Closed Bug 508738 Opened 15 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Cannot close tabs with Command+W and even select Close Tab with right click on tab


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mr.clement, Assigned: kmag)



(Keywords: qawanted)


(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 GTB5
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 GTB5

Some tabs cannot be closed with Command + W and even select "Close Tab" with right-click on tab. It's happened after several times of open links with new tabs and close the tabs later.

Reproducible: Sometimes
Have you tried this in safe mode?
it only started to happen after the 3.5.2 upgrade; and if I open a new firefox window, everything is normal there and all tabs can be closed there.
I can confirm the same behaviour for: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 GTB5

1. Can't close tabs after having opened new tabs and closing them a few times. It suddenly stopped working after closing a single tab. Nothing special, just one of my Google Documents tabs. I wanted to close the last 2 Google Document tabs, and after closing the first I couldn't close tabs anymore.
2. A new window works fine.
3. First time this happens to me.
4. I've also been on Firefox 3.5.2 for the past week. 

I have tried many different things to see if I can get a tab to close. No luck. These include hiding/showing toolbars, opening new tabs. Closing with menus/buttons/shortcuts. I've tried "Undoing Close Tab". Reloading single tabs or all tabs. Tricks with tab closes (clicking, double clicking, undoing and pressing Ctrl+W), "Sending tabs". Minimizing, Maximizing, Resizing window, zoom, etc... Basically anything related to tabs I could think of to see if I can possibly trigger something specific to restore it so to help narrow a piece of code to make it easier to find what this bug is related to.

Nothing seemed to help. I can understand that this bug could be very difficult to fix as it isn't "always reproducible". But it's definitely there.

Also. At the point where I tried getting it to close a tab by trying different things I figured I'd try the "Close Other Tabs" option. I had 5 tabs opened. I went to the first (Gmail) and tried "Close other tabs". It prompted me to close "5" tabs, which should have been 4. This didn't happen again. It now only shows close (count - 1) tabs, which is correct. I know I didn't imagine the "Close 5 tabs" - I checked it and counted tabs and rechecked it carefully 3 times. I was so stunned by this that to be sure I even counted the tabs one-by-one by pointing my finger to them. Not sure if this is related. If not related it seems the tabbing system can use some cleanup (from my experience these intermittent bugs can often be removed by code cleanup and reviewing the design/structure instead of spending hours/days to find it and hacking together just another fix). The reason for this is because they are usually caused by unprovided for situations (easy in messy code) or reproduced/copied code blocks.

Just some thoughts. Hope it helps.
(In reply to comment #2)
> it only started to happen after the 3.5.2 upgrade; and if I open a new firefox
> window, everything is normal there and all tabs can be closed there.

Since it's such a rare problem, trying to confirm it in Safe Mode is not so easy, especially if you use some of your addons regularly. 

Sarah and Mr. Clement, what addons/plugins do you have in the Firefox this happened with?
I noticed another interesting phenomena. On the History menu, the Recently Closed Tabs menu is "Disabled" (greyed). Like with a Window that has never had tab closes. Other windows where tabs can close has this menu item working as intended.

I've been trying to find what I noticed before, but something indicated that Firefox lost it's knowledge of the tabs. Like it thinks there aren't any. I'm sorry, but I can't recall why I thought this. If I do find it again I'll let you know, but this might be worth looking into.
OK. I noticed a very interesting something, which could help find the bug.

At this point I have 36 tabs open which I can't close. The tab that I closed which triggered this was a Google Docs "form" page. The page title was "Title of Form".

To check something I clicked on each tab and then on the Home button. Using the Google Toolbar "new tab page", I had all the tabs have the title "New Tab". I carefully went through the list of tabs, one by one to confirm they are all "New Tab" pages. They are. So I only had 1 type of tab, entitled "New Tab".

Now comes the interesting part. I again did "Send Tab URLs", selected for it to goto clipboard, and then pasted into a text editor. Here I noticed that the "Title of Form" page is still in the list.

