Closed Bug 256751 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

unable to export bookmarks


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

1.0 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: vlad)


(Keywords: regression)

Marcia found this using 2004082308-0.9+ bits on WinXP.

we don't *think* it's the same as bug 255515, as there's no js console output at
all. but if it is, feel free to dup this one against it.

we also don't believe this is bug 255069, since we didn't change the exported
filename at all.

1. have the js console open to view any errors, etc.
2. open the Bookmarks Manager.
3. select File > Export.
4. keep the default save location (desktop).
5. for the "save as type" chose *either* "all files" or "html" (both had the
same result.
6. click Save.

actual results: nothing was saved to the Desktop. no js console output.

Marcia will check how this behaves on Mac...
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
This is not working on Mac (10.3.5) using Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS
X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040823 Firefox/0.9.1+
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0mac?
OS: Windows XP → All
Please reopen if you disagree that this is not a duplicate.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 241987 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
bookmarks got forked a long time ago.  Going on 18 months I think.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
bring over comments from bug 241987:

fwiw, this was working for me on Mac using 2004071622-0.9+ bits. (cannot get a
narrower regression window as I cannot find builds earlier than 7/29 on the ftp
Keywords: regression
Hardware: PC → All
whups, I should give a bit more information: I do have a build from
2004072711-0.9+, where this bug does occur. so the window (albeit rather broad)
is somewhere btwn 7/16 (works) and 7/27 (broken).
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0? → blocking-aviary1.0+
There is a fix for this bug in bug 241987.
bug 241987 always creates a js console error.  Could someone who has this bug
try creating an empty file, then exporting to it and report the results.  If it
now works, its the same bug, if it still fails, it may be something new.
Created a blank file and exported into it successfully.  It still doesn't create
a new bookmark.html file.
This is fixed by 241987, can somebody please verify?
Contrary to how things appear, bug 241987 somehow became a Firefox bug (as
recognized by the blocking-aviary flags set, denied, and nominated at various
times through its life) -- patches came for Firefox, not Seamonkey, and all
attention was from a Firefox standpoint.  A Firefox (or perhaps Seamonkey) bug
should have been created at the start, but it wasn't because no one really
thought it through enough to remember that bookmarks was forked.  With the
patches initially fixing only Firefox but with the checkins fixing everything,
bug 241987 essentially covers everything now (as it had from the start
unofficially, but not in the actual bug).

Time to go spam everyone on bug 241987, including myself...yippee for bugs that
cover forked code and should themselves be split but aren't.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 241987 ***
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0mac?
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0+
sorry for bugspam, long-overdue mass reassign of ancient QA contact bugs, filter on "beltznerLovesGoats" to get rid of this mass change
QA Contact: mconnor → bookmarks
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