Closed Bug 499731 Opened 15 years ago Closed 12 years ago

States of background chat messages are not consistent


(Other Applications :: ChatZilla, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davidb, Assigned: rginda)


(Keywords: access)

This bug is caused by magic pixies and is a follow up to bug 444644.

From James Teh, STR:
1. Open Chatzilla and join a channel (channel1).
2. Join a second channel (channel2).
3. Press f6 to move to the output window.
4. Press shift+ctrl+tab to move to channel1.
5. Observe that messages from the background tab (channel2) do not have the
offscreen or invisible states.

6. Press ctrl+tab to move to channel2.
7. Press f6 to move to the output window.
8. Press shift+f6 to move back to the input window.
9. Press shift+ctrl+tab to move to channel1.
10. Observe that messages from the background tab (channel2) *do* have the
offscreen and invisible states.

Overall observation: If focus is in the output window when moving to a
different channel, the offscreen and invisible states are not set correctly. If
focus is not in the output window, all is well.

(bug 444644 comment #30)

Note: Unfortunately I had trouble debugging Chatzilla on Windows with Accprobe running. Since I can't spend too much time on this, and since this isn't confirmed outside if Chatzilla, this bug was spun off. I understand Marco has a workaround for NVDA, but this bug might hit others.
JJust tested this with a custom build of CZ that Gijs provided, and the latest Minefield that has the fix for bug 444644. And the words "not consistent" in the bug summary pretty much say it all. Sometimes they are leaking, sometimes not, and I haven't figured out a pattern. Jamie's findings seem to be mostly accurate, but not always, e. g. even if I set focus back to the input box explicitly, sometimes I do get leaks even then.
So, without good steps to reproduce, this is a pretty hard bug to tackle. From comment #1, I gather it's not a focus issue. Does this happen no matter whether messages are important (get copied to the network tab, and marked aria-live="assertive")? Or only for those? Do we have any other clues on when the leaking happens or doesn't happen?
Ah yes, one more thing - is it irrespective of whether or not the ChatZilla window has focus? What is the behaviour if the window isn't focused? Is that behaviour correct, or not, and if not, how should it be improved, and is that a CZ or a Mozilla a11y issue?
OK, so this is assigned to me, but I'm actually not that sure how to move forward on it... David, Marco, do either of you still see this at all (after eg. the new table fixes) ? I wouldn't mind having another look at this, but as it is I'm not sure where I'd start, if trunk is doing any better than releases, etc...
I suspect this is fixed by Alexander's work. I can't verify soon.
(In reply to comment #5)
> I suspect this is fixed by Alexander's work. I can't verify soon.

David, please put it on your todo list.
(In reply to alexander :surkov from comment #6)
> (In reply to comment #5)
> > I suspect this is fixed by Alexander's work. I can't verify soon.
> David, please put it on your todo list.

David, any news here? (Unassigning because there doesn't seem to be anything I can fix...)
Assignee: gijskruitbosch+bugs → rginda
Fixing WFM since this has indeed been fixed by the restructuring and refactoring that went on in the last year. First version I saw it working was SeaMonkey 2.6.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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