So I clicked the down-arrow button to the right of the tab list (which lists all the tabs), and there it was as well. Somehow this tab is a culprit in the data structure. 

Here comes the VERY interesting part.

When I open the "Tab List" menu and select this tab, it opens the page, but doesn't select any tab. It's like an "Invisible" or "Ghost" tab. In the exported URL list I counted this tab as being tab #24, and the total number of tabs is 36. But I can only see 35 tabs. Clicking on tab 24 in the list doesn't show the tab I get when clicking on tab #24 in the tab list menu.

So I goto this tab through the menu.
1. I press Ctrl+PageUp. Suddenly tab #23 becomes selected. 
2. I press Ctrl+PageDown. Now there are no more tabs selected, but I see the ghost tab.
3. I press Ctrl+PageDown again. Now tab #25 is selected. 

So it's like there is an invisible tab between #23 and #25. And it was after closing this tab that all tab closes became broken.

I can't close this tab either. So it doesn't look like I can fix it somehow. I can navigate away from the page and treat it like any other tab, except for closing it.

Hope this sheds some more light and helps to locate the bug.
One more note, when navigating on this ghost tab, the tab seems to be disconnected from the rest of the window in all ways.

When refreshing it reloads the page but doesn't show anything in the status bar.

And the favicon next to the URL in the location bar doesn't change away from the Google Docs icon. 

The title on the Tab's list remains "Title of Form" (never changes). When navigating in the tab the Window's title doesn't change either. Though, when I change away from that tab, and change back (using Ctrl+PageUp or PageDown) then the window title is updated to that of the current page title. Same goes for navigating away/back using the Tab's list menu.

Even though navigating to the exact same page in another tab does do these things. 

Apologies for all the messages and information. Just trying to get as much information as I can while this is happening to me. Hopefully someone can see what could cause this based on something I gave.

It's late and I'm going to bed now. This is basically what I've found. I'm now going to close the window and post a comment of my findings.
OK. Closing the Window worked fine. Nothing weird.

This could be expected because the window's resource themselves are destroyed.
(In reply to comment #4)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> > it only started to happen after the 3.5.2 upgrade; and if I open a new firefox
> > window, everything is normal there and all tabs can be closed there.
> Since it's such a rare problem, trying to confirm it in Safe Mode is not so
> easy, especially if you use some of your addons regularly. 
> Sarah and Mr. Clement, what addons/plugins do you have in the Firefox this
> happened with?

You are right! Testing in safe mode is not that easy. But actually I only installed Google Toolbar and Flashgot add-ons. Plug-ins are enabled Shockwave Flash, Silverlight, VLC, Flip4Mac, Google Talks, RealPlayer.

I use Firefox daily on Mac. I don't know whether because of updated to 10.5.8 of Mac OS X and it released just after this post :). The problem seems disappeared during this few weeks use.

I also use Google service daily; Gmail, Docs and Sites, I did not get any problem from them. Hey, is Google not going to update Gears anymore, are they going to switch using html5 local storage function?

Which version of Google Toolbar do you use?

The Google Toolbar has got callbacks registered for tab closes, so it might just be the culprit. I doubt it though, and even if it is, I don't believe FF is all innocent in this, as I've never experienced this until the 3.5.2 upgrade... and I use FF a LOT.

To get the toolbar version, click the settings menu on the toolbar (to the right), goto Help and select "About Google Toolbar". List the FULL version string.

Hi Q,

I see. I don't know Google Toolbar has got callbacks. I also got some problem before when using Google Toolbar - Version 5.0.20090813M or abit earlier version I forgot. Icons repeatedly showed on the top left of options screen of google toolbar and also out of control sometimes.

I'm currently using - Version 5.0.20090324M, it seems ok now!

One last thing. 

1. How often did this happen to you?
2. Are you a single window-many tabs user, or a multi window-little tabs, or a fair mix user?

I'm trying to see if I can reproduce it more often. Want to see if I can find/fix it. So any information on this would help. I haven't changed anything on my installation. If I can reproduce it 2 more times I am going to try Safe Mode to see if that fixes anything. 

