Closed Bug 36081 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

javascript: URLs bring up new blank page


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: nlilly, Assigned: adamlock)




(Keywords: embed, Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-])

In this page there are several <Div> elements that are hidden.  The goal is to
use a visible link to reveal the hidden div thus exposing specific subsets of
links.  Unfortunately, while the scripting can be made to easily expose and hide
the divisions the links from the other divs seem to displace them (even when
hidden).  If you scroll down the page, hidden links  are discoverable on a hit
or miss basis.

In netscape 4x, hidden links disappear completely from the linkable environs.
This leaves only the links of the visible divs and the links coincide with the
visible links...

This seems similar to bug# 29057
Component: All → Layout
Product: Architecture → Browser
Version: 5.0 → other
--> layout
Assignee: waterson → troy
QA Contact: shaver → petersen
On what build are you testing?   This looks like a duplicate of bug 12232 or bug
21304, which were fixed a while ago.
The event handling issues here are fixed.  See duplicate bugs mentioned above. 
I'll assume the reporter was using M14 or NSbeta1 (or earlier).

However, clicking on the javascript: URLs on the page (which almost all of the
ones on the left edge are) causes a blank page to be loaded that has the
javascript: URL in the URL bar.  That's not what should happen...

Changing component to docshell (a guess) and reassigning...
Assignee: troy → travis
Component: Layout → Embedding: Docshell
QA Contact: petersen → travis
Summary: Hidden divs in cascading styles affect link positions... → javascript: URLs bring up new blank page
There are two problems here:
 * There's a JS error that says the function showlayer() isn't defined.
 * A blank page is loaded for a JS URL if the function in the URL isn't defined.
Keywords: embed
Travis no longer works here. reassigning ownerless bugs to docshell owner,
valeski for further triage.
Assignee: travis → valeski
Keywords: nsbeta3
Assignee: valeski → adamlock
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-]
Target Milestone: --- → M19
wfm windows 98 100704
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
This seems to be functioning correctly now. Marking WORKSFORME
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