Closed Bug 286004 Opened 20 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Crash with tr:hover, td:hover position:fixed on this Java applet testcase


(Core :: Web Painting, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: martijn.martijn, Assigned: roc)




(Keywords: crash, testcase)


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

See upcoming testcase. the java .class file comes from the url I gave here above.

Talkback ID's:
TB4322254W, TB4321921G and TB4321837Z
They all show something different.

I actually don't know what the right component of this bug should be.
Attached file Testcase (obsolete) —
Quickly hovering over the java file (or the text) should trigger the crash. (it
does for me within 10 times hovering over it).
Hmm, forget about the testcase, the java file doesn't seem to run in bugzilla.
But this one works (and crashes Mozilla when quickly hovering over the applet):
Forgot to mention, it seems to have something to do with this applet, I haven't
been able to crash with a different applet.
Also crashes Mozilla1.7 and Mozilla1.4.
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: crash
Attached file java console log
Using Java 1.5.0_01, I can crash trunk sm as well although not consistently and
the stacks are all different. The attached java console log shows the initial
page load up through the liveconnect: the url... line 13. Afterwards the
console messages are for moving the mouse over the text/page rapidly. It
sometimes crashes at around the "basic: Done ..." lines.
Martijn, do you still crash if you use nested divs (with "div { position: fixed
}") instead of using a table?
Yes, in fact only one div with div:hover{position:fixed} is enough for me to crash:
Want to attach that to this bug?

I assume that's the same crash I see in a debug build unloading the testcase in
bug 283385...
Oh, and this is totally views, looks like...
Assignee: live-connect → roc
Component: Java: Live Connect → Layout: View Rendering
Flags: blocking1.8b2?
QA Contact: pschwartau → ian
Attached file Testcase
Ok, this is the same testcase as mentioned in comment 8.
However, for me the Java applet won't load in the bugzilla url.
Attachment #177313 - Attachment is obsolete: true
The testcase don't crash directly anymore with 20050318 build (with the fix for
bug 283385 ), but they crash still when you close the tab or visit another url.
Duplicate of bug 285996? We'll see when I land the patch
Depends on: 285996
This is not fixed with the fix for bug 285996.
I tried the testcase (at ) 3 times.
The first time I crashed on reload, the second time Mozilla hanged and the the
third time Mozilla closed directly on hovering.
I just tried lots of hovering and clicking and reloading and it did not crash.
Flags: blocking1.8b3?
Flags: blocking1.8b2?
Flags: blocking1.8b2-
Martijn, whats the status on this one?, wfm winxp 2005060306
Sorry, because of some server issue all my files were wiped :-(
Like I said, you can only try to see if it crashes here:
The attached testcase at bugzilla won't work, because the Java applet won't load.
The current situation is that it still hangs/freezes my Firefox when quickly
hovering over the testcase. (in the status bar I get messages like "Applet
inited", "Applet started").
Martijn, when I load that URL the page is not found.
My provider accidently wiped out my webspace :(
The url should work again, now.
Flags: blocking1.8b3? → blocking1.8b3-
Blocks: 321106
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060519 Minefield/3.0a1

WFM with Java(TM) Plug-in 1.5.0_06-b05.
I still am able to crash with a 2006-05-22 trunk build on winxp, using Java build build 1.5.0_06-b05.
Talkback ID: TB19056511Z
jpinscp.dll + 0x73a1 (0x6d4273a1)
PresShell::EnumeratePlugins   PresShell::Freeze   DocumentViewerImpl::Destroy   DocumentViewerImpl::Show   nsPresContext::EnsureVisible   nsPluginInstanceOwner::Init   nsObjectFrame::PrepareInstanceOwner   nsObjectLoadingContent::Instantiate   0x290a2ebc
nsAccessibleWrap::AddRef   0x0a75c085
This was after hovering over the testcase a few times and then loading a new page.
Blocks: 353557
No longer blocks: 353557
After updating to Version 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_10-b03) of Java, I don't crash anymore with the testcase, so marking worksforme.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Component: Layout: View Rendering → Layout: Web Painting
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