Closed Bug 279289 Opened 20 years ago Closed 19 years ago

xbl startup crash - unrooted evaluatestring last ditch gc'd ? [@ 00000015 - js_GetSlotThreadSafe]


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: brendan)


(Keywords: crash, js1.5)

Crash Data


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Unhandled exception at 0x00000015 in mozilla.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation
reading location 0x00000015.

EAX = 00000015 EBX = 016012F8 ECX = 64030A10 EDX = 02EE9A10 ESI = 030A6BA8 EDI =
030A6BA0 EIP = 00000015 ESP = 0012D3C8 EBP = 0012D3E8 EFL = 00000202 

 	js3250.dll!js_GetSlotThreadSafe(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x030a6ba0, unsigned long slot=0x00000002)  Line 554 + 0x10	C
 	js3250.dll!JS_TypeOfValue(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, long v=0x00000001)  Line
615 + 0x37	C
 	gklayout.dll!nsEventReceiverSH::SetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *
wrapper=0x030b40a0, JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject * obj=0x030a69a0, long
id=0x026b84f4, long * vp=0x0012d4cc, int * _retval=0x0012d484)  Line 5193 + 0xe	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsNodeSH::AddProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *
wrapper=0x030b40a0, JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject * obj=0x030a69a0, long
id=0x026b84f4, long * vp=0x0012d4cc, int * _retval=0x0012d484)  Line 5053 + 0x1a	C++
>	xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_Helper_AddProperty(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x030a69a0, long idval=0x026b84f4, long * vp=0x0012d4cc)  Line 796	C++
 	js3250.dll!js_DefineNativeProperty(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x030a69a0, long id=0x02a622e8, long value=0x030a6ba0, int (JSContext *,
JSObject *, long, long *)* getter=0x00b01ab0, int (JSContext *, JSObject *,
long, long *)* setter=0x00ae5c71, unsigned int attrs=0x00000001, unsigned int
flags=0x00000000, int shortid=0x00000000, JSProperty * * propp=0x00000000)  Line
2255 + 0x33	C
 	js3250.dll!js_DefineProperty(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x030a69a0, long id=0x02a622e8, long value=0x030a6ba0, int (JSContext *,
JSObject *, long, long *)* getter=0x00000000, int (JSContext *, JSObject *,
long, long *)* setter=0x00000000, unsigned int attrs=0x00000001, JSProperty * *
propp=0x00000000)  Line 2166 + 0x21	C
 	js3250.dll!DefineUCProperty(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x030a6ba0, const unsigned short * name=0x024d5d20, unsigned int
namelen=0x64030a10, long value=0x030a6ba0, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long,
long *)* getter=0x00000000, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)*
setter=0x00000000, unsigned int attrs=0x00000001, unsigned int flags=0x00000000,
int tinyid=0x00000000)  Line 2292 + 0x1b	C
 	js3250.dll!JS_DefineUCProperty(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x030a69a0, const unsigned short * name=0x024d5d20, unsigned int
namelen=0x0000000d, long value=0x030a6ba0, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long,
long *)* getter=0x00000000, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)*
setter=0x00000000, unsigned int attrs=0x00000001)  Line 2637 + 0x22	C
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImplField::InstallMember(nsIScriptContext *
aContext=0x00000000, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x030ac278, void *
aScriptObject=0x030a69a0, void * aTargetClassObject=0x030a69b0, const nsCString
& aClassStr={...})  Line 134 + 0x1a	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImpl::InstallImplementation(nsXBLPrototypeBinding *
aBinding=0x0286df80, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x02ed7968)  Line 84 + 0x12	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLPrototypeBinding::InstallImplementation(nsIContent *
aBoundElement=0x030ac278)  Line 426 + 0xa	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation()  Line 812	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLService::LoadBindings(nsIContent * aContent=0x030ac278,
nsIURI * aURL=0x01cc1dd0, int aAugmentFlag=0x00000000, nsIXBLBinding * *
aBinding=0x0012d6d0, int * aResolveStyle=0x0012d6a8)  Line 634	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsElementSH::PostCreate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *
wrapper=0x01c877e0, JSContext * cx=0x00000000, JSObject * obj=0x030ac278) 
Line 5300	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
nsISupports * Object=0x030a6630, XPCWrappedNativeScope * Scope=0x02ee9bc8,
XPCNativeInterface * Interface=0x01d13e90, XPCWrappedNative * *
resultWrapper=0x0012d794)  Line 438	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder * * dest=0x0012d7dc, nsISupports * src=0x030ac280,
const nsID * iid=0x0012d914, JSObject * scope=0x02f362f0, unsigned int *
