Bug 43433
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
Meta modifier doesn't work on Solaris, linux [*nix]
(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P2)
(Reporter: axel, Assigned: akkzilla)
(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: [keybnd] suntrak-n6 relnote-user)
(4 files)
3.40 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review | |
1.37 KB,
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6.06 KB,
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1.66 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
On Sun Solaris, keybindings use the Meta modifier instead of the Alt, which
is reported by the menus.
Tested on CVS from Jun 21 2000
Comment 1•25 years ago
Triaging Clayton's buglist:
I think this is a XUL thing, so reassigning to the default owner. This code
looks interesting:
#if !defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(NTO)
Unfortunately, because of this, I don't know where the UNIX menu events are
handled though. :| Anyway, off to the gurus...
Assignee: clayton → pinkerton
Component: Layout → XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus
QA Contact: petersen → jrgm
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•25 years ago
Adding hyatt -- if he doesn't still own menu access keys, he'll know who does.
Comment 3•25 years ago
if someone wants to go in and patch it, the code in
nsMenuFrame::BuildAcceleratorText() just ignores meta. That's a good place to
does this happen on linux too or just solaris? adding helpwanted, pushing out.
Comment 4•25 years ago
Verified to exist on Linux with M16 distribution.
OS: Solaris → Linux
Reporter | ||
Comment 5•25 years ago
I take it that this is SPARC linux?
Changing OS to All, leaving platform on Sun.
Is there any other hardware with a META key that should be tested?
OS: Linux → All
Comment 6•25 years ago
Actually it's running on Linux (RedHat 6.mumble), and displaying back
onto a Sun workstation. Hence the meta key.
Updated•25 years ago
Target Milestone: M22 → Future
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•25 years ago
Last time I checked, gtk code wasn't even setting the meta bit, so key bindings
send from nsGtkEventHandler.cpp weren't checking it since it was always wrong
coming from gtk, and nobody ever spent the time to figure out how to get the
real status of the meta bit.
If someone wanted to get meta working in nsGtkEventHandler.cpp, the rest would
probably be trivial.
Comment 8•25 years ago
An engineer (Ann Adamcik) in my group I believe has a fix for this
problem. I've asked her to add herself to the cc: and attach a diff for
folks to test out.
Updated•25 years ago
Summary: Keybindings use Meta instead of Alt modifier → Solaris Keybindings use Meta instead of Alt modifier
Comment 9•25 years ago
Changing the platform to Solaris so that we pick this up in our bug queries.
OS: All → Solaris
Comment 10•25 years ago
Comment 11•25 years ago
I think I've got part of this fixed. The meta key is now being recognized as
a modifier in nsGtkEventHandler.cpp (see attachment). Next is to get the
appropriate menu actions to happen with meta as with alt...
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•25 years ago
Thanks, Ann!
I have a fix in my tree to make the menu and accelerator keys configurable. I
was on vacation last week, so I'll have to integrate the fix with whatever
happened in those files in the past week (the fix ranges over several different
parts of the tree), but I expect to get it checked in sometime this week. If
you have meta working, we should have all parts of the puzzle soon!
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•25 years ago
I checked in my fix for configurable modifier bindings. I noticed that in
nsMenuFrame::BuildAcceleratorText, in the Meta case it returns the string
"Ctrl". Nobody seemed to know why that was, but I didn't change it. I did
check with a Mac xpfe person, and verified that the Mac (which uses meta as an
accelerator) does not go through this path. So it should be safe to change that
Ctrl to Meta if that fixes the strings on Sun. Try it and let me know.
Meanwhile, to set the accelerator key to meta, you'll probably want the pref:
pref("ui.key.acceleratorKey", 224);
(see my recent posting to mozilla-unix, or the last comment in bug 22515).
I'm going to take this from pinkerton, but keep it helpwanted/future since I
probably won't have time to test alternate Sun keybindings. But I'll be glad to
code review any fixes you want to contribute, or provide assistance in getting
this working.
Assignee: pinkerton → akkana
Assignee | ||
Updated•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•25 years ago
I just checked in a more complete patch that fixes some other problems with
mnemonics, menu access keys, accelerator keys, etc.
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•24 years ago
Have Sun people been testing Ann's patch? I just realized that you might be
waiting for me to check this in (for some reason I thought someone from Sun was
going to check it in). Linux doesn't mod4 or GDK_Meta_L, or at least, I can't
find a key for which it sets this (I would have assumed the Windows keys, but
they get treated as a regular key, not a modifier, except that they send a null
keysym and string) so I can't test, but the code looks fine, with one exception:
I assume you meant the second
{ NS_VK_META, GDK_Meta_L },
line to read
{ NS_VK_META, GDK_Meta_R },
instead, right?