Then based on this answer hunt the bug. So any extra information you can give would be appreciated.

Hi Q, 

1. It's better now. It seems doesn't happen again after downgrade the Google Toolbar. Before that, it just happened after open and close tabs so many times, and when I trying to close the tab again, then the tab would freeze and you were unable to close with Cmd+W or right-click to select "Close tab". I have to close the entire Firefox program and start again to solve the problem.

2. I'm a single window-many tabs user. Sometimes would open 1 or 2 windows for doing comparison.

I usually will not open more than 15 tabs in a single window. Some of websites will have pop-ups and I will drag it back to the same window sometimes.

Gmail and Docs will leave on always and will open couple of spreadsheets and documents.

I also frequently use shortcut key to switch, open and close tabs, focus address and search fields.

I hope this information can help you and the community!

I'm not sure It seems to freeze on particular website. I remember that last time the tab not respond was visiting Adobe livedocs.
Hi Quintin Beukes,

sorry I didnt answer sooner.  To answer your questions:
1. It doesn't happen so often now. I can remember only the one time yesterday so far this week. It was definitely more often then, but i don't know why, I visit about the same sites as always.
2. I'm a single window-many tabs user as well, usually 5-10 tabs in a window, hardly ever more than 15. I open all new windows in new tabs instead. 

About which add-ons i have installed: (a lot...)

Ask Chrome Search Engine
BlockSite (Not compatible with FF3.5.2)
Deutsches Woerterbuch (a spell checking Add-on)
Download Statusbar
Firefox companion for Ebay
Hide Menubar
Java Quick Starter
Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant
Personas for Firefox

All updated to the lasted versions.
and even more plug-ins: (I didnt know them myself)

2007 MS office system
adobe acrobat
cooliris embedded in a tab
java platform SE 6 U12
microsoft? DRM
Microsoft Windows media Player
mozilla default Plug-in
shockwave flash
windows geniune advantage
windows presentation foundation

I hope this can help a bit :-)

Hey Sarah,

Thanks for the response. Just to confirm, 

1) you don't have Google Toolbar?

2) Do you use Google Docs or any other JavaScript intense web applications?

Hi Quintin Beukes,

no, I dont have Google Toolbar and I dont use Google Docs either, though I'm not sure what other JavaScript applications are, to be honest, I'm even not sure what Google Docs really does. (never used it >_> )

So was anyone able to reproduce this bug in Safe mode as what have been asked in comment 1? We never got a response on that only that it's not easy to reproduce. Anyone who can see this behavior should check that please. Thanks.
Yes, it happens to me in safe mode. And there aren't any specific steps I have to go through. All I do is open the browser. Open several tabs, and then try to close the one on the far left. It never closes. Although, after reading this, I did try opening a second window, and everything is fine in my second window as well, all tabs close properly.
Ok, so the next try would be to use a fresh profile. Eventually there are some settings which are causing this problem. Can you please follow the steps listed on that page and try again?
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Well, that worked. For now. I wish someone had mentioned that I'd lose my entire bookmarks list. I guess I should have known that. Is there any way to recover it?

You do not loose your bookmarks. Looks like that Firefox starts with the new profile now all the time. Just run Firefox with the command line open "-p" to select the correct profile.

Then please go to "Help | Troubleshooting information" and attach everything as an attachment to this bug. Thanks.
Reporting back as asked in bug #534434 and I have to say that since I'm using 3.6 I haven't been running into this behaviour since.
Looks like it's fixed somewhere along the line to me.
I have version 3.6.6 and got this problem today, it was fixed with a restart of firefox, but still very annoying. System is Ubuntu 10.04.

