Closed Bug 34490 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

The location field SEARCH button does not work


(SeaMonkey :: Search, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cmaximus, Assigned: bugs)


(Keywords: platform-parity, Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+])

Overview Description: Very straightforward, the search button (next to the location field) does not work on Mac. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Type something in the location field. 2) Click SEARCH. Actual Results: Nada. Nothing. You get the depressed button look but nothing happens Expected Results: Do a search on the text. Build Date & Platform Bug Found: MAC ONLY. This bug actually showed up in the 2000040309 Mac build(was a part of bug 34321) and is still evident in the 2000040410 builds. Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Tested on Linux and WinNT builds and not a problem with 2000040409 builds.
updating for today: with 2000041706(M15) builds this bug still remains a MAC only problem after checking WinNT and RHLinux6.
adding pp keyword --pls remove if seen on windows or linux (in either m15 or m16). thx!
Keywords: pp
this applies to mozilla bits as well. Combined with bug 35032 there is no workaround and therefore no search functionality at all on the Mac.
cc'ing rjc (like i should've long ago) and submitting for nsbeta2. THERE IS NO SEARCH ON THE MAC. This bug and bug 35032 probably have the same root cause. Some further testing has shown that the search button doesn't work when the location field is 'dirty' (you've typed something there) but seems to work when just the url for the page you're viewing is showing. I'm hoping this is just a packaging issue as I just checked a debug Mac build and everything is fine there.
Keywords: nsbeta2
I tried this an i can't figure it out. I have to check into it deeper.
Putting on [nsbeta2+] radar.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+]
still occurs using moz opt bits, 2000.04.26.11. now i get a timeout error dialog when i try to do a search.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I am not seeing this with 200008104, mac os 8.5. Commenting verified
VERIFIED WFM on the M17 Branch (2000073104) thanx Zach
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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