pErr=0x0012d960)  Line 1062 + 0x11	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCConvert::NativeData2JS(XPCCallContext & ccx={...}, long *
d=0x0012d974, const void * s=0x0012d828, const nsXPTType & type={...}, const
nsID * iid=0x0012d914, JSObject * scope=0x02f362f0, unsigned int *
pErr=0x0012d960)  Line 463 + 0x1e	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode mode=CALL_METHOD)  Line 2123 + 0x1b	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x02f362f0, unsigned int argc=0x00000003, long * argv=0x01cd5fd4, long *
vp=0x0012da5c)  Line 1287 + 0xa	C++
 	js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x00ae5b87, unsigned int argc=0x01d187c8,
unsigned int flags=0x030b40a0)  Line 1293 + 0x11	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x01d187c8, long * result=0x030b40a0) 
Line 3627	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Execute(JSContext * cx=0x00a53e38, JSObject * chain=0x030a65c0,
JSScript * script=0x030acd60, JSStackFrame * down=0x00000000, unsigned int
flags=0x00000000, long * result=0x0012dcdc)  Line 1526	C
 	js3250.dll!JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10,
JSObject * obj=0x030a65c0, JSPrincipals * principals=0x009ef724, const unsigned
short * chars=0x024e1b88, unsigned int length=0x00000054, const char *
filename=0x0012dd3c, unsigned int lineno=0x0000054c, long * rval=0x0012dcdc) 
Line 3702 + 0xf	C
 	gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::EvaluateStringWithValue(const nsAString &
aScript={...}, void * aScopeObject=0x030a65c0, nsIPrincipal *
aPrincipal=0xffffffff, const char * aURL=0x0012dd3c, unsigned int
aLineNo=0x0000054c, const char * aVersion=0x00000000, void *
aRetValue=0x0012dd98, int * aIsUndefined=0x0012dd90)  Line 815 + 0x36	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImplField::InstallMember(nsIScriptContext *
aContext=0x02ed7968, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x030a5ce0, void *
aScriptObject=0x030a65c0, void * aTargetClassObject=0x030a65d0, const nsCString
& aClassStr={...})  Line 126 + 0x30	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImpl::InstallImplementation(nsXBLPrototypeBinding *
aBinding=0x0292d908, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x02ed7968)  Line 84 + 0x12	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLPrototypeBinding::InstallImplementation(nsIContent *
aBoundElement=0x030a5ce0)  Line 426 + 0xa	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation()  Line 812	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation()  Line 809	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLService::LoadBindings(nsIContent * aContent=0x030a5ce0,
nsIURI * aURL=0x028fb7f8, int aAugmentFlag=0x00000000, nsIXBLBinding * *
aBinding=0x0012de90, int * aResolveStyle=0x0012de68)  Line 634	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsElementSH::PostCreate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *
wrapper=0x01c877e0, JSContext * cx=0x00000000, JSObject * obj=0x030a5ce0) 
Line 5300	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
nsISupports * Object=0x030a65b8, XPCWrappedNativeScope * Scope=0x02ee9bc8,
XPCNativeInterface * Interface=0x01d13e90, XPCWrappedNative * *
resultWrapper=0x0012df54)  Line 438	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder * * dest=0x0012df9c, nsISupports * src=0x030a5ce8,
const nsID * iid=0x0012e0d4, JSObject * scope=0x02f362f0, unsigned int *
pErr=0x0012e120)  Line 1062 + 0x11	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCConvert::NativeData2JS(XPCCallContext & ccx={...}, long *
d=0x0012e134, const void * s=0x0012dfe8, const nsXPTType & type={...}, const
nsID * iid=0x0012e0d4, JSObject * scope=0x02f362f0, unsigned int *
pErr=0x0012e120)  Line 463 + 0x1e	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode mode=CALL_METHOD)  Line 2123 + 0x1b	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10, JSObject *
obj=0x02f362f0, unsigned int argc=0x00000003, long * argv=0x01cd5fd4, long *
vp=0x0012e21c)  Line 1287 + 0xa	C++
 	js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x00ae5b87, unsigned int argc=0x01d187c8,
unsigned int flags=0x030b40a0)  Line 1293 + 0x11	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x01d187c8, long * result=0x030b40a0) 
Line 3627	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Execute(JSContext * cx=0x00a53e38, JSObject * chain=0x02ff1638,
JSScript * script=0x0295ff78, JSStackFrame * down=0x00000000, unsigned int
flags=0x00000000, long * result=0x0012e49c)  Line 1526	C
 	js3250.dll!JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals(JSContext * cx=0x02ee9a10,
JSObject * obj=0x02ff1638, JSPrincipals * principals=0x009ef724, const unsigned
short * chars=0x02a2a7d8, unsigned int length=0x00000091, const char *
filename=0x0012e4fc, unsigned int lineno=0x000000e9, long * rval=0x0012e49c) 
Line 3702 + 0xf	C
 	gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::EvaluateStringWithValue(const nsAString &
aScript={...}, void * aScopeObject=0x02ff1638, nsIPrincipal *