I've got these add-ons:
  Adblock Plus
  Gmail Notifier
  Hostname in Titlebar
  Ubuntu Firefox Modifications


  DivX(R) Web Player
  iTunes Application Detector
  Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_20
  QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6
  Shockwave Flash
  VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Totem 2.30.2)
  Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Totem)
Got this problem yesterday under the 4.0b2pre, after disabling all incompatible extensions, leaving only Adblock Plus and Adblock Plus Element Hider enabled, and only running the default theme, 

2007 Microsoft Office System 12.0.4518.1014
Adobe Acrobat
Java(TM Platform SE 6 u20
Microsoft Office 2003 11.0.8161.0
Shockwave Flash
VLC multimedia Plug-in
Windows Life Photo Gallery 14.8081.709

System is a Macbook Pro running Windows 7 RTM full time under Bootcamp Drivers.
I'm using Minefield latest nightly and am getting windows that won't close. Seems like it happened after I installed from and then did the usual update.
I've encountered this bug in Minefield 4.0b3, both in the regular mode and in safe mode.

If it helps any, I've found that most of the time I load a new tab with a site that has text input boxes, the bug occurs. However, it's more random than anything else.
Marking as confirmed for now based on the big amount of dupes. It would be great to get a list of websites which introduce this problem, even with it happens randomly. We need at least a starting point to be able to work on that bug. Thanks!
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: qawanted
Pretty much any site that has at least two different text input boxes being opened up in a new tab will trigger the bug.

Pretty much it happens every time I open up a new tab with any of the links from, whether it's bugs or something like that.
Can you please tell us the exact steps you are doing? How do you open that page, how do you click links, and so on.
Seems the bug has been rectified in the latest build of Minefield 4.0b3.
I have seen this bug the first time today with Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0b6) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b6

Not sure what the real steps are but I have restored a formerly closed tab which contained a large image. Zooming was not possible, and so I have closed it immediately again. With this step the tab on the left side becomes 1px wide and I wasn't able to close it. The CPU load went up to about 90% and Firefox was unusable. I had to hard-kill the process. I have no steps available to reproduce the issue. :/
In iceweasel b7 starting in -safe-mode and re-enabling all my plugins seems that resolved the problem, could anyone that is experiencing this bug please try this procedure?

(In reply to comment #46)
> In iceweasel b7 starting in -safe-mode and re-enabling all my plugins seems

Do you mean extensions or plugins? In any case which extensions and plugins do you have? Looks like more and more users experience this problem and it would be great to be able to correlate it with other comments on this bug.
Sorry I mean extensions and plugins, I re-enabled all the plugins installed and all the needed plugins, I'm not sure if I re enabled all the previous extensions before -safe-mode.
Here is a list of what I have.

  Application Basics



        User Agent
        Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0b7) Gecko/20101111 Firefox/4.0b7 Iceweasel/4.0b7

        Profile Directory

          Open Containing Folder

        Enabled Plugins


        Build Configuration








        Novell Moonlight

        Font Finder

        User-Agent Identity Protocol

        Page Speed



        User Agent Switcher

        FoxyProxy Standard

        Edit Cookies


        TinEye Reverse Image Search


        Add-on Compatibility Reporter

        Easy Youtube Video Downloader

        Context Font








        Download Badge

        true lite


        Google Reader Watcher

        Live HTTP headers
I have this bug as well in 3.6.13. Cannot close one of my tabs. Returns to normal when I restart Firefox. I also tried dragging the tab to a new window, which moves the HTML page, but the tab in the old window remains blank and still has the old page title in it. It seems like the page that can lock up will just be any random page, as the one that locked up this time is the firefox update release page!

I've had this happen in both Windows and Linux, two different machines, with different addons. The addons I have on here now are as follows:

* Adblock Plus 1.31
* Better Privacy 1.48.3
* Delicious Bookmarks 2.1.106
* Invisible Hand 2.8
* Novell Moonlight
* Torbutton 1.2.5
* User Agent Switcher 0.7.2
darkshine, can you please do the following:

1. Create a new Firefox profile (WITHOUT deleting your old profile)
2. Does it still happen in the new profile?
3. If it does NOT happen in the new profile, please do the following:
3.a. Goto Help -> Troubleshooting information
3.b. Attach everything as an attachment to this bug.
Nothing here seems unusual
New profile generated by firefox 3.6.13
(In reply to comment #52)
> darkshine, can you please do the following:
> 1. Create a new Firefox profile (WITHOUT deleting your old profile)
> 2. Does it still happen in the new profile?
> 3. If it does NOT happen in the new profile, please do the following:
> 3.a. Goto Help -> Troubleshooting information
> 3.b. Attach everything as an attachment to this bug.

