm doing: >@@ -1166,6 +1166,7 @@ function delayedStartup() > gFormFillPrefListener = new FormFillPrefListener(); > var pbi = gPrefService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal); > pbi.addObserver(gFormFillPrefListener.domain, gFormFillPrefListener, false); >+ gFormFillPrefListener.toggleFormFill(); This makes sure we set disableautocomplete on the search bar at startup if necessary, which we currently don't. >@@ -1347,6 +1348,8 @@ FormFillPrefListener.prototype = > catch (e) { > } > gBrowser.setAttribute("autocompleteenabled", gFormFillEnabled); >+ var formController = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteInput); >+ formController.disableAutoComplete = !gFormFillEnabled; > This syncs the AutocompleteInput for form fill with the pref. >--- toolkit/components/autocomplete/src/nsAutoCompleteController.cpp 21 May 2004 09:38:17 -0000 >+++ toolkit/components/autocomplete/src/nsAutoCompleteController.cpp 25 Jul 2004 08:28:49 -0000 >@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ nsAutoCompleteController::HandleText() > > PRBool disabled; > mInput->GetDisableAutoComplete(&disabled); >- NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!disabled, NS_OK;); >+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!disabled, NS_OK); > typo fix. > nsAutoString newValue; > mInput->GetTextValue(newValue); >@@ -269,6 +269,10 @@ nsAutoCompleteController::HandleKeyNavig > mInput->GetPopup(getter_AddRefs(popup)); > NS_ENSURE_TRUE(popup != nsnull, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); > >+ PRBool disabled; >+ mInput->GetDisableAutoComplete(&disabled); >+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!disabled, NS_OK); >+ Make sure we don't show anything when you hit down arrow if autocomplete is disabled, even if we've previously found results.
Attachment #154270 - Flags: review?(firefox)
Hm, I found a series of steps where autocomplete doesn't work after being enabled on the fly, with this patch: 1. start up with autocomplete turned off 2. navigate to a page with a form input that you have previously saved autocomplete results for 3. open a new tab 4. open prefs and enable form autocomplete, close prefs 5. switch back to the original tab results will not autocomplete for the form input. hopefully i can debug that tomorrow.
Oops, that's not quite right. Here are the steps (mostly for my reference): 1. start with with form fill disabled 2. open a new tab 3. load a page in the tab that has a form input you have saved values for 4. switch back to the first tab 5. open prefs, enable autocomplete, close prefs 6. switch back to the second tab autocomplete will not function for the form input.
Attachment #154270 - Flags: review?(firefox)
Attached patch patch #3Splinter Review
The problem I mentioned was caused by attachFormFill() only being called if autocomplete is enabled when the browser instance (tab) is created. I thought about this some and decided that this whole per-<browser> autocompleteenabled business isn't really needed. It's a lot less error-prone if we just always hook up the form fill listener, and rely on the disableAutoComplete property on the AutoCompleteInput to tell the autocomplete code to ignore input if the pref is turned off.
Attachment #154270 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #154329 - Flags: review?(firefox)
Attachment #154329 - Flags: review?(firefox) → review+
checked in
Closed: 20 years ago
Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified with 2004-08-02-08-0.9+
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