Closed Bug 48086 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

After Delete or Move, next message is not selected/loaded


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fenella, Assigned: waterson)


(Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND)


(2 files)

Linux (2000-08-08-08 M18)
Win32 (2000-08-08-09 M18)
Mac (2000-08-08-11 M18)
1. Launch Messenger
2. From my IMAP account, Inbox (or any other folder), select a message
3. Click on the Delete button.
Actual result: The hight-lighted message got deleted, but high-light focus
disappear. The Delete buttom is de-activated
Expected result: After Delete, the high-light focus should go to the next
message and the Delete button should be activated, so that I can choose to keep
deleting the next high-lighted message.

This occurs on Mac and Linux only. It consistently occurs on Linux
Win 32 has no problem.
It only occurs in IMAP accounts. POP account is OK.
This bug needs more observations...
I exit and re-launch Messenger on Linux, the problem seems to have gone away.
QA Contact: lchiang → fenella
Summary: After Delete, highlight lose focus → After Delete, highlight lose focus
Win32 2000-08-09-09-m18

I'm seeing this.
1)  Select a mail message
2)  Delete it or move/file it
3)  The next message does not get selected and displayed in the message pane.  
Instead, the message pane displays the previously selected message.  The thread 
pane doesn't have any item selected since the previous message was actually 
deleted and cleared from the thread pane.

Note: I am sorted by date.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: mail2, nsbeta3
Summary: After Delete, highlight lose focus → After Delete or Move, next message is not selected/loaded
It looks like this patch fixes this bug as well as any other bug where reloading 
a folder loses selection including sorting and threading.

BTW, the easiest way I could reproduce this bug was to delete the last message 
in the folder and then try to delete other messages.

reassigning to waterson.
Assignee: putterman → waterson
adding mailtrack.  Since this is now waterson's bug, I can't add nsbeta3+ to it.
Keywords: mail2mail5, mailtrack
Attached patch better fixSplinter Review
rjc: could I get you to review the patch to the template builder? When I fixed
the "search dialog gets stealth content" bug, I forgot to add code to keep the
XUL document's GetElementById() hashtable in sync. This code does that.
Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND
Looks OK to me.  r=rjc
fix checked in
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Linux (2000-08-16-09 M18)
Win32 (2000-08-16-10 M18)
Mac (2000-08-16-10 M18)
This problem has been fixed.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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