Closed Bug 26831 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Implement table and cell selection as border highlighting instead of content highlighting


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P1)






(Reporter: cmanske, Assigned: mjudge)




(4 files)

When we select entire cells or the entire table, we want the border to be highlighted, like the blue border we used earlier. Currently, selecting a cell does the usual text selection style on the cell's contents.
Depends on: 26833
Target Milestone: M15
*** Bug 29393 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 29476 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Neither of those bugs are duplicates of this one. They are, however, duplicates of each other. Bug #29393 and Bug #29476 both refer to being able to select rectangular areas of a table. This bug is about how selections should be highlighted.
actually they are duplicates; if you get the blue selection border then you'll have your rectangular selection.
OS: Windows NT → All
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
updating keyword and status whiteboard to reflect that this is a beta 2 feature work bug that the Composer team deems a must fix for beta 2.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: beta2
Priority: P3 → P1
Whiteboard: Composer feature work
fixed, style color will be implemented when they get to css3 pseudo style
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Keywords: nsbeta2
I just tested this in my Win32 10/27/00 Netscape_20000922_BRANCH build. I don't see any border highlighting (rectangle drawn around the cell or table) ... if I control click on a cell the entire cell background gets filled in with the hilight color. Control clicking on an outside table border changes the background of all cells to the hilight color. Was border highlighting disabled in favor of this new method?
I also see the same behavior mentions in my 10/30 build...REOPENING
Resolution: FIXED → ---
moving off M16 since that was long ago...
Target Milestone: M16 → mozilla0.9
*** Bug 61278 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 53741 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 66360 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Note that this problem is frequently encountered as a "can't set table or cell background color" problem. The number of bug duplicates supports this. Let's please try to get this fixed for 0.9.
If you use border highlighting instead of background highlighting, I imagine you'll have two new problems. (1) Instead of getting `Can't set table/cell background color' bugs, you'll start to get `Can't set table/cell border' bugs. (2) In large tables, especially where part of the selection is outside the window, it will be very difficult to tell what is selected and what isn't. I suggest using a pixel-checkerboard pattern of the selection color to cover the cell background. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X That way the cell/table will obviously be highlighted, but the existing background will still be visible. (The same thing applies for selecting images, bug 14835.)
*** Bug 68857 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
is bug 50794 a dup of this ?
This is a no-win situation. The background highlighting for table cell selection is a good method. the only side affect to this is the temporary confusion that the background color did not take. moving to .091 for now
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → mozilla0.9.1
could we use a hatched pattern? background overlay a png file <pattern> X0 0X </pattern> X is translucent, O is 100% transparent.
Whiteboard: Composer feature work → Composer feature work [QAHP]
ok here are some patches. we can flip switch back easily if people get upset at the result
kin allready reviewed this so r=kin if he doesnt add that to this bug himself
(cc'ing karnze, who may have other comments on nsTableCellFrame.) In nsTableCellFrame.cpp, it seems like this whole big mess should be moved out to a separate function. The nesting is starting to walk off the right edge of my screen. What do you think? Probably don't need to check in the commented out stuff: + if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && tableCellSelectionMode) { + //frameSelection->GetTableCellSelectionStyleColor(&myColor); I think spaces around `==' are prevalent style in this file. + if(displaySelection==nsISelectionController::SELECTION_DISABLED) { Shouldn't this come from nsILookAndFeel? + bordercolor = NS_RGB(176,176,176);// disabled color Usually, people call this `t2p' for twips-to-pixels: + float twipsfloat; + if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aPresContext->GetPixelsToTwips(&twipsfloat))) + { + PRInt16 twipsperpixel = (PRInt16)twipsfloat; Are you sure that myColor is initialized by this point? (I didn't look carefully at the code preceding the patch.) + //compare bordercolor to ((nsStyleColor *)myColor)->mBackgroundColor) + bordercolor = EnsureDifferentColors(bordercolor, myColor->mBackgroundColor); In nsSelection.cpp, I think you want ``#undef OLD_SELECTION'' here: +#define OLD_SELECTION 0 +//#define OLD_TABLE_SELECTION 1
Also, just a note on the number of calculations that are done in the patch: We can reduce 6 muliplications (2*twipsperpixel) down to one with the use of a temporary variable. Same goes for the various (width - twipsperpixel), (height - twipsperpixel), (width - 2*twipsperpixel), (height - 2*twipsperpixel) values which are used more than once.
Also, I didn't see any comments/reply to timeless and mpt's request for using hatched patterns instead. Should they file that as a seperate bug/RFE?
I agree that if we can do a hatched pattern, it would be much better. I'll help test as soon as I can get &%$# cvs to let me pull everything!
as far as the review goes... took out comment. added in spaces around "==". nsILookAndFeel doesnt have "disabled selection". changed variable to t2p/t2pfloat. mycolor is initialized and then asserted on. (I moved the assertion checks closer to assignment to be more clear there.) I actually didnt add that OLD_SELECTION i just moved it. it uses #if not #ifdef to check. I have made it #ifdef and #undef to make it more clear. added 2 methods to break out the functions from paint so paint looks neater.
ok so far as the hatch pattern.. i cant find a method that will allow a filled rectangle to be drawn with a pattern in an XP way. if anyone finds one let me know. we could do an "X" or vertical and horizontals to make like "#" but the diagonals are to much a pain to do just for nsTableCellFrame::Paint i think. i want to check in this patch with the understanding that it is better than what it was and that we can argue over the exact pattern to be used.
Cool, thanks. Couple more nits! :-) > nsILookAndFeel doesnt have "disabled selection". Should it? (Seems like it should to me.) If so, please file another bug (maybe on XPToolkit?) If not, just tell me to go to my corner. + const nsStyleColor* myColor = (const nsStyleColor*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color); +#ifdef OLD_TABLE_SELECTION + myColor = GetColorStyleFromSelection(mycolor); ^^^^^^^ Did you mean my*C*olor (intercaps)? (It's ifdef'd out, so probably not caught by compile.) Do you want to address kin's gripe about extra multiplies? Looks good to me. sr=waterson
i was hoping you could just use a PNG, i don't actually know how.
yeah mycolor should be myColor i actually changed that here allready when i tested it with ifdef on. thanks. png transparancy.. hmm let me talk to pavlov. either way i am going to check this in and then we can keep talking about the specifics. yes lookandfeel could have disabled selection. let me see if i can talk to pierre before he leaves.
resolving the bug. if you want to make a fancier pattern/ blending we need a new bug on this. talked to pav and until gfx2 goes in it doesnt look good for either right now.
Closed: 25 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: Composer feature work [QAHP]
verified in 5/30 build.
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