Closed Bug 42491 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

No Text Limit On Personal Toolbar Items on Classic


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: thedannunn, Assigned: paulkchen)



(Keywords: classic, polish, regression, Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][PDTP3])


(5 files)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; m16) Gecko/20000613
BuildID:    2000-06-13-20

There is no limit on text in the items in the Personal Toolbar menu, as there
are in 4.x.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Add a lengthy item to your Personal Toolbar menu (for example, I have one
entitled "Slashdot:News For Nerds. Stuff that matters.")
2. Observe as Mozilla fits the entire text onto the button.

Actual Results:  The entire text is shown.	

Expected Results:  Text should be limited for space reasons, as it is in 4.x.
valid concern
Assignee: asa → trudelle
Component: Browser-General → XP Toolkit/Widgets
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: 4xp
QA Contact: doronr → jrgm
changing qa to claudius

is this an XPApps issue?
QA Contact: jrgm → claudius
I'd say, changing componet to Bookmarks (an XP app) and cc'ing rjc.

rjc is this one for you?
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets → Bookmarks
Hmmm... might want to try giving this to Ben... see if there is some CSS 
property to set maximum widths on text.
so it shall be. -->Ben
Assignee: trudelle → ben
I have a fix for this on my notebook. 
Keywords: nsbeta3, polish
Fixed on Modern, still open in Classic
I am using modern and I am still seeing this on 2000080120 M18 on Linux, but
perhaps it shows up in a slightly different way.  If I have a long bookmark, the
space allocated to the bookmark is not enough to hold the entire title, and part
of the title actually runs into the next button.  I'll attach a screenshot to
show what it looks like.
Hmm, Win98 Modern is fixed, Classic hasn't been touched. I haven't experienced
your issue on win98. Attached screen shot of both Modern and Classic, 2000-08-01-08.
nav triage team: looks like css/xul changes just need to be replicated over to classic skin, reassinging to moi to get this thing of 
ben's plate
Assignee: ben → pchen
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
Was fixed in Classic for awhile, now it seems to be broken again (classic only, 
modern is fine). However, instead of the buttons expanding to as much as 
necessary, they now are the maximum button size with the text extending well 
beyond the button. Attaching a screen shot of my "Daily News - Mozillazine! Your 
source for Mozilla news and advocacy" bookmark.
nav triage team:
P2, keywords classic, regression
Keywords: classic, regression
Priority: P3 → P2
Summary: No Text Limit On Personal Toolbar Items → No Text Limit On Personal Toolbar Items on Classic
This bug is not limited only to Classic!  See my attached screenshots for Linux
which still appears on today's built.  (Should OS be changed to all?)
I do NOT see this with the modern skin. I'm looking at a 2000082208 Linux build and long bookmark names are cropped (http://
foobar...) in the modern skin and are not in the Classic.
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
I am definitely seeing this on Modern (on two different machines) on Linux
2000082208 (see attached screenshots from long ago).
Solaris Intel Mozilla built from cvs tip [today]
Toolbar has:
a) This is a very length bookmark that i'm making to test something.
b) Tinderbox
Modern: ^Home vThis is... vTinderbox
Classic: ^Home|vThis is a very le[vTinderbox]hat i'm making to test something.
[...] is struck through by 'ngthy Bookmark t'
Nothing after x is hot.
Blue: looks just like modern [maybe this isn't a real theme?]
I have a fix for this.  The problem is that the personal toolbar buttons have a 
binding attached to them in classic which gives them an anonymous image and 
text component.  The text component inherits crop, but it doesn't get the max-
width CSS attribute of it's parent, and therefore overflows.

My fix sets the max-width of the main box to 10em, the max-width of the text to 
8em, and the max-width of the icon to 2em.  This seems sort of hack-ish to me, 
though.  I got those sizes from the max-width settings being used on modern.  

Paul, before I check this in, can you let me know if this seems right to you?
Joe, hackish is what Netscape is ALL about! ;-) Go for it. We can tweak for
aesthetics later, I hope.
I know that this bug was marked as "Classic" skin only, but has I am still
experiencing problem (which I have included a screenshot of a while ago) with
all skins on Linux 2000090508.  I am guessing that the patch only fixes
classic.   I thought the original form of the bug is exactly what I see on my
Linux boxes, but it seems to have evolved into something else :(. Should I open
another bug for what I see?
Attached image toolbarshot2
Okay, I now know why everyone saying that it works on Modern while I keep on
seeing the bug.  The reason is that everyone is using plain bookmarks in the
personal toolbar, but if you look at my attached screenshot, I put folders with
long names.  In particular, this bug is not fixed for folders in Modern,
Classic, or Blue.
Should I change the summary and keywords to remove "classic", since this is not
limited to classic? (see my last comment)
*** Bug 51558 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
PDT thinks this is a P3 since there's an obvious workaround. 
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3+][PDTP3]
This one is fixed now.
The problem with long folder names on the toolbar is fixed on Linux 2000091306
with both Modern and Classic, but not Blue.
Blue is no longer a theme which is being supported by Netscape.  Anyone who 
wishes to keep blue up to speed with modern and classic is free to do so!
*** Bug 49427 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nav triage team: This is fixed; if anyone wants to file a bug to bring Blue skin 
up to speed on this please file a separate bug. Thanks!
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
VERIFIED Fixed with 2000113004 builds
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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