Closed Bug 29904 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

search opens sidebar, overiding and confusing view-->sidebar setting


(SeaMonkey :: Search, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cmaximus, Assigned: bugs)



Overview Description: 

  There are certain search action that result in the sidebar 'poping open' to reveal search results in the search panel. This poping 
open happens regardless of whether you have the View menu set to show/hide the sidebar or not, with bad results.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1) Verify that you have have your pref set. Edit|Prefs--> Navigator>Internet Search>Search Results>click Open...

2) turn the sidebar off. View|Sidebar-->uncheck.

3) Type a search term in the url bar say, 'CMaximus'

4) Click the search button.

Actual Results: 

	The pref overides the menuchoice and the sidebar opens.

Expected Results: 

	Not sure. I think my menuchoice should be respected b/c the pref is default on but I had to physically and purposefully go 
and hide the sidebar.

Build Date & Platform Bug Found: 

This is an XP bug with all platforms on the 2000030113 builds.

Additional Information:
*** If this bug is fixed according to my 'expected results' then there's no further trouble. If it's decided that I'm wrong and the 
sidebar is going to pop open anyway, then there's more trouble...

after step 4 above
5) Select View|Sidebar (becomes checked). It disappears.
6) Select View|Sidebar (becomes unchecked). It reappears.
7) Click on the center of slider widget to close sidebar. Nothing on earth will cause it to reopen.

So the show/hide fro mthe View menu becomes inverted and we get into some bad trap where you can't open the sidebar w/o a 
johng, we need a decision on when the sidebar should pop open
Assignee: matt → ben
yes this is a tricky one. cc'ing german too. we no longer use the search window 
so opening that is a noop. 
*** Bug 31529 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 32439 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 32439 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
not a priority, pushing out as far as possible.
Target Milestone: --- → M20
M20? - No way. Have you tried this? It ends up disabling the sidebar. As long as we have a search panel this will be a problem. A 
design decision needs to be made as to which preference will supercede the other. We can't push off this decision arbitrarily.
Move to M21 target milestone.
Target Milestone: M20 → M21
Since either action might be the "right answer", I recommend we keep this as is 
with the pref over-riding the menu-choice.

Claudius, you mentioned that this "ends up disabling the sidebar".  That sounds 
like a different bug - please open a new one that deals with that issue.

Marking *this* bug as "Won't Fix".
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
this actually somehow got fixed.
The key is that with the pref on but the sidebar off (unchecked) doing a search still pops the sidebar open BUT NOW the Search|
Sidebar menuitem becomes checked - in effect turning the sidebar back on. So now that the menu and the sidebar remain in sync 
there are no bad interactions(like the sidebar not working) which is really why I wrote the bug in the first place. None of that 
matters now because it's fixed.

w.r.t. the other part johng is concerned about (iffy UE with sidebar annoyingly popping open although i think I've just turned it off)  
it looks like the decision has been made there. However, I do have one nagging question. With things as they stand now, will 
every Tom, Dick, and Harry Third Party panel provider be able to pop open my sidebar even though I believe I've turned it off via 
the View menu AND there is no pref to control their(=all panels but Search) behavior?

I don't know if Third Parties get that kind of control (via javascript), if they do then the issue above warrants discussion and I'd be 
happy to open a UI or Sidebar bug for it. Otherwise, I'll happily pipe down.
The only way My Sidebar opens is if the user visits a web page of search results 
 that are specially identified in the Sherlock file they already have loaded.  
In others words, unless the url is listed in the Sherlock file loaded in the 
client, no web site provider can force the sidebar open.

Claudius, that should take care of your concern.
note to self. This issue is resolved via the Navigator|Internet Search|Search
Results pref. It is default on and will cause the sidebar to open when results
are available. The View menu setting is toggled accordingly to match when the
sidebar is then surprisingly(because no one knows the pref is there) popped open.
note to self. This issue is resolved via the Navigator|Internet Search|Search
Results pref. It is default on and will cause the sidebar to open when results
are available. The View menu setting is toggled accordingly to match when the
sidebar is then surprisingly(because no one knows the pref is there) popped open.

Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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