Bug 50420
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 24 years ago
File downloaded as aim-1.1.41-1.i386.exe rather than aim-1.1.41-1.i386.rpm
(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P3)
UI Design
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: wd, Assigned: mscott)
(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: [se-radar][nsbeta3-] relnote-user)
From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; m18) Gecko/20000825
BuildID: 2000082508
When I went to download a file from the above URL, I noticed that the file
downloaded is test.exe , rather than the expected file. It's not just a naming
problem, either... test.exe is not the file with just a different filename.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to:
2. Click on one of the links to download
3. Save onto your computer
Actual Results: The file saved is some unknown test.exe
Expected Results: The correct file is downloaded
This has happened to me on another site, too, but I forget which one. If you
click on the link a second time, the correct file will download.
I can dup this problem by trying to download the file from this page:
Comment 4•24 years ago
would this perchance be related to the problems seen in bug 48889?
Keywords: correctness,
OK, my original bug description was wrong. It *is* just a naming problem. If
I take the downloaded file and put a .tgz extension on it, it opens in Winzip
just fine.
Reporting comments form dupe bug 51011:
to repro:
1. go to the above URL, click on the link for the Windows build (which is a zip
file, called
2. the Downloading dialog appears (also, background downloading occurs, as seen
in the progress meter in the statusbar, as expected). click the Save on Disk
radiobutton (note, i did this while background downloading is occurring).
3. the native Save File dialog appears.
result: the default name in the filename field is "test.exe"
expected: the default name should be
Comment 8•24 years ago
i was trying to download an .rpm file, and the extension was changed (but not
the filename) from rpm to exe --is this the same bug? if not, do let me know and
i'll open another bug.
steps (i'm using 2000.09.05.04 opt comm bits on linux, rh6.2):
1. go to, and scroll down to the Download
and Install section.
2. click the "rpm" link (which points to
3. the Downloading dialog appears, click the Save to Disk radio button then the
OK button.
result: the file picker appears with aim-1.1.41-1.i386.exe as the filename; in
the "files of type" droplist, ".exe" is selected.
I've figured out what's going on, at least to a certain level (beyond which I
don't care to venture at this point).
There is no funky auto-encoding going on here (it's an ftp url so that wouldn't
be applicable anyway?).
The problem is that the url is somehow acquiring a trailing '/'. We get the
"suggested" save-as name by calling GetFileName on the url. Because of the
trailing '/', the file name is empty.
It is not clear where the trailing slash comes from. We call GetURI on the open
(ftp) channel, then GetSpec on that URI (after QI'ing to nsIURL, I believe). My
theory is that the ftp protocol handler is getting confused, perhaps due to
something quirky this particular ftp server is doing.
Anyway, the solution is to properly preserve the URL so that our extraction of
the suggested save-as name works as intended.
I'm reassigning this (back) to Networking; removing [nsbeta3+].
P.S. Gordon has a bug with a similar symptom (a ftp url acquiring a trailing
Assignee: law → gagan
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
Comment 10•24 years ago
Sarah, that seems to be another instance of the same problem. I noted (with my
debug code) that this url is acquiring a trailing '/' also. I'm not sure
why/how it is still remembering the file name, though.
Comment 11•24 years ago
I noticed that this seems like maybe it is fixed in yesterday's (2000090508)
build. I will refresh my debug build and see what's going on.
Reporter | ||
Comment 12•24 years ago
Yep. With 2000090608, I am not seeing the behavior I originally reported here.
This should probably be marked as FIXED or WORKSFORME
(I'm not sure which one to use when something starts working?)
Comment 13•24 years ago
I still get this bug with 2000090708 (the latest build) under Linux. So, please
don't mark as "works" yet. I first noticed it on, but can duplicate it
exactly as described by Liberman below.
Comment 14•24 years ago
hmm.. maybe related to rjc's recent fix for trailing slashes in FTP.
Assignee: gagan → rjc
Comment 15•24 years ago
This seems only to happen when clicking on an link that points to the file
through ftp, when the exact same ftp url is given in the urlbar the name of the
file is correct.
Comment 16•24 years ago
Using sairuh's test with getting AIM for Linux, I still see this with a build
from the tip. Its not an FTP problem, I suspect its a problem with the file
save dialog. Over to bryner as he's been working on it lately.
Brian, you can use sairuh's steps to reproduce this.
Assignee: rjc → bryner
Comment 17•24 years ago
Let's not morph bugs. If the original steps don't reproduce the defect you're
seeing, please open a fresh new bug report. As written, this is WFM, though I
can't get to the original link.
Comment 18•24 years ago
Peter, I don't believe this bug has morphed. I couldn't get to the first link
either, so I tried sairuh's test case and COULD reproduce the problem.
