Closed Bug 448876 Opened 16 years ago Closed 5 months ago

Killed (ignored) threads show non-zero count of unread mail / news article


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)



(thunderbird_esr115? fixed, thunderbird123? affected)

123 Branch
Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr115 ? fixed
thunderbird123 ? affected


(Reporter: nelson, Assigned: welpy-cw)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Running SM trunk nightly build from August 1.
Displaying messages in a news group, all threads, viewing killed threads too.
Killed threads show non-zero unread message counts
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0b1?
Oh, rebuilding the summary file doesn't help
*adds to list*

Rebuilding the summary file doesn't recalculate the counts. Honestly, this is a value that could most likely be computed easily at runtime if the msfs were SQLite (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE threadID=?1 AND read=FALSE). It certainly seems that the cached values are problematic in that they are not set in hard-to-reach corner cases.
Blocks: messagecount
Note that the erroneous counts seem to be counting the messages that were
added to the thread after it was already killed.  It only includes messages
that were added while running the August 1 build, not messages that were
added while running the earlier build I had been running (from early July.
By "rebuilding the summary file" in comment #1, you mean the .msf don't you? Have you tried the workaround described at bug 294754 comment #3 (and mentioned in bug 79130, to which bug 294754 has been duped)?
(In reply to comment #4)
> By "rebuilding the summary file" in comment #1, you mean the .msf don't you?

I mean that I go into the properties dialog for the news group and bonk the 
button labeled "Rebuild Summary File", which does whatever it does. 

> Have you tried the workaround described at bug 294754 comment #3 (and 
> mentioned in bug 79130, to which bug 294754 has been duped)?

I don't wish to mark the entire group read.

ISTM this could be the root cause of bug 79130.  But we need to investigate further.

The problem seems to be that Mozilla saves a per-thread tally of unread messages separately from the per-message read/unread flag.  Why?  It's probably sensible to keep such a tally in memory while Mozilla is running, but not to have this tally persist from session to session.
(In reply to comment #6)
> ISTM this could be the root cause of bug 79130.  But we need to investigate
> further.

More likely bug 79130 impacts this one. The root problem of 95% of news count problems can be traced to the fact that a) servers lie about how many messages they have and b) if message 6514 and 6516 exist, it's not guaranteed that 6515 exists, thanks to canceling and superseding. Actually, cases can theoretically become even more edgy (6515 exists and then is canceled later), but we'll leave that aside for now.

Between XOVER+XHDR, XOVER+HEAD, and vanilla HEAD, the edge case of canceled messages is hard to get correct in all the cases, especially when one takes into account that we get new message counts by a GROUP, so it's almost always an overestimate to begin with. There's a lot here I need to play with to get all the cases right, but unfortunately my workload is too far stretched as it is.

> The problem seems to be that Mozilla saves a per-thread tally of unread
> messages separately from the per-message read/unread flag.  Why? 

Caching. All thread information could be generated from runtime information (and pretty quickly, too), but we cache the data. This decision was made even before NS 4 (IIRC), so it's some old stuff.

> It's probably
> sensible to keep such a tally in memory while Mozilla is running, but not to
> have this tally persist from session to session.

Something I've played with in my head is to make Rebuild Index a lot more destructive to the cache and making Mark XYZ as Read also more destructive to read count caches when they get things just plain wrong. Unfortunately, I don't think this would be on the easier side of things.
Given that message counts in Thunderbird are not displayed by default for most people, they aren't going to notice this. I also think it is not a significant enough bug that we would block a beta on it.

We still want a fix, not sure we'd would block TB 3 on it, so leaving that as a ?
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3+
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3?
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0b1?
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0b1-
I don't think we'd block.
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3? → blocking-thunderbird3-
Given our re-jiggering of how we're using blocking and wanted <>, unless we have some reason to believe this specific bug covers more than NNTP, I'm setting wanted-.  In general, NNTP is lower priority these days, and the driving process won't be devoting a lot of energy to it.
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3+ → wanted-thunderbird3-
I was looking at Bug 288120 as a way of reporting this Killed Threads situation, but now Joshua Crammer has pointed me to this thread, so, maybe, someone needs to set 288120 as dependant on this bug being fixed first
(In reply to comment #11)
> I was looking at Bug 288120 as a way of reporting this Killed Threads
> situation, but now Joshua Crammer has pointed me to this thread, so, maybe,
> someone needs to set 288120 as dependant on this bug being fixed first

Bug 288120 is something completely different: an RFE to exclude the ignored messages when we download for offline. The code that would be involved in such a process is entirely different from the code that is involved in this bug. In particular, the problem here is that some of the DB unread count caching is borked, and the unread counts would not come into play wrt downloading messages for offline.
Joshua, I'm only a dumb user here, but it would seem reasonable to me that I only want to download messages that are marked to indicate that I haven't read them.

If they are marked as read (either because I've read them or they are marked as read because I want to ignore (killfile) the thread, it does not matter), I don't want to download them.

Effectively, Ignore Thread (K) should act as though it reads "Mark every message that *ever* attaches to this thread as read". Then it will not be seen or downloaded (as, I'm guessing, downloading ONLY downloads messages marked as unread).
Summary: Killed threads show non-zero count of unread messages → Killed threads show non-zero count of unread news article
It also affects the total unread message count in mail folders.
Very annoying since the unread messages are hidden, so when I type
'n' I get the "do you want to advance to ... <other folder>" popup.

(In reply to Daniel from comment #13)
> Effectively, Ignore Thread (K) should act as though it reads "Mark every
> message that *ever* attaches to this thread as read".

OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Summary: Killed threads show non-zero count of unread news article → Killed threads show non-zero count of unread mail / news article
Summary: Killed threads show non-zero count of unread mail / news article → Killed (ignored) threads show non-zero count of unread mail / news article
I'd really like to see this bug fixed.  I hereby offer $100 (USD) to anyone who fixes
this bug when a working patch lands for Thunderbird.

After having read I thought I would bump this (sorry!) with the hope that maybe, somehow after all these 11 years it gets fixed this year…

I can't understand how/why this 13-years old bug has still not been assigned a priority (let alone a high priority).

This bug makes the "Kill (sub)thread" feature almost useless for those who watch the newsgroups in threaded view, as it gets impossible to quickly spot which threads contain unread messages :(

See Also: → 288120
Severity: normal → S3
Assignee: nobody → h.w.forms
Duplicate of this bug: 799040
Duplicate of this bug: 1830500
See Also: → 1740312
Attachment #9370862 - Attachment is obsolete: true

Previously, messages received in an ignored thread/subthread were marked as read before being
committed to the database. As a result, the thread's child unread count wasn't updated correctly.
Also, in IMAP folders, the messages themselves would reappear as unread because the necessary sync
wasn't performed. This should fix these issues.

Target Milestone: --- → 123 Branch

Pushed by
Fix unread status of ignored threads. r=mkmelin

Closed: 5 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

Comment on attachment 9371711 [details]
Bug 448876 - Fix unread status of ignored threads. r=mkmelin

[Approval Request Comment]
User impact if declined: Thread with ignored subthreads keeps showing up as unread. Unread count of IMAP folder is changed by ignored messages.
Testing completed (on c-c, etc.): c-c and beta
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): low

Attachment #9371711 - Flags: approval-comm-esr115?

Comment on attachment 9371711 [details]
Bug 448876 - Fix unread status of ignored threads. r=mkmelin

[Triage Comment]
Approved for esr115

Attachment #9371711 - Flags: approval-comm-esr115? → approval-comm-esr115+
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