Anyway, someone please clarify whether this works right on Sun and whether you
want me to check this in, and we'll get Brendan's approval and do so.
Comment 16•24 years ago
Comment 17•24 years ago
I've just tested my changes again with a recent tree. Debug output shows the
meta bit being set, at least at this point. I'm not sure if anything is
checking it, though.
Key Press event: keyCode = 0xe0, char code = ''
Key Press event: keyCode = 0x0, char code = 'a' [meta]
Key Press event: keyCode = 0x12, char code = ''
Key Press event: keyCode = 0x0, char code = 'a' [alt]
Akkana -
It might be easier for you to get approval to check the fix in, though if you'd
rather I do it, that's fine with me.
Comment 18•24 years ago
I've done some more testing, with the accelerator key prefs setting, and
meta now works properly. However, the menu strings are still "Ctrl". It
doesn't seem to be going through the code in nsMenuFrame::BuildAcceleratorText,
so I'm not sure where the string is actually being set - I'm hunting for it
Also, in Netscape 4.x on Solaris, the menu string is "Alt" but both alt and meta
work as accelerators (i.e. alt-o and meta-o both bring up the open dialog, but
the menu string is "Alt-O"). Do we want the same behavior here?
Comment 19•24 years ago
As it currently stands, meta-key accellerators don't work,
and the string for the menu is incorrect. We would like
this to be considered for fixing in nsbeta3. The latest attachment
contains a fix for the meta-key problem. Thanks.
Keywords: nsbeta3
Priority: P3 → P2
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3+][p:2]
Comment 22•24 years ago
moving over to rtm+
Comment 23•24 years ago
With a tree from last week, I've verified that the latest attachment, along
with the following change, does work as we expect on Solaris. However, the
configurable modifier bindings no longer work - 23587 has regressed. It looks
like nsXULKeyListener.cpp was removed on 9/21 (see bugid 48758).
I'd like to go ahead and get this fix in, so that when 23587 is fixed again,
the meta key will be usable.
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/layout/xul/base/src/nsMenuFrame.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.158
diff -c -r1.158 nsMenuFrame.cpp
*** nsMenuFrame.cpp 2000/09/22 04:55:53 1.158
--- nsMenuFrame.cpp 2000/09/27 04:59:50
*** 1423,1429 ****
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_META:
prependPlus = PR_TRUE;
! aAccelString.AppendWithConversion("Ctrl");
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ALT:
--- 1423,1429 ----
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_META:
prependPlus = PR_TRUE;
! aAccelString.AppendWithConversion("Meta");
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ALT:
Assignee | ||
Comment 24•24 years ago
Re regression of configurable key bindings: the name changed from
"acceleratorKey" to "accelKey" -- maybe that's the problem you're seeing.
"ui.key.accelKey and ui.key.menuAccessKey are working for me; if they're not
working for you, you should reopen the bug so someone will know there's a
I'm pulling a solaris tree to test the latest patches.
Comment 25•24 years ago
Yep, the new pref name works fine. I am now able to change the accel key to
alt or to meta.
Akkana - do you want to put this in, or should I?
Assignee | ||
Comment 26•24 years ago
If you have checkin privileges, go for it. I'm still waiting for my solaris
build (our common build machine disappeared for a while, but it's back now) and
haven't had a chance to try out your fixes.
Comment 27•24 years ago
Comment 28•24 years ago
Akkana, please include the required information per the rtm checkin rules
Whiteboard: [rtm+][nsbeta3-][p:2] → [rtm+ NEED INFO][nsbeta3-][p:2]
Assignee | ||
Comment 29•24 years ago
- Sun users expect to be able to this modifier key.
- Patch is in hand, and should be low risk (shouldn't affect anyone not using
the meta key).
- There is a workaround (use the ctrl or alt keys).
OTOH, we're having trouble getting other people to help test the patch, and
there are some mysterious issues showing up involving meta-arrow keys sometimes
working and sometimes not. Adding Pike, who might be interested in testing this
patch, and also seeing whether it helps with the meta-arrow issues.
Keywords: patch
Whiteboard: [rtm+ NEED INFO][nsbeta3-][p:2] → [rtm+][nsbeta3-][p:2]
Reporter | ||
Comment 30•24 years ago
I had a chat with akkana, and there seems to be confusion at least on her side.
Sorry for not watching this closely enough, though the comments don't really
show that much confusion.
So I'll rephrase. I pulled the earliest nightly on,
to evaluate what was going on at the time I filed the bug.
Recap: all modifiers where stated as ALT in the UI. Using alt didn't work, but
using the meta key did. That's the bug I filed.
Taking the current cvs, modifiers moved to CRTL, which works on solaris. Only
the menu modifier is still ALT, which is still mistakenly listening to meta.
alt should work, but does not.
