Closed Bug 490408 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Win2k3 trunk check failures: MSVCR80.dll missing


(Mozilla Messaging Graveyard :: Release Engineering, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gozer, Assigned: gozer)



(Whiteboard: [keep open until --enable-jemalloc is on check boxes again, when bug 491449 is fixed])

There is a dialog message saying:

TestFactory.exe - Unable To Locate Component

"This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"

Then another dialog that's pretty much the same:

xpcshell.exe - Unable To Locate Component

"This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
Is this actually on a Win2000?
Is it a regression?
(In reply to comment #1)
> Is this actually on a Win2000?

I expect so as that's what the box says it is.

> Is it a regression?

Yes. Tinderboxes weren't failing, now they are.

Ted: this started with a clobber, so I expect this could be more fallout from bug 487396.

What I don't understand is that our check boxes build with jemalloc, but we're getting a problem with xpcshell - as if its still expecting the msvcr80.dll?
Blocks: 487396
This could just be another case where we need to port the patch of course.
(In reply to comment #1)
> Is this actually on a Win2000?

Apologies, missed a character when creating the bug. It's Win2k3

> Is it a regression?

Looks like it might have been hiding by the dep builds and was uncovered when these builders ended up clobbering.
Summary: Win2k trunk check failures: MSVCR80.dll missing → Win2k3 trunk check failures: MSVCR80.dll missing
My patch for bug 489975 hasn't fixed this. I've got one other idea - can we try removing --enable-jemalloc from the mozconfig, at least temporarily?

Firefox builds don't have --enable-jemalloc, so my suspicion is that cpp unit tests are broken if you have --enable-jemalloc.
Assignee: nobody → gozer
Not a bad idea, disabling jemalloc to see:

comparing with ssh://
searching for changes
changeset:   1129:57795301ff95
tag:         tip
user:        Philippe M. Chiasson <>
date:        Mon May 04 21:58:48 2009 -0400
summary:     Bug 490408. See if disabling jemalloc will unbreak unittest. r=me

These kind of differences make me uneasy some, as it means the codebase you unittest isn't the codebase you end up shipping.
Depends on: 491449
Win2k3 comm-1.9.1 check just failed, but I expect that's because we switched from with --enable-jemalloc to without, without also doing a clobber. I've now clobbered it so hopefully this will go green soon.

(In reply to comment #6)
> Not a bad idea, disabling jemalloc to see:

Given trunk is now green, I'm assuming this has worked.

> These kind of differences make me uneasy some, as it means the codebase you
> unittest isn't the codebase you end up shipping.

Ditto, I've therefore raised bug 491449 as I expect this is a core issue.

I think we should keep this open until we get a fix for that, to remind us to put --enable-jemalloc back in.
Whiteboard: [keep open until --enable-jemalloc is on check boxes again, when bug 491449 is fixed]
Latest update: We're not linking ldap correctly, so it still wants msvcr80.dll. I'm going to cover this in bug 491488.
Depends on: 491488
Now that the main issue should be fixed I've backed out the previous removal of --enable-jemalloc:

I'll clobber the builds and set off new ones in a mo.
We've now got both branch & trunk check builds green again (with jemalloc on) so this is now fixed.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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