Closed Bug 252645 Opened 20 years ago Closed 19 years ago

don't check mail, when I'm not here


(MailNews Core :: Networking, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mi+mozilla, Assigned: sspitzer)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; uk-UA; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040702
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; uk-UA; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040702

I'd very much like an option to tell Mozilla to stop checking for new messages
and disconnect from the IMAP/POP/whatever server once it notices -- through
X-server (or otherwise -- whatever the method is on Windows), that I'm not here.
Once I'm back, Mozilla should reconnect to all servers and start checking mail
at the specified interval again.

Instant Messaging clients have this functionality -- they can automaticly set
the "away" state after a certain period of idleness.

I'm using my own somewhat underpowered IMAP-server, and don't want it to be
interrogated all night every 5 minutes...

Mail-service providers will certainly appreciate this feature and will be more
likely to recommend Mozilla to their users, because it will reduce the average
load on their servers -- especially, if this option's checkbox is on by default.

I'm entering the same feature-request to the KDE's bugzilla :-) Let's see, who,
if anyone, gets it faster. Thanks!

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
KDE's bugzilla entry is here:

It may contain some more details in the future.
Note that some IMAP servers (Cyrus, Courier-IMAP 1.6) support the IDLE command,
RFC 2177. See bug 141369. If that's the case, Mozilla won't contact the server
anymore (except once per 30 minutes), but a new message will be pushed by the
server itself. This avoids the constant polling, and also makes sure that a real
new message will be downloaded immediately when it arrives.
Yes, the IDLE command is nice, but it still keeps the network connection open 
and a process/thread on the server busy... 
I am talking about suppressing all activity, when the desktop is idle... 
Mmm, speaking of which, perhaps, the web-browser part of Mozilla can also be 
smart enough to cease playing animations (if any)?.. 
Product: MailNews → Core
This is an automated message, with ID "auto-resolve01".

This bug has had no comments for a long time. Statistically, we have found that
bug reports that have not been confirmed by a second user after three months are
highly unlikely to be the source of a fix to the code.

While your input is very important to us, our resources are limited and so we
are asking for your help in focussing our efforts. If you can still reproduce
this problem in the latest version of the product (see below for how to obtain a
copy) or, for feature requests, if it's not present in the latest version and
you still believe we should implement it, please visit the URL of this bug
(given at the top of this mail) and add a comment to that effect, giving more
reproduction information if you have it.

If it is not a problem any longer, you need take no action. If this bug is not
changed in any way in the next two weeks, it will be automatically resolved.
Thank you for your help in this matter.

The latest beta releases can be obtained from:
This bug has been automatically resolved after a period of inactivity (see above
comment). If anyone thinks this is incorrect, they should feel free to reopen it.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → EXPIRED
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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