I applied Ann's patch, that doesn't change the behaviour.
Having that configurable is nice. But up to know, I have only seen code mixing
up meta and alt.
I tried setting the prefs to 224, which display META in the menus, but alt is
the one to work. HUARRGHH.
If your setting the menu.. pref to 224, the alt key works for selecting menus.
Is this just my machine switching meta <-> alt? No! I just checked on another
So, I hope we are now all sharing the same confusion. And please look into
54694, as the weird menu opening follows at least my setting the menu key to
alt (which was supposed to mean meta(!?!))
Axel alias Pike
Summary: Solaris Keybindings use Meta instead of Alt modifier → Solaris Keybindings falsely use Meta instead of Alt modifier
Assignee | ||
Comment 31•24 years ago
Yes, I had entirely misinterpreted this bug. I still like Ann's fix to add
support for the meta key (it would be nice to add that support just on general
principle), but it sounds like the real issue in this bug is that for some
reason, the gtk library, or Xlib, as implemented on solaris interchanges alt and
If that's indeed the case, it would be easy enough to hack around it (#ifdef
solaris code in the gtk event handler) if we wanted to, but this seems like a
gtk bug and it would be better to know why gtk or Xlib is doing this and whether
it will continue to do it (otherwise a future version might un-do the patch on
the mozilla end).
Axel, what gtk version (gtk-config --version) is on your machine? Perhaps we
should inspect the source for the relevant gtk version, and see if it does
anything unusual on Solaris. Or it might be something in the X keycodes coming
from the Sun server.
Comment 32•24 years ago
Hmmm, this is confusing. Here's the behavior I'm seeing (on Solaris7 and
- Menus report Ctrl as the accelerator (or Alt on older builds).
- Ctrl key (or Alt on older builds) works as accelerator
- Meta key is ignored (e.g. pressing meta-o results in an 'o' displayed
in the location field).
Applying the patch and setting ui.key.menuAccelKey to 224 results in the meta
key working and reported in the menus. Setting the pref to 18 results in the
alt key working and reported in the menus.
I suspect you *do* have alt and meta keys switched somehow. Can you create a
generic user account and try it? Has anyone else been able to try this yet?
Comment 33•24 years ago
re-adding need info
Whiteboard: [rtm+][nsbeta3-][p:2] → [rtm+ NEED INFO][nsbeta3-][p:2]
Reporter | ||
Comment 34•24 years ago
ok, I tried this both over the network and locally, and I get
meta for 18, and
alt for 224.
I am a mere user, can't help you with creating another one.
My gtk version is 1.2.7, and
38539 May 4 09:47 include/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h
and md5sum
3f6260583cfad89b4e56895a6461ce25 include/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h
This is
SunOS 5.7 Generic_106541-12 sun4u sparc
SunOS 5.7 Generic_106541-05 sun4u sparc
meta and alt work allright in emacs.
Comment 36•24 years ago
PDT marking this [rtm-]. Netscape is concentrating on Win32, Mac and Linux.
Whiteboard: [rtm+ NEED INFO][nsbeta3-][p:2] → [rtm-][nsbeta3-][p:2]
Comment 37•24 years ago
Vera, you may want to note that solaris is not a supported platform, or is being
treated as unsupported per pdt comments
Keywords: relnoteRTM
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [rtm-][nsbeta3-][p:2] → [rtm-][nsbeta3-][p:2] suntrak-n6
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [rtm-][nsbeta3-][p:2] suntrak-n6 → [rtm-][nsbeta3-][p:2] suntrak-n6 relnote-user
Reporter | ||
Comment 39•24 years ago
Ok, folks, here we go, giving this a FIXED.
My machine moved from Generic_106541-05 to Generic_106541-12 tonight, and now
meta and alt work as expected. That is, alt is alt is alt.
Sorry for the confusion. Folks on the sunny side of the street, the list of
patches on this machine is long, and probably not best suited for web
publication, if you want the showrev -p, I can mail it to you.
user_pref("ui.key.accelKey", 18);
user_pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 17);
makes menus fire on CRTL, and accellerator(sp?) on ALT.
The release notes should mention this behaviour, leaving bug open to cope for
meta issues
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 40•24 years ago
Sorry for the SPAM,
I thought this bug was done this morning, and didn't check back when I submitted
the form, knowing half of it is still unresolved.
Changing summary to be more precise, please watch out that the release note
covers the meta-alt problem for old solaris 2.7 installations.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Summary: Solaris Keybindings falsely use Meta instead of Alt modifier → Meta modifier doesn't work on Solaris
Comment 41•24 years ago
anEvent.isMeta = (aGEK->state & GDK_MOD4_MASK) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
Using that in nsGtkEventHandler.cpp results in meta working. I'm using gtk-1.2.8
under Linux.