aPrincipal=0xffffffff, const char * aURL=0x0012e4fc, unsigned int
aLineNo=0x000000e9, const char * aVersion=0x00000000, void *
aRetValue=0x0012e558, int * aIsUndefined=0x0012e550)  Line 815 + 0x36	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImplField::InstallMember(nsIScriptContext *
aContext=0x02ed7968, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x03002ce8, void *
aScriptObject=0x02ff1638, void * aTargetClassObject=0x02ff1760, const nsCString
& aClassStr={...})  Line 126 + 0x30	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImpl::InstallImplementation(nsXBLPrototypeBinding *
aBinding=0x0299a4b0, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x02ed7968)  Line 84 + 0x12	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLPrototypeBinding::InstallImplementation(nsIContent *
aBoundElement=0x03002ce8)  Line 426 + 0xa	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation()  Line 812	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation()  Line 809	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXBLService::LoadBindings(nsIContent * aContent=0x03002ce8,
nsIURI * aURL=0x027d1318, int aAugmentFlag=0x00000000, nsIXBLBinding * *
aBinding=0x0012e618, int * aResolveStyle=0x0012e624)  Line 634	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03002ce8,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x030a0964, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68628, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x030a0b84, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000)  Line 7494	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x030a0b84, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...})  Line 7451	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03002b38,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x03002ce8, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000000,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x03002ce8)  Line 11703 + 0x25	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03002b38,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03098b88, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68468, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000001, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03098ea0, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000, int &
aHaltProcessing=0x0012f840)  Line 5983 + 0x1a	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03002b38,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03098b88, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68468, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03098c80, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000)  Line 7558 + 0x24	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03098ea0, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...})  Line 7451	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03093c20,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x03002b38, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000000,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x03002b38)  Line 11703 + 0x25	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03093c20,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03098860, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68468, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000001, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03098b3c, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000, int &
aHaltProcessing=0x0012f840)  Line 5983 + 0x1a	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x03093c20,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03098860, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68468, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03098ad4, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000)  Line 7558 + 0x24	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03098b3c, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...})  Line 7451	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x0300add0,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x03093c20, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000000,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x03093c20)  Line 11703 + 0x25	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x0300add0,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03081694, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68290, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000001, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x0308a324, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000, int &
