Closed Bug 359311 Opened 18 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Add Indexed Search to Penelope


(Penelope Graveyard :: General, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mdudziak, Assigned: gwenger)



Should we add indexed search to Penelope? 

Indexed search is used in Windows Eudora  7.x and greatly improves search speed. Problem is that the code used to perform the indexing is NOT open source. We would need to investigate an open-source indexing engine that could be integrated into Penelope.
love this feature
I think we should try leveraging services from the operating system where available, i.e. Spotlight on Mac OS X etc.
Assignee: mozilla-bugs → gwenger
Severity: minor → enhancement
Yes to Spotlight, smart mailboxes, etc.
I'm not sure what this is really about. The wiki page describes this bug as "fast, integrated search", which is what Mac Eudora already has. But on bugzilla here, it is described as "Add Indexed Search to Penelope" which is an entirely different thing.

Some people like Spotlight. I dislike its unfocussed approach. If I am looking for text that I know is in a mail message, I don't want to have to search through a thousand other hits looking for the mail message. I also like all the info the current search displays, and all the tools able to be used to find the particular message you are after (sort by date, sender, subject, mailbox, etc, and especially Option/click on a field to group all messages with the same field value.)
The description here says that indexed search greatly improves search speed. Mac Eudora on a 5 year old Mac can still do a full-text search of over 20000 messages in less than 20 seconds. Does it need to be any faster?
I agree with David Morrison -- Mac Eudora search is fast as it is (without being "indexed"?) and Spotlight is *not* what we want.
The current search speed is fast enough for all my purposes.  Adding Spotlight compatibility would be nice, but I don't really need it.
Apologies if I get this wrong, this is my first post.

I would certainly like to see an indexed search.
I would also like the ability to use the "Next" and "Previous" message commands in the search results box.
  I would love to keep the fast searching currently in Eudora.  As a Windows user, and most of the comments so far seem to be from Mac users, I know nothing of Spotlight, but I've been greatly impressed with Eudora's increased speed in version 7, and the way it presents its results, over what I used before in version 3.
  This probably isn't the correct place to say it, but I don't know where else, so I want to ask where the name "Penelope" came from?  Personally I don't like it, and I can't think of any connection between the name "Penelope" and the name "Eudora".  Can the name "Eudora" not be kept because of copyright restrictions?  I the name "Eudora" can be kept, I say let's keep it.  If not, how about something like "Welty", which follows logically from Eudora if nothing else?
When Eudora 7 was released for Windows, I immediately upgraded to get the improved search. Quite honestly, it has substantially changed email for me. The search is so incredibly fast compared to what it was with Eudora 6 on Windows that I use it constantly. 

Maybe a search in "under 20 seconds" sounds fast (mentioned in a previous comment), but I just searched 254 mailboxes with many tens of thousands of messages in about a second. (I'm guessing at least 100,000 messages.) For managing large amounts of email, this completely changed how I use email: I used to rarely do searches, and now I do them constantly. A common thing I do is:

search for term
refine search
search again
Maybe refine and search again. Aha! There's the email I wanted.

I can do this iterative searching in less time than it used to take me to do a single search. 

Think about the impact that Google and other search engines have had: their search is blindingly fast, and that's a huge part of the user experience. Indexed search has been wonderful for me, and is the main reason I am scared about Eudora moving to Thunderbird: I don't think I'll switch until I have search that is as good as I have now. I'm serious: this is one of the top 2 or 3 features in Eudora 7, from my perspective. 

I'll admit that people with less email will find it less beneficial. I don't think my parents would appreciate the speedy search much at all. I think that indexed search mainly helps people that use email heavily and keep lots of old email for archival purposes. 

It's been a long time since I've tried out Thunderbird, but I really liked the saved searches: a search that looks like a mailbox. But I was frustrated with how slow it was. If Eudora/Thunderbird/Penelope had a Saved Search (Virtual Mailbox) backed by indexed search, it would be the next big leap for me. I would like to keep all of my email in the Inbox (or maybe one Inbox per month for scalability), and never open it, but I would have many virtual mailboxes:

  * One virtual mailbox for recent messages
  * One virtual mailbox for email to me (not mailing list) that is unread
  * One virtual mailbox per mailing list
  * One virtual mailbox for each person I communicate with often. (Maybe 50-100
  * One virtual mailbox for everyone in my family
  * One virtual mailbox for each recent discussion that is really important
    to me. (Maybe 10 active at any given time.)

