Closed Bug 453326 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Master Password prompt displays twice when directly accessing site that requires login on a new browser session


(Firefox :: Security, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: stiemkeca, Unassigned)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1

For a company that I work with (see url) I receive direct links to a task system that requires me to login.  If opening a new session (i.e. Firefox not at all open) I get my initial master password prompt, after entering password I get the login prompt for the site (Firefox correctly stores login info - all I do is press OK) and the master password prompt comes up a second time.  I do not need to enter the master password the second time, all I do is cancel it and the site loads and I access the information that I need.  

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have master password set on passwords
2. Access a site that requires a logon with credentials
3a. Master password prompt displays
3b. Site login prompt appears (Firefox does correctly store login info)
3c. Second Master password prompt displays but has no impact on password access or site access - can be canceled.
Actual Results:  
I get the prompts, enter in correct masterpassword, OK the login credentials for the site and masterpassword prompt displays a second time.

Expected Results:  
I should get the masterpassword prompt only once, accept the saved site login info and go onto the site without receiving the masterpassword prompt a second time.

This is the only situation that I can get this to occur.  Does the some on XP and Vista installs on different machines.
I tested it exactly as described and it only displays ONE password prompt. However if you make FF start with two (or more) password-asking sites it behaves exactly as described.

Is this a duplicate of bug 348897?
Sorry for the mistake - I meant bug 248997.
Once again - I meant bug 348997.

How can I edit or delete my comments if I make a mistake?
I agree with Rumen Avramov about reproducing this - I get similar behavior often when restoring a session with mulitple tabs, several of which require access to saved passwords via the master password. This will produce the Password Required dialog being display several times in succession. Entering the master password in each produces the smoothest experience (all the tabs correctly log in), but entering it into one, and canceling out of the other dialogs causes one tab to log in, the other pages to fail to log in until manually reloaded. I don't see anything reported that corresponds exactly, though.
I can confirm the behaviour reported by Tobias, I have several password protected sites set to open by default when FF starts (Firefox 3.0.6 in this case).

I have to enter the master password for each of these tabs. I've also found that you need to be patient and allow all of the Master Password forms to display before you start typing in the password, since as they open, the new MP windows will open on top of the previous.

If you enter the MP and hit enter the next MP will display, a few seconds later the tabs username and password window will open on top of the MP window, and if you aren't looking you will have just typed over your stored username.
I think this one can be closed.  I am not sure if it was a WEAVE issue or something that was fixed just through the upgrade process but this has not happened again since I upgraded to 3.05 (and 3.1 beta 2).
I'm still seeing it in 3.0.6 on XP and OS X. But I'd be very pleased if it was closed for 3.1...
I can also confirm it still exists on Firefox v3.06 on Windows XP Home

When restoring a session with several URLs requring authentication, the Master Password box is popped up many times! There should be only a single popup asking for the master password, so if there are more than one, this can be an additional indicator of a spoofed dialog trying to fish for passwords.
at least in my instance of 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7

It does not appear to be happening.
It's not occuring anymore! :)
This was closed apparently between 3.0.6 and 3.0.7.

My current version:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7
Still happens for me with 3.0.7 on OS X, same behavior.
I am seeing the multiple prompts with 3.0.7 as packaged with PCLinuxOS.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009020822 PCLinuxOS/ (2007) Firefox/3.0.7
I usually start my Firefox (on Fedora 10 i386) with 6 tabs that require passwords. With 3.0.7 I still get password prompts for the master password multiple times. The odd thing, I get two that don't have any title, just a window with a text field and the cancel / ok button (or is it login).
Still happening!

My current version:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2009021910
I have the same problem when using extensions which use the password manager. When I have no tabs, but Weave and GMail notifier, upon starting FF, it asks for the master password twice (one for Weave and the other for GMail notifier). I hope someone can work on this bug.
I'd also like to confirm this multiple password prompt behaviour when FireFox opens with several tabs that require a password. The password manager should ask for master password only once, but it is asking for every tab at once, when FF starts.

People, one thing we can do so this bug have a fix by FF developers is to increase the bug importance by voting on this. To do so click the "vote" link in the "Importance" field. Currently we have 7 guys interested on this bug, but only 3 votes.
I also have the same problem... have been having it since Firefox 2, except the problem was worse in firefox 2 because in FF2 while the prompts were open my computer would run very slowly (typing in would only produce about 1 character per second on the screen) even while my hardware indicators were not indicating anything being busy (HDD, RAM, or CPU).  In my current version, it does not slow my computer down so much, but it still produces several MP prompts before FF3 opens.
I am definitely still seeing this problem (though it was difficult to find this bug in the list, so there may be another bug which more aptly fits the problem itself).

I have many tabs which open at start-up, and some of them require passwords (either HTTP authentication or forms on the site itself).  I also have one add-on which requires the Master Password to login to its associated site.  I get one Master Password dialog for *each* of the required passwords on both my Linux system (Firefox 3.0.8) and my Mac (same version).  This has been going on since FF3, but worked as expected in FF2 and below.
Why is the status of this bug still unconfirmed? It is a real problem as several people already have pointed out. It's also a quite annoying problem.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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