Closed Bug 47664 Opened 25 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Broken url() generated content should not be rendered [GC]


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)






(Reporter: ian, Assigned: attinasi)




(Keywords: css2, testcase, Whiteboard: hit during nsbeta2 standards compliance testing [nsbeta3-] (py8ieh:devise new test) (py8ieh: check the case of the frame having a title attribute))

At the moment, generated content that includes url() content that points to invalid, broken, unrecognised or missing content results in a truncated version of the filename being inserted instead. I am guessing that what is *actually* happening is that we are inserting an anonymous IMG frame which is then resulting in the Alternate Text codepath being used. This is wrong -- we should just be including nothing if the url() cannot be inserted. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Look at the test at the bottom (labelled "Silly") of ACTUAL RESULTS: :before { content: "This is " url(in.html) "valid."; } => "This is invalid." EXPECTED RESULTS: :before { content: "This is " url(in.html) "valid."; } => "This is valid." (Note that the testcase actually uses different content to test this.) TESTED ON: Windows 2000 Commerical Build Mac 8.5 Commerical Build
OS: Windows 2000 → All
QA Contact: petersen → py8ieh=bugzilla
Hardware: PC → All
Whiteboard: hit during nsbeta2 standards compliance testing
Eech. Will investigate...
Assignee: clayton → attinasi
It's ugly, and it's bad. The problem is that the image frame is created, and it is much later and completly out of context that the 'failure to load' notification comes in and the Alt Text path is taken. I wonder why we are creating an image frame to begin with? From my reading of the CSS2 it says that we must ignore this resource if we cannot display it, but it does not say that it has to be an image. Hmmmm. It does not work even if the resource does exist; unless it is a valid image it still shows the alt-text representation. Ian, why have you nominated this for beta3? Seems sort of minor, although it is obviously incorrect.
Marc: In case it was an easy fix, and because it is a standards compliance issue (as opposed to a standards support issue).
OK - It looks to me like we could easily avoid doing the ALT-text frame if we could somehow identify the content element or frame as being generated content in the method nsCSSFrameConstructor::CantRenderReplacedElement. In there, we go through the logic of determining if it is an IMG and then creating an alternate frame and replacing the old frame with it. If we could -tag- the content node as 'generated' using an attribute or something then we could text it and avoid constructing the alternate frame. I'll try setting an attribute on the content when it is generated and testing for that attribute in the nsCSSFrameConstructor::CantRenderReplacedElement method, but it may take me some time.
Target Milestone: --- → M20
Denying for beta3: not deemed ultra-critical. Note: If the IsSynthetic() method on nsIContent was actually implemented this would be pretty easy. However, that method is not implemented anywhere so it is very tough to determine...
Whiteboard: hit during nsbeta2 standards compliance testing → hit during nsbeta2 standards compliance testing [nsbeta3-]
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
Summary: Broken url() generated content should render nothing → Broken url() generated content should render nothing [GC]
(Is there a bug concerning the content of html|text url() not being embedded?)
(regarding my question: yes, bug 678) I cannot reproduce this with 2000-10-04-21/Linux. I get 'valid' and not 'invalid' and I don't get a '2' in the URL testcase. That is: it works for me.
Heh, good point. Because we no longer use the filename in working out the alternate text. I need to find a way of showing the problem again. So this is now WORKSFORME, because although the bug exists, it is no longer a bug because the problem can no longer occur. I wonder if it occurs if the element causing the generated content has a title attribute... And of course, url(2.html) should work on that page, and doesn't...
Whiteboard: hit during nsbeta2 standards compliance testing [nsbeta3-] → hit during nsbeta2 standards compliance testing [nsbeta3-] (py8ieh:devise new test) (py8ieh: check the case of the frame having a title attribute)
any progress with this bug?
Editing for grammar. Old Summary: Broken url() generated content should render nothing [GC] New Summary: Broken url() generated content should not be rendered [GC]
Summary: Broken url() generated content should render nothing [GC] → Broken url() generated content should not be rendered [GC]
So... the testcase at seems to workforme. Can we have a testcase for this bug?
Keywords: qawanted
WORKSFORME as per comment 8.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Keywords: qawanted
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