aHaltProcessing=0x0012f840)  Line 5983 + 0x1a	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00a68290,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03081694, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68290, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x030818ac, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000)  Line 7558 + 0x24	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x030817b0, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...})  Line 7451	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x02ed5a78,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x0300add0, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000000,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x0300add0)  Line 11703 + 0x25	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x02ed5a78,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x030815c0, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68470, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000001, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03081648, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000, int &
aHaltProcessing=0x0012f840)  Line 5983 + 0x1a	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x02ed5a78,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x030815c0, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a68470, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x00000000, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000)  Line 7558 + 0x24	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x03081648, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...})  Line 7451	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x0300acc8,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x02ed5a78, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000000,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x02ed5a78)  Line 11703 + 0x25	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x0300acc8,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x02fb4ce0, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a682a8, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000001, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03081344, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000, int &
aHaltProcessing=0x0012f840)  Line 5983 + 0x1a	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00a682a8,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x02fb4ce0, nsIAtom * aTag=0x00a682a8, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x03081488, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000)  Line 7558 + 0x24	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x02fb56bc, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...})  Line 7451	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x02fb7818,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x0300acc8, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000001,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x0300acc8)  Line 11703 + 0x25	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructDocElementFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x02623898, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x02ef8760,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aDocElement=0x02fb7818,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x02fb4b0c, nsIFrame * & aNewFrame=0x02fb4ce0)  Line
4037	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x030ac280, nsIContent * aContainer=0x030ac280, nsIFrame *
aContainerFrame=0x02639238, nsIContent * aChild=0x0012d488, int
aIndexInContainer=0x00ae5b87, nsILayoutHistoryState * aFrameState=0x01d187c8,
int aInReinsertContent=0x030b40a0)  Line 8994	C++
 	gklayout.dll!PresShell::InitialReflow(int aWidth=0x00001a5e, int
aHeight=0x00001a5e)  Line 2721	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXULDocument::StartLayout()  Line 2157	C++
 	gklayout.dll!nsXULDocument::ResumeWalk()  Line 2978	C++
* request=0x03038bc0, nsISupports * aContext=0x00000000, unsigned int
aStatus=0x00000000)  Line 4119 + 0x8	C++
 	docshell.dll!nsDocumentOpenInfo::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *
request=0x03038bc0, nsISupports * aCtxt=0x00000000, unsigned int
aStatus=0x00000000)  Line 360	C++
 	chrome.dll!nsCachedChromeChannel::HandleStopLoadEvent(PLEvent *
aEvent=0x02fb7630)  Line 477	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * self=0x02fb7630)  Line 693	C
 	xpcom_core.dll!PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * self=0x00a40ef0)  Line
627 + 0x6	C
 	xpcom_core.dll!_md_EventReceiverProc(HWND__ * hwnd=0x0045013a, unsigned int
uMsg=0x0000c19b, unsigned int wParam=0x00000000, long lParam=0x00a40ef0)  Line
1434	C
 	gkwidget.dll!nsAppShell::Run()  Line 159	C++
 	appcomps.dll!nsAppStartup::Run()  Line 216	C++
 	mozilla.exe!main1(int argc=0x00000002, char * * argv=0x002a4c10, nsISupports *
nativeApp=0x64030a10)  Line 1321 + 0x9	C++
 	mozilla.exe!main(int argc=0x00000002, char * * argv=0x002a4c10)  Line 1813 +
0x13	C++
 	mozilla.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
__formal=0x00400000, char * args=0x0015231c, HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000)
 Line 1841 + 0x17	C++
 	mozilla.exe!WinMainCRTStartup()  Line 390 + 0x1b	C

