Closed Bug 27612 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Save file should warn or fail when directory doesn't exist


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rzach, Assigned: jag+mozbugs)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-]nsbeta1+)


(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

When saving a file to a directory that doesn't exist, the directory is created
automatically.  This is different than 4.7, where save file fails with a "No
such file or directory" alert.  It's also potentially confusing for the user,
since it's more likely that they've mistyped the directory name rather than
intentionally wanting to save the file to a directory that doesn't exist yet. 
In that case, they won't be able to find the file they saved.

To reprododuce:
1. File | Save Page As
2. Enter as path a nonexisting directory plus file name, say
/home/user/test/test.html, where /home/user/test doesn't exist
3. Click OK

Actual result: file saved, directory /home/user/test created.
Expected result: "No such directory" error

Linux build 2000.02.13.08
QA Contact: paulmac → sairuh
Reassigning as per Don
Assignee: don → law
Target Milestone: --- → M19
Move to M20 target milestone.
Target Milestone: M19 → M20
Oops.  Should be M21.
Target Milestone: M20 → M21
this is a stale bug. it hasn't been touch in 30 days. i have tested it in the
new netscape 2000080108 build and it does not it is not reperducable anymore so
i sugges it be marked WFM.
Well, the error message is less than optimal, but it does fail with a warning
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
actually, this still happens for me. reopening. used linux comm opt
2000.08.28.11. here are my steps:

1. go to
2. scroll down to nightly build section, click on Macintosh link
3. click Save To Disk radio button in the Downloading dialog
4. click OK
5. in resulting filepicker, i typed in a bogus directory, eg,
6. clicked OK

result: the directory dkfsj was created and the file put there.

there should be a dialog saying that there's no such directory, and asking if
the user wants to create it.

would this be a filepicker issue? cc'ing bryner and pavlov.
Component: XP Apps → XP Apps: GUI Features
Keywords: nsbeta3
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
nav traige team: nsbeta3-
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-]
Yes, this is an issue with the XP filepicker. Currently is tries to save, then
popups up a (for the user) useless error.

I think we could fix this by checking if the parent of the file to save actually
exists and is a directory and if not, we could pop up a dialog with something
like "Directory you're trying to save in doesn't exist. [Create] [Cancel]"

Nominating; should be fixed as part of general cleanup of this area.
Keywords: nsbeta3nsbeta1
Netscape Nav triage team: this is a Netscape beta stopper.
*** Bug 64697 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
bill thinks pavlov shd get this. bill will talk to him about it :-). 
Assignee: law → pavlov
Blocks: 55026
I've put something provisional in around line 279 in filepicker.js, but I
commented it out. I don't remember why, but if all you want is a simple warning,
then commenting that out (and doing the i18n thing) should fix this bug.

However, in bug 55026 it's been suggested we'd walk up the parents until we
found which of them caused the problem (not existing/being a file/something
else?) and report something more meaningful. Not too hard to do, imo.
nav triage team:

Marking nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-] → [nsbeta3-]nsbeta1+
Taking bug, I'm sure Pavlov won't mind.
Assignee: pavlov → disttsc
So for /tmp/foo/bar/baz/index.html,
if /tmp/foo doesn't exist it will show an alert
"Directory /tmp/foo doesn't exist, can't save /tmp/foo/bar/baz/index.html"
if /tmp/foo is a file it will show an alert
"/tmp/foo is a file, can't save /tmp/foo/bar/baz/index.html"
We have FormatStringFromName to do similar string construction and 
replacement.  Not sure which is preferred.
cool patch.  r=bryner.
what happens if there's both a file and a directory 'foo' in /tmp ?

i know this bug is filed for pc/linux, but the file picker is xpfe.
Any filesystem which would allow that is broken by design.
Per Ben, common (universal) dialogs are preferred over simple alert()s to give 
more useful titles for error messages.
use formatstringfromname.
%parent% is hard on localizers, partially because "%parent%" is an english
string that does NOT get translated.
That much harder than %S? That would require a l10n note, which can equally well
be provided for %parent%.

Per conversation with Ben:
<Ben_Goodger> I agree that %bar% and replace is better from js.

I could change it to %P% and %F% if you feel English words are too confusing.
formatStringFromName is also cheaper to execute than string substituions in
JavaScript, allows us to share the positional string formatting that we ALREADY
USE from C++, and it uses the schema that translators have been using for years.

Please. We have already decided that PR_smprintf (and thus formatStringFromName)
is the i18n-blessed way of doing positional string formatting. please use it.
D'oh. Evil tabs. New fix coming up.
Checked in, marking fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
cool. vrfy fixed on linux comm 2001.05.02.08 and winnt moz 2001.05.02.12.

cannot vrfy on mac --filed bug 78581.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Attachment #25073 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #24972 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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