I have a subset of this now, but each message can only appear in one mailbox, so it's not nearly as convenient as this would be. Indexed search would make this happen so nicely. 

The one thing I wish was better about Eudora 7's indexed search is the interface. It's a bit clunky because I can only remove the last search search criteria. Sometimes I do something like this:

Search Anywhere for Eudora
Search From for
Hmmm... Can't find it:
Remove Search From
Change Search Anywhere to Search From for

If I could just remove the "Search anywhere", it would be simpler and faster. But this is a relatively small tweak. I love Eudora's indexed search. 

Yes, this is as 'must have' for me.  Eudora 7's search function blew me away when I first tried it.  I agree with others that the search interface is a bit clunky, and something like Thunderbird's saved search/virtual mailbox combined with the fast search would be killer.
This sounds like a good idea, provided that the two approaches are treated as distinct functions. Though the idea of virtually grouped messages is appealing, it will still be useful to be able to perform fast searches without them being stored for subsequent use (or resulting to bloated index files). Speaking for myself, I do so many one-off searches that to have them pile up would defeat the purpose of their retention!
I agree that one-off searches and saved-searches/virtual mailboxes should be distinct. I too have many one-off searches. But they're both useful, and better with indexed searches!
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Resolution: FIXED → ---
*** Bug 362328 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Of course search has to be indexed. This is after all a software release for 2007. Though Eudora is amazingly fast scanning through my 50 000 messages every time I search, 20 seconds is still plenty more than the average 0.5 seconds my colleagues spend searching in Apples Mail using Spotlight-technology.

My initial comment on this bug regarding Spotlight was just to say that instead of writing an indexed, cross platform search engine of our own we should try to use existing technologies where available. Spotlight is one of those. Don't mistake Spotlight for the searchbox in the upper right corner of your screen. It's a technology built in to the operating system as a whole. It's also available to applications through APIs. Meaning Penelope on Mac could use Spotlight to search its mail store and present the results to the user any way we wish.

You can read more here:

For Vista, Windows search would be the natural choice:

Similar approaches are beginning to develop for other operating systems as well:
(In reply to comment #14)
> *** Bug 362328 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Bug # 359311 deals with fast indexed searching for Eudora, I was hoping not to cloud the general Eudora Search discussion with MacOSX presentation issues. 

Whilst it is true that Spotlight provides APIs and other core technology that can be used to improve Eudora's searching capabilities, what MacOS users expect is simple, seamless intergration with the OS level features that make the MacOS what it is.

The current situation where a spotlight search with a positive hit for a Eudora message shows the entire mailbox as the result does not meet that goal in the same way that Apple Mail does.

Regardless of the nature, speed and implementation of search in Eudora for Windows and Mac, I would suggest that for MacOS X users (especially those of us who store information in forms in addition to e mail), spotlight intergration is extremely important. I for one am finding that having a fast system-wide search is valuable, and having to search once in Spotlight and once in Eudora for complete coverage is a pain!

Fundamentally, Eudora revisions could come to the Mac initially without having to re-invent the search wheel by leveraging Spotlight.
"Indexed" search isn't required, just search at least as good as in Eudora is - if the technology for that is to use indexed search that's fine, but the user-level feature is surely what we ask for/vote on.

And on a Mac being able to do a search from the Finder and open an individual found message in Penelope is of course highly desirable. This may suggest that searches done in Penelope itself should use the same MacOS services (e.g. spotlight), but again that a technical implementation issue not a user-level request.
I have 20 years worth of emails and definitely appreciate the new indexed search feature.  
A possible solution for this bug is to store the mails in a rational database. I filed bug 364808 and if you agree, vote for it. Unlike the Mozilla Corp developers, the Qualcomm guys seem to care about Bugzilla votes.