It doesn't look like it is happening in the new profile yet, but I will have to get some decent browsing out of it just to be sure. I'll update if it happens again.
Confirming issue is still observed in: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; kn; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

I had Gmail, Google Docs opened, and was copy-pasting some stuff to/from Google Word Doc and Gmail e-mail compose screen. The reason I'm mentioning this is that someone up here reported even they had Google Docs opened at the time. Everything was fine after re-launching Firefox.

Since it's a pretty rare issue, I've captured the screen video grab and uploaded here:

Hope it helps!
- Niri
I have had this problem for I don't know how long now, but I think I know the way to reproduce this bug. That being by opening a browser window via an outside application, like from an email/IM client or a game launcher (WoW/LotRO/etc) just to name a few ways.

And a way to be relatively sure you got hit by this bug is by looking at the address bar. When the window initially opens, the address bar will be blank. And anytime you type anything into the address bar, it will stay that way regardless where you're sent (if you type in a legitimate url or use the address bar as a search engine).
A little update/change to my previous comment above.....

It appears that this bug can be reproduced in more ways than simply launching a browser window via an outside client (I just reproduced it by launching FF -via a quick launch button, if that matters- while having one of my MMORPG games minimized).

As far as the address bar thing goes....when initially opening FF, the address bar won't technically be blank. At least for me, it has "Search Bookmarks and History" in a light grayish font that disappears when clicking anywhere in the bar.
Happens with me as well.
I've posted some details in with a video on how firefox behaves.
I have the same issue here with FF 4.0b10

It is very hard to reproduce, and when it happens only some tabs seem to be affected.
I found that after disabling the Tabberwocky add-on tab closing now works correctly again. Which is a shame since I relied on some of the Tabberwocky features
Sometimes, when I have a couple of tabs open and I dont need them anymore, I
click on the X button to close them they wont close, they just stay there.  In
order for me to get rid of them, I have to completely shut down Firefox and
then open it up again.  So far, I haven't found an answer to this one.  

Thanks for all your help gang!!

Also, I have Firefox 3.6.13
Vote for this issue. It needs more dedicated attention. It seems to be getting worse.
(In reply to comment #67)
> Vote for this issue. It needs more dedicated attention. It seems to be getting
> worse.

I'm not sure how to vote for an issue..sorry,cause I totally agree with you, it needs more attention.  My FF has updated since this problem has started and now it seems its getting worse.  VERY frustrating.
This issue is no longer reproducing.
Tested with Nightly builds on:

Windows 7 
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130127 Firefox/21.0
Build ID: 20130127031042

Mac OSX 10.8
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130128 Firefox/21.0
Build ID: 20130128030943

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130128 Firefox/21.0
Build ID: 20130128030943

Marking as resolved. If someone is able to reproduce this issue, please reopen it.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
(In reply to Cornel Ionce [QA] from comment #69)
> This issue is no longer reproducing.

Because it was hard to reproduce in all the cases AFAIR. So I question that you can be sure about your test results. I ask everyone who was able to see it to check it again. We really might have to open the bug again.
This should hopefully be fixed by bug 1238685. If not, it should at least prevent things from getting worse after the first tab breaks.

Given how hard the bug is to reliably reproduce, I'm going to leave this open until we see what impact it has.
Depends on: 1238685
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Assignee: nobody → kmaglione+bmo
(In reply to Kris Maglione [:kmag] from comment #71)
> This should hopefully be fixed by bug 1238685. If not, it should at least
> prevent things from getting worse after the first tab breaks.
> Given how hard the bug is to reliably reproduce, I'm going to leave this
> open until we see what impact it has.

Problem gone since bug 1238685 was fixed ~5 months ago in development?
Haven't seen this bug since a very long time myself.
Please reopen if you see again.
Closed: 12 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


