Closed Bug 323319 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Cannot forward forwarded email attachments without forwarding the containing mail


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jack, Assigned: mscott)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060112 Firefox/1.6a1
Build Identifier: 

Suppose Adam receives a mail; he forwards it to Bill as an attachment, and adds some notes that are relevant only to Bill.  Bill reads the attached (forwarded) mail in thunderbird, as well as the new message in the containing mail from Adam. Bill decides that Carl needs a copy of the forwarded mail (assume there is no privacy concern), but not Adam's additional message for Bill.  There is no way in thunderbird to forward the attached mail;  In fact, there are misleading indicators that would suggest that the attached mail should be forwardable, but the "forward" button that appears in a message window for an attached message does nothing.

This is probably obvious, but the important characteristic is that there is a complete email message stored as an attachment in another email message;  Whether it was attached from a file or someone actually clicked "forward" is irrelevant.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.  Receive forwarded email (forwarded as attachment)
2.  select the email in the main message list. The message appears in the message pane, with the attachment visible at the bottom of the message pane.
3.  doubleclick the attached message at the bottom of the message pane -- a new window appears with the forwarded message; Note that it looks exactly like the message window for the forwarder would have.
4. Click the "forward" button (it is not gray).

Actual Results:  
Nothing happens (the button looks pressed, and returns to normal when the mouse button is released)

Expected Results:  
An icon for the forwarded mail / attachment should appear in the "attachments" pane of a new composition window, i.e. that complete message from the attachment will be attached to the new composition.

You can't do "Save As..." or many other things either from the message window for an attached email.  You can do "save as" from the attachment pane of the containing message's message window or message pane.

Since we have a "Forward" button that does nothing, I consider this a bug, however one could also say the bug is that the forward button is not gray, and that actually forwarding the forwarded message would be a feature enhancement, not a bug.  I think it's a matter of opinion, and maybe this should be re-worded as an enhancement request.  Regardless, I think we should be able to forward forwarded (attached) mail.

This is of particular interest to me because I want to be able to forward spam that was an attachment in a spamassassin mail to spamcop without moving the attachment using mutt or copying and pasting from the message source.

Also, this seems to apply to Saved messages which are subsequently opened from an .eml (single email) file, and that might be another matter or it may be the same sort of thing.
Related to/duplicate of Core bug 204350?
This has been fixed on the trunk.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 204350 ***
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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