ok I think we need to separate these discussions as the Mac users have some wazoo macware that will take care of the issues. Quite frankly I love the eudora search using x1 technology as it is much faster than the old version 6x. But it is proprietary. Also I say we leave search to the experts like google and x1 and concentrate on core competencies like open source msgs and sorting and mailboxes so that google and or x1 free version can just index eudora like they do now (well at least x1 does eudora) Also the free version of x1 is here <> and I do use it for searching eudora and it has all the same functionality and speed. Also search really is a hard drive/OS wide issue as I need to search all my docs not just the email text. I need all the attachments and other word/excel docs too. System wide.
FWIW, the Mac solution (Spotlight) is dysfunctional (slows down the machine, error-prone).  Eudora search is MUCH faster, and is the main reason that I still use Eudora.
FWIW, because of Eudora's very fast and multi-factored searches, I still use it. And because of its mailbox structure. I fact, I use it to store text from other sources such as websites that publish articles of interest that may not stay posted on the web. In short, it is functioning for me not merely as an e-mail client, but also as a vital repository of learning, a text database. The lightning fast searches on as many as 16 variables per search is spectacular.
I like this feature very much, because I use e-mail almost like a personal journal. I have Eudora e-mail going back to 1995, and if I couldn't search it in a fast and efficient way, about 50% of its utility would disappear.

I often use Google Desktop Search at the office to search Outlook, because its search functionality is so relatively weak by comparison. I used Copernic Desktop Search on my home computer for awhile, because it indexed Eudora e-mail, but I didn't find its search to be significantly better than the internal search engine. However if you can't integrate indexed search, you can always advise users to use Copernic as a backup. (I know, I know... Heresy!)
I found the free (which yahoo adopted for a while) to be very Eudora friendly and much better than any other product out there for free

My feeling on Eudora is to leave the spam issue to google mail and the search features to a search co. Lets not recreate the wheel too much. The Eudora 7.0 search by the way incorporated all the x1 technology <>
I am more Alain Roy or Mark S. kind of guy - having 400'000+ legacy e-mails. See comments #10,#23. (Except I love filtres and mailboxes, so I can read every single e-mail in that mailbox. Also it's safer if all d/b gets corrupted, I loose a lot more than once it happens to one mailbox.)

None of other existing e-mail clients gives me this fast search and handy filtering flexibility as Eudora does now! (The only my as Eudora user's headaches come from my oversees Outlook using colleagues that complain about loosing table etc. HTML formatting in my replies and damaging texts in unicode charset).

Indexing. I paid for Eudora license for 3 reasons:
(1) filter rules for mailboxes, including regexp
(2) specific search options, including mailboxes, regexp, header fields, attachment related,..
(3) indexed search, now Eudora uses x1 (really fast!)

Not only (1) and (2) but also option to have (3) is a must in Penelope be it integrated with x1 or google! Even for additional money! Whoever goes with Penelope - google or x1 - it's fine! Both provides desktop search clients free. 

I have 400+K legacy Eudora e-mails on my PC and every day I receive some 500 more. Some of them are spam but approx a third are valuable, work related. I don't manage to read them all but sometimes I need to search for them! Being a manager indexed search gives me ability to search for a word or phrase within *less than 1 sec*, and finds all the related e-mail history. If there is lot of e-mails, I select specific mailboxes, other search refinement options, and sort results by date. I use it as my managerial tool.

I would suggest also to add feature
(4) [indexed] search within attachments - plain files, office docs, and archives - so that the result would be shown as list of e-mails. (I agree with Steve, Comment #20).

But that's probably more google desktop search related feature.. Having google desktop search integrated with Penelope the same way as it's now integrated with Outlook would help very much. However, I would be happy to see e-mails as a list with columns (now there are mailbox, who, date, subject) and I need ability to sort at least by date. John, I agree! Next,Previous would help! (Comment #8)

That said I add my thoughts to what is said by other commentators:

Comment #4 David, x1 in Eudora now gives answer to search of all the e-mail database of 400+K e-mails in less than a second. Having your suggested speed 1sec/1K messages for a conventional search would let me wait for 400sec (6+min). That's unacceptable!

Comment #10. Agree, also about virtual mailboxes (defined by filter functions). Precondition - mailbox does not corrupt with huge amount of e-mails, in Eudora it happened several times. :(

Comment #21. Agree. Besides - as Win user I have not noticed that google desktop search would slow down PC after 1st indexing is done. And search results are shown immediate.

