Closed Bug 266406 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

###!!! ASSERTION: Integer too big to fit: 'tmp / NS_ATTRVALUE_INTEGERTYPE_MULTIPLIER == aValue', file r:\mozilla\content\base\src\nsAttrValue.h, line 323


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: sicking)


(Keywords: assertion)


(1 file)

JavaScript strict warning:, line 1432: function onEnter does not always return a value JavaScript strict warning:, line 1440: function onSearch does not always return a value CSS Error ( :0.12): Error in parsing value for property 'CURSOR'. Declaration dropped. ###!!! ASSERTION: Integer too big to fit: 'tmp / NS_ATTRVALUE_INTEGERTYPE_MULTIPLIER == aValue', file r:\mozilla\content\base\src\nsAttrValue.h, line 323 Break: at file r:\mozilla\content\base\src\nsAttrValue.h, line 323 xpcom_core.dll!nsDebug::Assertion(const char * aStr=0x01d13b94, const char * aExpr=0x01d13bac, const char * aFile=0x01d13b68, int aLine=0x00000143) Line 109 C++ > gklayout.dll!nsAttrValue::SetIntValueAndType(int aValue=0x07ffffff, nsAttrValue::ValueType aType=eInteger) Line 323 + 0x2a C++ gklayout.dll!nsAttrValue::ParseIntWithBounds(const nsAString & aString={...}, int aMin=0x00000000, int aMax=0x07ffffff) Line 831 C++ gklayout.dll!nsHTMLInputElement::ParseAttribute(nsIAtom * aAttribute=0x00fe0880, const nsAString & aValue={...}, nsAttrValue & aResult={...}) Line 1776 + 0x12 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGenericHTMLElement::SetAttr(int aNamespaceID=0x0012f7cc, nsIAtom * aAttribute=0x0012f710, nsIAtom * aPrefix=0x01c360f7, const nsAString & aValue={...}, unsigned int aLineNo=0x00000000, int aNotify=0x07ffffff) Line 1655 + 0x14 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGenericHTMLElement::SetAttr(int aNamespaceID=0x00000000, nsIAtom * aAttribute=0x00fe0880, nsIAtom * aPrefix=0x00000000, const nsAString & aValue={...}, int aNotify=0x00000000) Line 1612 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGenericHTMLFormElement::SetAttr(int aNameSpaceID=0x0012f710, nsIAtom * aName=0x01c360f7, nsIAtom * aPrefix=0x0012fa44, const nsAString & aValue={...}, int aNotify=0x07ffffff) Line 3440 C++ gklayout.dll!nsHTMLInputElement::SetAttr(int aNameSpaceID=0x00000000, nsIAtom * aName=0x00fe0880, nsIAtom * aPrefix=0x00000000, const nsAString & aValue={...}, int aNotify=0x00000000) Line 212 C++ gklayout.dll!HTMLContentSink::AddAttributes(const nsIParserNode & aNode={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x0012fa44, int aNotify=0x00000000, int aCheckIfPresent=0x07ffffff) Line 848 C++ gklayout.dll!SinkContext::AddLeaf(const nsIParserNode & aNode={...}) Line 1490 C++ gklayout.dll!HTMLContentSink::AddLeaf(const nsIParserNode & aNode={...}) Line 3126 C++ gkparser.dll!CNavDTD::AddLeaf(const nsIParserNode * aNode=0x03a4c2b0) Line 3760 + 0xd C++ gkparser.dll!CNavDTD::HandleDefaultStartToken(CToken * aToken=0x03187e00, nsHTMLTag aChildTag=eHTMLTag_a, nsCParserNode * aNode=0x03a4c2b0) Line 1432 + 0x8 C++ gkparser.dll!CNavDTD::HandleStartToken(CToken * aToken=0x00000035) Line 1807 + 0xe C++ gkparser.dll!CNavDTD::HandleToken(CToken * aToken=0x00000035, nsIParser * aParser=0x02cd91c8) Line 992 + 0xa C++ gkparser.dll!CNavDTD::BuildModel(nsIParser * aParser=0x02cd91c8, nsITokenizer * aTokenizer=0x03acf280, nsITokenObserver * anObserver=0x00000000, nsIContentSink * aSink=0x039f3510) Line 471 + 0xa C++ gkparser.dll!nsParser::BuildModel() Line 1919 C++ gkparser.dll!nsParser::ResumeParse(int allowIteration=0x00000001, int aIsFinalChunk=0x00000001, int aCanInterrupt=0x00000001) Line 1784 + 0x6 C++ gkparser.dll!nsParser::ContinueParsing() Line 1362 + 0xc C++ gkparser.dll!nsParser::HandleParserContinueEvent() Line 1426 C++ gkparser.dll!nsParserContinueEvent::HandleEvent(PLEvent * aEvent=0x0327a4c0) Line 237 C++ xpcom_core.dll!PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * self=0x0327a4c0) Line 693 C xpcom_core.dll!PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * self=0x01062b08) Line 628 C xpcom_core.dll!_md_TimerProc(HWND__ * hwnd=0x002727ea, unsigned int uMsg=0x00000113, unsigned int idEvent=0x00000000, unsigned long dwTime=0x1d569da7) Line 998 + 0x6 C user32.dll!77d43a50() user32.dll!GetSysColor() + 0x10f user32.dll!TranslateMessage() + 0x8d user32.dll!DispatchMessageW() + 0xb appshell.dll!nsAppShellService::Run() Line 484 C++ mozilla.exe!main1(int argc=0x0012fa44, char * * argv=0x00000000, nsISupports * nativeApp=0x07ffffff) Line 1336 C++ mozilla.exe!main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x003f7c10) Line 1827 + 0x16 C++ mozilla.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 400 + 0x11 C kernel32.dll!TermsrvAppInstallMode() + 0x269 nsHTMLInputElement::ParseAttribute should pass an upper bound to nsAttrValue::ParseIntWithBounds, the default is too big.
sicking: can we make this a warning?
Somethings not good here. Either we should make the default upper bound smaller, or we should fix nsAttrValue so that it can store larger ints (they would be stored in the OtherContainer)
Attached patch patch to fixSplinter Review
I had just counted the bits wrong. In a signed 4 bit integer the maximum value is (1 << _3_) - 1
Assignee: general → bugmail
Attachment #171955 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #171955 - Flags: review?(jst)
Comment on attachment 171955 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix r+sr=jst
Attachment #171955 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #171955 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #171955 - Flags: review?(jst)
Attachment #171955 - Flags: review+
Checked in, thanks for finding this, and for the review.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: DOM: HTML → DOM: Core & HTML
QA Contact: ian → general
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