Comment 19•24 years ago
Okay, I can get a '.exe' extension in the save dialog following Sairuh's steps
on Win98 and Linux (OS->ALL). That is still a far cry from 'Test.exe', but
whatever. However, as Andreas points out, this works fine when you enter the
same URL in the location bar, so I don't see how the filepicker code could be at
fault. What code could be modifying the URL after the click, but not after the
OS: Windows 98 → All
Priority: P1 → P3
Comment 20•24 years ago
Same results on Mac, Platform->All. Since Mac doesn't use the same filepicker,
I'm pretty sure this is someone trying to munge the extension into something
known. Munging the extension, especially to .exe, is particularly useless on Mac...
Hardware: PC → All
Comment 21•24 years ago
adding se-radar to status so that i can find this bug more easily. pls don't
remove it [yet], thx.
Summary: File downloaded as test.exe , rather than filename.tar.gz → File downloaded as test.exe, rather than filename.tar.gz
Whiteboard: se-radar
Comment 22•24 years ago
so if this isn't a filepicker bug, why is it assigned to me? who should get it?
Comment 23•24 years ago
I don't know, a caller, some glue code,...? Could you check it out?
Comment 24•24 years ago
This is *not* (I repeat) a problem with the file picker or the "save dialog" or
anything else like that; please see my previous (detailed!) explanation. The
problem is inherent in the ftp channel and uri/url.
The front-end code could maybe *fix* the problem symptom, but it is not the
BTW, the reason you don't see the problem when you type in the url is because in
that case we extract the file name from the typed-in URL. When you click on the
link, we get the file name from the open ftp channel (which behaves as I
described previously).
Comment 25•24 years ago
cc law. Bill, perhaps you could chat with RJC about where the problem lies?
Comment 26•24 years ago
(To semi-quote law) This is *not* (I repeat) a problem with FTP.
A few minutes of stack crawling reveals that this is a problem with the
uriLoader, specifically in nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp where it is creating a
temp file to download the remote FTP file contents into... it just gives the
temp file a name where it strips off the real extension and then adds on a
computed one (reference: line #486 of nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp)
mscott's fingerprints are all over this file... so moving this bug over to him.
Assignee: bryner → mscott
Comment 27•24 years ago
I should probably just be glad that this isn't my bug any more...but I feel
obliged to try to work towards the real solution.
There *is* a "problem" with FTP. The URL in question magically acquires a
trailing '/' which then causes all hell to break loose. Despite additional bugs
that might be perceived to lie elsewhere (e.g., in nsExternalHelperAppService),
the fact that the url morphs is at the root of the symptom reported here.
If, by chance, FTP didn't screw up the URL, then all would be well. The
uriloader code would determine the proper extension (.gz). It would also get
the proper file "name" (filename.tar). It would then properly attach the proper
extension to the proper file name (yes, at about line 486 in
nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp) and suggest the proper save-to file name
But no. Instead, the FTP channel gives us a URL that is wrong: it has no "file
name". One consequence is that we are forced to guess as to the extension.
Our guess, haphazard as it might be, is ".exe".
I tried to say this before:
>The problem is that the url is somehow acquiring a trailing '/'. We get the
>"suggested" save-as name by calling GetFileName on the url. Because of the
>trailing '/', the file name is empty.
>It is not clear where the trailing slash comes from. We call GetURI on the
>(ftp) channel, then GetSpec on that URI (after QI'ing to nsIURL, I believe).
>theory is that the ftp protocol handler is getting confused, perhaps due to
>something quirky this particular ftp server is doing.
>Anyway, the solution is to properly preserve the URL so that our extraction of
>the suggested save-as name works as intended.
I'm sorry if I failed to adequately communicate what was happening. There is
little question as to what code is producing "test.exe". It ain't the FTP
channel. But the problem isn't that "test.exe" is being generated. The problem
is that "filename.tar.gz" is *not* being generated. And *that* is the direct
result of the attachment of the trailing '/' to the ftp channel uri/url.
Reassigning back to rjc.
Assignee: mscott → rjc
Comment 28•24 years ago
Oops. I erred. That should be GetFileName in the second paragraph quoted
above (not GetSpec). I used GetSpec in my debugging code to examine the full
URL (thereby observing the trailing '/').
Comment 29•24 years ago
Bill, there WAS a bug regarding FTP erroneously appending slashes, but it was
fixed over a week ago. How old is your source tree?
Assignee: rjc → law
Comment 30•24 years ago
>there WAS a bug regarding FTP erroneously appending slashes
Doh! Then why is this bug still open? If ftp isn't tacking on the '/' then it
should be working. I can't verify because the Download dialog is broken in the
build I installed yesterday (no radio buttons). My build is almost done and
I'll see if it's fixed. But it must still be broken or else you wouldn't be
working on it. I'm confused.