I vote for the fastest way to provide indexing in Penelope, even it would be for a reasonable charge.
I suggest that indexing is provided by some 3rd party solution (x1, google, Copernic,..) but Penelope developers should try to agree with them that Penelope client can use some API to make parametrized search calls - specifying all the variety (or at least reasonable subset) of parameters as available now in Eudora. 
I would prefer that results of search are presented in a listbox like now in Eudora (but with Next,Previous options). However, I would be happy also about compromise - if search result is shown in a browser like does e.g. google desktop if it makes the feature available faster, and I should have an option to sort results at least by e-mail date. 
The best search going
I am strongly in favour of leaving Eudora mail boxes in plain text, or something very close. (bear with me; it's relevant) That means NOT in any database. If that approach is followed, then I believe indexed search is probably unnecessary. I can use Google desktop to index those plain text mailboxes and retrieve any e-mail message blindingly fast. No need to duplicate a search engine in Penelope itself. I'm also in favour of KISS; not bloatware.
Searching as in 6.2.3 of Mac OS X version is fast enough
(In reply to comment #28)
> Searching as in 6.2.3 of Mac OS X version is fast enough
I use Eudora over anything else for three reasons:

1) fast search
2) text format mailboxes
3) ability to change a received subject line (for search purposes)

Eudora's search result behaves like a mailbox, and that too is very very useful !!
I do not wish to install Google Desktop, or use the inferior Spotlight.  I want Eudora's mailbox-like search result, from which I can drag and drop.

It's not only about finding a message.  It's often about finding a misfiled message and dragging it to the correct mailbox or changing its subject line.

In other words:  the interface issue is just as important as the speed.

Quick comment:
The PRESENT search engine of Eudora version 7 is really what we want to keep in Penelope (as such or behaving in a similar way).  It IS really useful.  
And Dainis Geidmanis wrote:  "...However, I would be happy also about
compromise - if search result is shown in a browser like does e.g. google
desktop if it makes the feature available faster, and I should have an option
to sort results at least by e-mail date"

Well, no!  the fact that the search result is now presented by Eudora as any other mailbox is a very important feature for the users.  If the result came in a browser window, I could not do the useful things I can do now:

drag a message from the result window into another mailbox,

see the body of a message in the preview pane,

open the maibox of a message by clicking in the mailbox column of the result,

etc., etc.

Once again, this discussion should not only be about the SPEED, but also, and with equal emphasis, about the USER INTERFACE of the result of the search.

My productivity comes from how fast I can do things AND how few errors I make.

Anyway, I do not really understand the problem:  if the source code is now available, then surely there is no problem in just keeping at least what there is now.  Or have I missed something?
I love the search feature in 7.0.  It has transformed the way I manage and use email.  While I still folder stuff I never stress about finding it again since I can always search.  So I vote for including search if possible.  If not we should identify a well-integrated third party search application.  Bob Mack
Sorry, I do not think that we are addressing the search problem correctly.

The fast search in Eudora is a productivity tool.  It should be incorporated into the application.
If for some reason it is not incorporated, then any external solution will be vastly inferior to what exists now.

Is the code for the current fast search available or is it not?  And if it is, why not just use it?

I know very well that I am not a programmer at anywhere near the level of the others in this forum, but I am a user.  As a user, I plead very strongly for an embedded fast search with all the interface qualities that the current search in Eudora offers.

Robert Cailliau
(In reply to comment #33)
> Sorry, I do not think that we are addressing the search problem correctly.
> The fast search in Eudora is a productivity tool.  It should be incorporated
> into the application.
> If for some reason it is not incorporated, then any external solution will be
> vastly inferior to what exists now.
> Is the code for the current fast search available or is it not?  And if it is,
> why not just use it?
> I know very well that I am not a programmer at anywhere near the level of the
> others in this forum, but I am a user.  As a user, I plead very strongly for an
> embedded fast search with all the interface qualities that the current search
> in Eudora offers.
> Robert Cailliau

see comment 20 above
I echo comments 31 and 32 strongly. Search in Eudora 7 has been terrific and should be just as integrated in Penelope. Searching on date, attachment count, being able to "OR," and using various fields have all been essential, not trifling, features. I agree that it's not just the speed but the usability of search that has been essential. Let's put it another way -- when I evaluated Thunderbird recently, its deficiencies in search prompted me to stop, look for extensions (which were disappointing) and then postpone migration from Eudora. 
David Grosof
(In reply to comment #19)
> A possible solution for this bug is to store the mails in a rational database.
> I filed bug 364808 and if you agree, vote for it. Unlike the Mozilla Corp
> developers, the Qualcomm guys seem to care about Bugzilla votes.