Comment 42•24 years ago
Actually, it doesn't. not exactly, anyway.
The underlying code now detects meta (and I fixed the list at the beginning of
the file so that it sets keycode 224 to Meta_L and Meta_R), but menu access and
accels *still* won't work. The problem must be at a higher level.
Comment 43•24 years ago
Sorry, my fault. I forgot to change it in both InitKeyEvent and
InitKey*Press*Event (what's the difference between these two, anyway?)
You also need to add something like the following to the nsKeycodes list:
{ NS_VK_META, GDK_Meta_L },
{ NS_VK_META, GDK_Meta_R },
Unfortunately, this still doesn't solve the problem completely --- there are
things in Mozilla (like alt+arrow-key navigation) that use bindings="alt", and
so won't work with meta (unless there is a way to tell Mozilla that you want it
to generate alt instead of meta), so, IMHO, it's easier to make meta and alt
synonymous (or, more precisely, to make meta mean alt).
Comment 44•24 years ago
Danny--can you explain your comment about "...won't work with meta (unless there
is a way to tell Mozilla that you want it to generate alt instead of meta)"?
I have seen some keybindings which should be defined with "accel" but instead are
defined with "ctrl" or "meta". Those should be fixed. However, I think you are
talking about another issue. Maybe provide an example?
Comment 45•24 years ago
An example, from xpfe/browser/resources/content/unix/platformNavigationBindings.xul:
<key id="goHome" keycode="VK_HOME" observes="Browser:Home" modifiers="alt"/>
I think this was done because, AFAIK, there is only accel. Perhaps an accel2 is
needed for instances where an accelerator key is needed on a key that already
has one, or where it doesn't make sense to use the primary key.
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [rtm-][nsbeta3-][p:2] suntrak-n6 relnote-user → [keybnd] suntrak-n6 relnote-user
Assignee | ||
Comment 46•24 years ago
*** Bug 93701 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•24 years ago
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → Keyboard Navigation
QA Contact: jrgm → sairuh
Summary: Meta modifier doesn't work on Solaris → Meta modifier doesn't work on Solaris, linux [*nix]
Comment 47•24 years ago
jrgm, stealing from ya [qa]...
Assignee | ||
Updated•23 years ago
Comment 48•23 years ago
X handling of Meta vs Alt vs Win vs ??? is a mess.
In reality: Mod1=<mozilla alt> (as in Alt+F) basically always!
Comment 49•23 years ago
Up to now, since the crossplatform part has implemented the support for Meta
key, this patch is enough to make Meta key work on Unix, I've tried it on my
Solaris box. works fine. My env is: Solaris 8 with gtk1.2.6
Newer gtk should be more stable to support this Key.
comments or r=?
Comment 50•23 years ago
removing myself from the cc list
Comment 51•23 years ago
The latest patch looks good to me (r=brade) but I'll let Akkana (or someone
else) do the actually approval / checkbox since she may be aware of an issue
that I'm not aware of.
Assignee | ||
Comment 52•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 73192 [details] [diff] [review]
The latest patch
If it works on Sun and Sun people are okay with it, then it has my r=akkana. I
can't test it -- can't figure out how to get Linux to recognize it. (Though my
windowmanager may be blocking it.)
Anyone know which key meta is supposed to be on on linux, or a howto anywhere
on how to turn it on for people who want to? I wonder if this works on
Mandrake 8.1 (where they do some funky alt/meta key remap that I was never able
to figure out). I'd really appreciate if anyone who knows the answer could
update, or if you don't have
privileges there, post the info in this bug and I'll update the document.
Attachment #73192 -
Flags: review+
Comment 53•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 73192 [details] [diff] [review]
The latest patch
Attachment #73192 -
Flags: superreview+
Comment 54•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 73192 [details] [diff] [review]
The latest patch
a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the 1.0 trunk
Attachment #73192 -
Flags: approval+
Comment 55•23 years ago
Hi, akkana:
This patch has got approval, can you help me to check it in, thanks,
Assignee | ||
Comment 56•23 years ago
The fix has been checked in. Thanks, Jay -- I'll let you mark the bug as fixed.
Assignee | ||
Comment 57•23 years ago
I forgot this was assigned to me, not Jay. So I'll go ahead and mark it fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago → 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 58•23 years ago
thanks, akk
Updated•23 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 59•23 years ago
*** Bug 134139 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 60•23 years ago
I'm removing this release note item for this bug from the Mozilla 1.0 and
future versions of the release notes because this bug is marked fixed.
Mail me if you think this item should be re-added.
Updated•6 years ago
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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