Closed Bug 33571 Opened 24 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Make text-like documents of testing procedures.


(Webtools Graveyard :: Litmus, defect, P3)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: croberts, Assigned: litmus)


Details asked me to make a bug for this. 

I would like the testing procedures as an MS Word document so I can print them 
out and check off each item as I test it. I think one Word document for each 
Mozilla component would be good. So, one document for the Browser testing, one 
for Mail/news testing, one for editor testing, one for calendar testing, etc.

Thank you.
is Word really a good answer here?
Assignee: mitchell → cbegle
Why word? Couldn't we just use a text document. By testing procedures, 
do you mean just the smoketests or ALL the tests? This shouldn't be to 
hard to do.
This would be a good feature idea for testmanager. thx for the idea!
If someone still cares about this bug, it's probably zach. 
Reassigning to zach. Can you have a look and decide what to do with it?
Moving from Miscellaneous to component for now (trying to
clean up the former a bit).
Assignee: cbegle → zach
Component: Miscellaneous →
This is really a testmanager bug. Sending over there. Also, calling this 
'text-like' since word is not the right answer here. 
Component: → TestManager
Product: → Webtools
QA Contact: asa
Summary: Make Word documents of testing procedures. → Make text-like documents of testing procedures.
*** Bug 75319 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Mass-reassign to
Assignee: zach → litmus
Can we use XHTML for this? CSS? After the page renders it can be printed to obtain a nice looking hard-copy. Can you force pagebreaks in CSS for media: print?
This bug sounds like it might still have some utility. Is anyone still clamoring for this, or can I close this?
QA Contact: asa → litmus
I think this has been covered now by the Print Testcases functionality in View Tests.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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