Thunderbird uses a relational database for message store. And it's pretty fast depending on HW. This was one of the reasons I switched over from Eudora to Thunderbird. The fact that Tbird can save search queries is an enhancement on top of Eudora's fast searches.

-- Tim
(In reply to comment #30)
> Quick comment:
> The PRESENT search engine of Eudora version 7 is really what we want to keep in
> Penelope (as such or behaving in a similar way).  It IS really useful.  

Totally agree but I saw that one feature is missing.
In Eudora you could search "anywhere" in the message.
This feature is absent in Penelope where you can search "body", "from", "To", etc., but there is no such a tag as "everywhere" that was really useful


Search "Anywhere":  absolutely agree!
In my FileMaker data bases I had to make a special computed field that concatenated all other fields to allow me to search "anywhere".  "Anywhere" is the field equivalent of the wildcard in search terms.
This is indeed essential.

And once again, the result of a search must look and behave exactly like any other mailbox.

This wonderful Anywhere search feature IS ESSENTIAL for me
Otherwise I'll have to stick to my present Eudora 7
The search is VITAL for me. I have been using Eudora since 1996 or 1997 (I'm too old to remember, lol)

I have NEVER used Outlook in any form, before Eudora I used Netscape and I'm not willing to learn to use Outlook either.

Since I am not a coder in any sense of the word, I can't help much, but I will vote for my favorite features and provide as much feedback as I can.

My entire life is in Eudora. It's been on at least 15 computers and I still have my old trash and out mailboxes from the 90's.

I am lucky in that I still am using my 7.01 paid version, but one of these days, I'll lose the install file or switch to Vista (ugggggh) and it'll be gone.

Please keep the search, I use it 20 times a day to find business mail, customer comments, recipes, serial nos for my programs, etc.

Thanks for working on this guys, there are a lot of us out there that still need Eudora.
(In reply to comment #0)
> Should we add indexed search to Penelope? 
> Indexed search is used in Windows Eudora  7.x and greatly improves search
> speed. Problem is that the code used to perform the indexing is NOT open
> source. We would need to investigate an open-source indexing engine that could
> be integrated into Penelope.

Yes, sure. This is what makes one more uniquie feature as we used to do with X1 fast index on Eudora 7
Priority: -- → P5
What I wish is that someone would come out with a version that will work with Vista 64 bit. Evrn if I have to pay for it.

This discussion has been going on for a year. Is there any program in sight?
(In reply to comment #42)
> What I wish is that someone would come out with a version that will work with
> Vista 64 bit. Evrn if I have to pay for it.
> This discussion has been going on for a year. Is there any program in sight?

Sorry, but there isn't going to be an update to the Classic Eudora. Though it SHOULD work with 64-bit vista.

This bug is for adding some sort of indexed search to the mozilla-based Eudora. There is no work taking place that I am aware of (which means the Penelope team is not working on indexed search at this time). It is on our radar as a future addition, but we have other priorities. 
Priority: P5 → P3
Indexed Search is a no-brainer, why is the question being asked?

Eudora 7.1 is such a GREAT product, I do not understand why there all these questions about what should or should not be included. Thunderbird mimics Outlook (dog's breath) and Eudora / Penelope can save it.

A proper search like Eudora has is essential. Compared to Microsoft's pathetic Outlook, Eudora is king! 
But as someone pointed out, that means removing attachments to another directory. Again, that's a no brainer - of course they should be.

PS As a newbie, how does one vote on this system? I can't see a vote button!
This is a unique feature that keeps me using Eudora 7.1. My colleagues with Thunderbird often ask me to find in emails, I sent them. This is faster as TB searches also in attachments and it has no option to skip them. Together with bug 359319, this is a must for version 8.
I agree totally:  I know that one day I will have to drop Eudora, but for now, the *user interface* to the search is the most important feature that keeps me there.  I repeat that I would consider it a severe step backwards to try to use the badly designed MacOSX Spotlight or whatever other search engine outside Eudora unless the interface is preserved.

