Closed Bug 42391 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Add Locale Switching to Mozilla


(Core :: Internationalization, defect, P3)






(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: bugs)



(Keywords: intl)

Doing M16 L10n work, Lynggaard and me saw that there is no UI for switching locales. So you could perhaps install a new locale via XPI but how to switch back to en-US (without manually editing user-locales.rdf)? We saw that we would need a Locale pref panel like "themes" is now. Either as advanced or appearance panel, I think. It should be relatively easy to add that, as locale and skin switching should use the same mechanisms, only the names of functions are different.
Severity: normal → major
Priority: P3 → P2
Target Milestone: --- → M17
this new panel is essentially the same as themes, so it is merely a matter of copy /paste and replaceing the references to skin with references to locale. This is a high priority, as mozilla gets more attention and because there are currently more locales than skins, and many contributers are waiting for this to happen
This is already in. Start up the Profile Manager and choose Create Profile. At the second window you are given an option to choose language for the UI and Regional Content.
thanx, but we still need something with in the main browser, so people don't need to recreate the profile just to change language.
Reassigned to Tao.
Assignee: rchen → tao
*** Bug 43143 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From what I understood from conversations with tao, this won't work until a bug is fixed which currently prevents locale switching while Mozilla is running. tao, is there a bugzilla bug report for that? If not, would you mind filing one? Could you make this one depend on it?
The runtime switching feature won't work unless 32661 is fixed!
Depends on: 32661
how about ... - programming the Locale switching pref panel & make a popup: "you need to restart mozilla to make it work." (it save a lot of work & restart mozilla is not the big deal) - creating a category "Localizations-->technically/programming (it's easier for problems which are not bounded to a language)
The full-blown Pref UI for locale switching is on our plan. But, you can check out the menuitem, "View|Langauge & Regional Content", in the browser window. It's very similar to what your proposal. THanks
Yep ^_^ the adding of a localization is still awkward. In "all-locale.rdf should be only this: ------------------------------------------- <RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root"> <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US"/> <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:en-GB"/> </RDF:Seq> -------------------------------------------- (a list of the localizations) the details schould be in those files: locale_en-US.rdf locale_en-GB.rdf (...) if mozilla scan for locale_??-??.rdf all-locales.rdf isn't needed. that way you can easy add a locale without editing files or bock other locales. (helpfull at colleges/schools/companies where multiple locals may needed) PS: Why is the Additional Comments Fields just 5 lines (It's ridiculous)
Hi, Ben: How do you like to take this since the locale switcher UI will be very simlar to the theme switcher. You probably come have both built on the same template and have more consistent UI style.
Assignee: tao → ben
Blocks: 62177
Component: Localization → Internationalization
Keywords: intl
Keywords: nsbeta1
Nav Triage Team accepting for Beta 1. Changing to P3 per Nav Triage.
Priority: P2 → P3
Changing summary from "Need Locale switching pref panel additionally to Themes" to "Add Locale Switching in Mozilla" since it makes more sense (by vote in irc ;). Adding keyword mozilla0.9 to get on radar. Part of the big triage of Ben's buglist.
Keywords: mozilla0.9
Summary: Need Locale switching pref panel additionally to Themes → Add Locale Switching in Mozilla
Target Milestone: M17 → ---
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 65251 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Summary: Add Locale Switching in Mozilla → Add Locale Switching to Mozilla
Verified as dup.
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