Closed Bug 38707 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

[CCK]Allow branding in Mail Account Wizard username/pwd dialog


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Account Configuration, defect, P3)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: robinf, Assigned: racham)



(Whiteboard: [NEED INFO])


(1 file)

Provide ability to incorporate CCK wizard customizations into Mail Account 
Wizard's User name and password screen during new account setup. We want the 
User name and password screen to be able to accept the following customizations 
from the CCK wizard: Name of ISP, ISP logo graphic, and ISP tech support phone 
we should be putting this into the ISP's RDF file. (like aol.rdf)
I am not sure if we should start branding dialogs and wizards in the product.
Bij, this is the best replacement for the internet account setup we used to do.
 In addition, this is a great service for the end-user since they could end up
at this dialog without knowing how to find the information necessary to complete
the setup.  Finally, it's a branding point that really costs us nothing but can
be valuable to the distributor.
Is this branding value worth exposing in the CCK wizard?  If we can brand the 
Mail wizard, why not the IM setup wizard?  Should we make this a manual 
FYI, we already have a screen in the CCK wizard (disabled for PR1) where 
the ISP can enter these three customizations (it's the "Internet Setup - Part 
Two") screen. 
the branding is kind of a manual thing - basically the ISP can provide an image
file which will appear in the wizard.
Robin, can you mockup some screens so we can see what the wizard screens will 
look like.  Basically, I feel that they might get crowded.  If we do this for 
the Mail wizard, why not the IM setup wizard.
jglick is our queen of screenshots, adding her to the CC
Changing summary to reflect this request.  Marking M17.
Summary: Provide ability to incorporate CCK wizard customizations into Mail Account Wizard → Allow branding in Mail Account Wizard username/pwd dialog
Target Milestone: --- → M17
Please restrict the comments in this bug to the topic of this bug.  If you want
CCK to do something or you want AIM to do something, please file separate bugs
for those requests.
Robin, I am looking for a Mail wizard icon that a Seamonkey end user will see.  
Basically, I can not see much space for Netscape branding.  Also, we will need 
to get the UI group involved.  If we go for icons in wizards, this would also 
include profile manager.  If we agree to this, please file separate bugs.
this is not robin's responsibility, she's just trying to document this stuff.
We should bring this up at a mail issues meeting, that's how decisions like this
get made.
Blocks: 38932
Mass moving to future
Target Milestone: M17 → Future
massive reassign of account manager bugs -> sspitzer
please feel free to put me back on the CC if you have any questions/comments
Assignee: alecf → sspitzer
more re-assigns to racham.
Assignee: sspitzer → racham
Hi, Bhuvan:

Should we reassign the Target Milestone to moz0.9 so we can have this feature in

I'll nominate for nsbeta1.  We'll keep the milestone as is for the moment.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Johng, is this still a requirement for CCK?
Hi, John:

It's your call... If this is still our high priority task, please mark the
severity field as "major" or critical. thx! 

Add "CCK" to the summary field.
Summary: Allow branding in Mail Account Wizard username/pwd dialog → [CCK]Allow branding in Mail Account Wizard username/pwd dialog
Whiteboard: [NEED INFO]
Blocks: 7579
marking nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Closing as WONTFIX.
CCK should provide generic customizations for derivative distributions,
not end-user preferences.

BTW, in the Netscape commercial release, mail account/password setup will
be handled by Account Setup (separately from CCK).  Initially (at least)
Account Setup will be technology licensed from outside Netscape, so
unfortunately it will not be open source.  If Mozilla needs this, a
separate bug should be filed for an open source Account Setup.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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