I see I worked on this early last week, while it was still broken (at least in
my source tree).
Comment 31•24 years ago
Yep, the bug still happens. As I mentioned, as far as I see, its the URI loader
which is stripping off what it believes to be the extension, and then appends on
a new extension (in the case of the AIM Linux beta, it ends up appending
".exe"). [That's why I assigned this bug to mscott.]
I'll stop by your cube when I get in and show you a stack trace...
Comment 32•24 years ago
>Yep, the bug still happens
Depends on what you mean by "the" :-). The *original* bug does not still
happen, at least on (my) Windows. But on Windows, the .rpm file does turn into
a .exe file.
Hee hee, this is pretty funny. The bug changed when Sarah added her comment
here: ------- Additional Comments From S.E.V. Liberman 2000-09-06 13:37 -------
That's the *exact* same time I posted the results of my investigation into the
original bug. Quite the coincidence.
Subsequent discussion (as I read it now) wavered on what was actually working
where, when but it eventually settles on what seems to be the fact that ".exe"
is added/replaced to the file name for certain files, not that "filename.tar.gz"
comes up as "test.exe".
As to the current remaining bug: I think this is due to the way we synthesize
the file name based on combination of extension and mime-type. I don't know
exactly how it works, but it seems as if the extension and the mime-type don't
"match" properly (e.g., ".rpm" vs. "application/octet-stream") then we try to
impose the extension we *think* goes with the mime type.
This will vary from platform to platform, depending on what "helper apps" are
registered. I suspect that we should never, ever add an extension on any
platform other than Windows (because it will be ignored anyway).
And I'm not even sure about Windows because that'll lead to weird things like
turning .rpm into .exe. On the other hand, the way we launch helper apps on
Windows requires that we append the "right" extension. So maybe we should only
do that if we're going to launch the helper app, and not if saving to disk.
Sigh. I'm going to have to update my tracking bug 50326, I guess. And reassign
this to mscott :-). I *knew* I should have just let this slide.
Oh. We should have listened to Peter when he tried to get us to open a new bug:
>Let's not morph bugs. If the original steps don't reproduce the defect you're
>seeing, please open a fresh new bug report. As written, this is WFM, though I
>can't get to the original link.
To which Robert replies:
>Peter, I don't believe this bug has morphed. I couldn't get to the first link
>either, so I tried sairuh's test case and COULD reproduce the problem.
Which I should have interpreted as "Yes, the bug has morphed, but we're going to
keep talking about "the problem" when we're really talking about this *other*
Maybe it's just because I'm going nuts, but I think I've got good reason for
going nuts.
Assignee: law → mscott
Comment 33•24 years ago
Whatever. :)
Thanks for bumping this back over to mscott where the bug belongs.
Comment 34•24 years ago
So, is the summary correct as it stands today? It seems like this bug has
morphed to be about .rpm -> .exe rather than .tar.gz -> .exe. Has the erroneous
appended slash been eliminated yet?
Whiteboard: se-radar → [se-radar][b3 need info]
Comment 35•24 years ago
Yes, the bug cause and symptom has changed over time.
I've changed the summary. Please see Sarah's report on 09/06 for the problem
that still needs attention.
The erroneous trailing '/' no longer appears on ftp urls.
Summary: File downloaded as test.exe, rather than filename.tar.gz → File downloaded as aim-1.1.41-1.i386.rpm rather than aim-1.1.41-1.i386.exe
Summary: File downloaded as aim-1.1.41-1.i386.rpm rather than aim-1.1.41-1.i386.exe → File downloaded as aim-1.1.41-1.i386.exe rather than aim-1.1.41-1.i386.rpm
Comment 36•24 years ago
So, the workaround is to just type in the extension you really want and save the
file isn't it? Marking nsbeta3- based on that workaround.
Whiteboard: [se-radar][b3 need info] → [se-radar][nsbeta3-]
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Comment 38•24 years ago
*** Bug 48889 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 39•24 years ago
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [se-radar][nsbeta3-] → [se-radar][nsbeta3-] relnote-user
Comment 40•24 years ago
this looks like it has been working. I have been downloading lots of good stuff
on linux build November 3.
Download any rpm from to make sure.
Comment 41•24 years ago
yeah, this works now for me using linux 2000.11.21.08 trunk bits. mscott, was
there a checkin that helped this, or shall it just be marked wfm? thx!
Assignee | ||
Comment 42•24 years ago
Yes I checked something in so we no longer used the temp file name for the
suggested file name (that's where the impedence mismatch was happening with file
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 44•24 years ago
-> xpapps
Do we remove relnote after a bug is fixed an no longer in relnote? Might be the
case with this bug.
Component: Networking → XP Apps
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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