Closed Bug 42236 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Redirected urls are processed as loadNormal


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: radha, Assigned: gagan)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-])

Steps to reproduce:

1) Go to
2) Click on a link in the technews section
3) Docshell first initiates load of a page in netcenter with loadType loadLink
4) Then it is redirected to a page in cnet. This page is processed with loadType 
5) Docshell adds both these pages to SH. Therefore if I click back now, I will 
go back to that netcenter page in step 3) which will again redirect me to cnet. 
I have to use the Go menu to get out of this loop.

Is it possible to detect a redirected URl and pass in a loadType of 
loadRedirect, so that docshell will not add both original and redirected urls to 

Not sure if this belongs to necko or docloader.
Hmmm... the redirection occurs in necko, but the onRedirect gets conveyed thru 
nsIHTTPEventSink (which I bet nobody implements) :( cc'ng danm the new leader of 
the HTTPEventSinkMovement (I forget the bug)

Once you recv. an onRedirect it should be possible for you(/webshell) to set 
whatever loadattributes change that are needed. 
Nav triage team: [nsbeta3+] as per Radha
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
Adding nsbeta3 keyword to bugs which already have nsbeta3 status markings so 
the queries don't get all screwed up.
Keywords: nsbeta3
Assignee: gagan → ruslan
Gagan, so what do you want me to do re: this bug? In'm confused. You said that 
it would be the right place for the docshell to add this attribute or you want 
addredirect to add it automatically? I'm not sure that's the right thing to do, 
cuz it can cause side effects.
ruslan, do you have any info on this? I have bugs that are waiting  on this. 
I don't think there's anything to be done here in the networking layer; -> gagan 
to make a decision what's the right fix for that.
Assignee: ruslan → gagan
per PDT: P3-P5 priority bugs changed from nsbeta3+ to nsbeta3- since we have
more important work to do for Seamonkey. If you disagree, please state your case
in the bug report and nominate for rtm and adjust priority if this bug was
mis-prioritized. Thanks.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3-]
->WORKSFORME (Linux build 2000100909)
Reporter, please re-verify with latest build.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Target Milestone: --- → Future
->WORKSFORME (WinNT build 2000101008)

This bug is a "futured" or "untargeted" bug which has been "resolved/works for
me". Most bugs meeting this criteria are usually somewhat out of date or working
in the current builds.

If this bug is not happening for you in a recent build (such as the Mozilla
daily build, Mozilla 0.9.3, or Netscape 6.1), please use the friendly "Mark bugs
as VERIFIED" radio button to set this bug to "VERIFIED/WORKS FOR ME"
If you reported the bug on a platform (e.g. Linux) and other contributors
reported on another platform (e.g. Mac OS), please comment that it works for you
 but do not verify it yet.

For these multi-platform bug reports, we need to verify all reported platforms
-OR- create new "still broken on platform X" bugs when you verify.
QA Contact: tever → benc
-> history
steps describe use of the "back button"
Component: Networking → History: Session
QA Contact: benc → claudius
Component: History: Session → Document Navigation
QA Contact: claudius → docshell
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