It is the *way the presentation of the search result integrates* with mailboxes, drag-and-drop inside Eudora, maibox windows, etc. etc. that is the important feature.

If you can give that presentation while using some other search engine behind the scenes, I don't care.

An entirely different feature that I sorely miss in Eudora is the ability to move a maibox plus its attachments to a place outside the mail folder.  Eudora has only one attachments folder and it it therefore well-nigh impossible to archive a mailbox because it is very difficult to extract the attachments.  But that's a different issue.
I totally agree EFFICIENT AND VERSATILE SEARCH (must be indexed, of course) linked with the tool to move e-mails to specific mail boxes is a MUST.

I am longing for this new Eudora with will offer the same efficiency than Eurora 7 in : 
3) anti-spam, 
and will add better formatting support (Eud7 lacks table support and unicode support, and this is to me the only drawback)
I vote for this indexed find feature, big-time.
For the nonce, here's a workaround.  XP, beta5
I run X1 Professional Client 6.2, built 3591
I'm not surew where I got it . . . you see, I bought an X1 license years ago (X1 was developed nearby, by acquaintances), but I recently downloaded it from Yahoo search.  Don't know which I'm running.
In X1, click on tools / options / email.
There's no longer a Eudora tab, for reasons known to all; but there's a Thunderbid tab.
I clicked on that and then on "select folders scan".
X1 obediently found the Penelope / Eudora / Thunderbird files.
I set the index timing option to every day at 3 AM, and also "start indexing now".
OK/Apply.  X1 happily began to index my 200,000 imported Eudora messages (and continues).
Now I clicked on X1's built-in "Email tab" and found the usual columns, and the famous X1 find-as-you-type feature.
Life is not perfect:
1.  There's no direct communication from X1 to Penelope.
2.  I've not yet found the column equivalent to "message body"; perhapos there is none.
But life has improved a lot.
Actually, X1 does index the entire message by default.
So, life is better than expected, and the only remaining hassle is:
 no direct click-communication between X1 & Penelope.
Actually, you can access Penelope / Eudora by right-clicking on any X1 entry (reply, forward, etc).  So life is perfect!

Here is a revised versionj of my 3 posts; you can delete the first two!

I vote for this indexed find feature, big-time.
For the nonce, here's a very good workaround.  XP, beta5
I run X1 Professional Client 6.2, built 3591
I'm not sure where I got it . . . you see, I bought an X1 license years ago
(X1 was developed nearby, by acquaintances), but I recently downloaded it from
Yahoo search.  Don't know which I'm running.
In X1, click on tools / options / email.
There's no longer a Eudora tab, for reasons known to all; but there's a
Thunderbid tab.
I clicked on that and then on "select folders scan".
X1 obediently found the Penelope / Eudora / Thunderbird files.
I set the index timing option to every day at 3 AM, and also "start indexing
OK/Apply.  X1 happily began to index my 200,000 imported Eudora messages (and
Now I clicked on X1's built-in "Email tab" and found the usual columns, and the
famous X1 find-as-you-type feature.
You can adjust columns as usual in X1.
X1 indexes the entire text of each message by default.
By right-clicking on each message within X1, one can reply, forward, etc.
Seems over 3 years that everybody agreed that Thunbderbird misses a couple of features to be usable for Eudora 7 mail-intensive users.
( Integrated Fast indexing/search + Delete from server ) 
A number of other features are very important but they'd be trivial to implement (maybe they are now) like attachment handling etc.

Is it really useful to continue to pile up messages hammering the same song ?
If TB is a dead project, it would be better for us to know and maybe it should be transferred to a commercial company ?

I purchased Copernic Desktop Search but I use it for my word processing files, but I keep using Eudora 7, though CDS can easily index (Eudora or) Thunderbird mail boxes.
I paid for CDS, I paid (several times) for Eudora despite annoying bugs, nearly unexisting tech support and slow bug fixes, and I would pay for a true replacement of Eudora.
Indexed search has been added. Marking fixed (even though that may not be the 'mozilla way').
Closed: 18 years ago15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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