-	obj	0x030a6ba0 {map=0x030a6ba8 {nrefs=0x00000000 ops=0x030a610d
{newObjectMap=0x64030a10 destroyObjectMap=0x00030a60 lookupProperty=0xa0000000
...} nslots=0x00000000 ...} slots=0x030a610c }	JSObject *
||-	map	0x030a6ba8 {nrefs=0x00000000 ops=0x030a610d {newObjectMap=0x64030a10
destroyObjectMap=0x00030a60 lookupProperty=0xa0000000 ...} nslots=0x00000000
...}	JSObjectMap *
||	nrefs	0x00000000	long
||-	ops	0x030a610d {newObjectMap=0x64030a10 destroyObjectMap=0x00030a60
lookupProperty=0xa0000000 ...}	JSObjectOps *
|||	newObjectMap	0x64030a10	JSObjectMap * (JSContext *, long, JSObjectOps *,
JSClass *, JSObject *)*
|||	destroyObjectMap	0x00030a60	void (JSContext *, JSObjectMap *)*
|||	lookupProperty	0xa0000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, JSObject * *,
JSProperty * *)*
|||	defineProperty	0x6501d856	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long, int
(JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)*, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long,
long *)*, unsigned int, JSProperty * *)*
|||	getProperty	0x68020bbb	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)*
|||	setProperty	0x60030a61	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)*
|||	getAttributes	0x00030a61	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, JSProperty *,
unsigned int *)*
|||	setAttributes	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, JSProperty *,
unsigned int *)*
|||	deleteProperty	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)*
|||	defaultValue	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, JSType, long *)*
|||	enumerate	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, JSIterateOp, long *, long *)*
|||	checkAccess	0xe4000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, JSAccessMode,
long *, unsigned int *)*
|||	thisObject	0x38030a60	JSObject * (JSContext *, JSObject *)*
|||	dropProperty	0x0000a53e	void (JSContext *, JSObject *, JSProperty *)*
|||	call	0x01000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *, long *)*
|||	construct	0x63800000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *,
long *)*
|||	xdrObject	0x60020bbb	int (JSXDRState *, JSObject * *)*
|||	hasInstance	0x00020bbb	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, int *)*
|||	setProto	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned long, JSObject *)*
|||	setParent	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned long, JSObject *)*
|||	mark	0x0e000000	unsigned long (JSContext *, JSObject *, void *)*
|||	clear	0x41000000	void (JSContext *, JSObject *)*
|||	getRequiredSlot	0x00000015	long (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned long)*
||\	setRequiredSlot	0x00000000	int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned long, long)*
||	nslots	0x00000000	unsigned long
|\	freeslot	0x00000000	unsigned long
\-	slots	0x030a610c	long *
 \		0x030a1010	long
if one of you could r+sr, that'd be wonderful.
Attachment #178858 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #178858 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
timeless: where did the last-ditch nest?  We haven't got to
nsEventReceiverSH::RegisterCompileHandler yet.

It's worrisome that DOM JSClass.addProperty hooks may GC.  The
JS_DefineUCProperty substrate (js_DefineNativeProperty) does not protect value
across the call-out to JSClass.addProperty.  Perhaps that's the bug to patch
here, but not with an ad-hoc global GC root.

Recommend minus'ing patch for now.

Attached patch fixSplinter Review
This ought to do it.

Attachment #178858 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #178862 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Assignee: timeless → brendan
Ever confirmed: true
Component: XBL → JavaScript Engine
Keywords: js1.5
OS: Windows XP → All
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8beta2
OS: All → Windows XP
Priority: P1 → --
QA Contact: ian → general
Hardware: All → PC
Target Milestone: mozilla1.8beta2 → ---
Attachment #178858 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #178858 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Fixed, thanks.

Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: testcase-
Crash Signature: [@ 00000015 - js_GetSlotThreadSafe]
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