Closed Bug 53152 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

filenames containing '..' or ending w/ '.' stop the directory enumerator (can affect imported IE favorites)


(Core :: XPCOM, defect, P1)

Windows NT





(Reporter: jst, Assigned: dougt)



(Keywords: relnote, Whiteboard: [rtm-] relnote-user)


(3 files)

If you browse a local directory with mozilla and the directory happens to contain a file with '..' (two or more dots) in it, the directory enumerator stops enumerating the files in the directory. This same problem was fixed by Brendan in xpcom/io/nsLocalFileUnix.cpp, but the windows version of that file still has the problem. The problem is on line 755 in nsLocalFileWin.cpp (in nsLocalFile::AppendRelativePath(const char *node)). This is a serious problem that has very confusing symptoms, I realized this when I tried to attach a file to a bug with mozilla and mozilla wouldn't show my diff file in the filepicker. The reason for that was that I happened to have a file named 'leaks...' in the same directory where I had the diff file.
Seems like dougt has been all over this file, reassigning to him (Ray, I hope you don't mind), and also nominating for beta3...
Assignee: rayw → dougt
Keywords: correctness, nsbeta3
Priority: P3 → P1
email from Dan Christensen <> if (!node || (*node == '/') || (strstr(node, "..") != nsnull) || (strchr(node, '/') != nsnull)) and what I suggested (with a slight correction) is: if(!node || (strchr(node,'/') != nsnull) || (strcmp(node,"..") == 0)) Comparing the two versions, I have simply replaced the (*node == '/') and (strchr(node,'/') != nsnull) with a single (strchr(node,'/') and then replaced the (strstr(node,"..") != nsnull) with the (strcmp(node,"..") == 0). How could this break anything that is currently working? The only case that my version discards that the first doesn't is the case where node = "..". My version allows several cases that the first does not but they are all instances where ".." occurs within a valid filename, as a ".." must somehow be accompanied with a "/" to cause problems.
*** Bug 47961 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Windows 98 accepts "..." for "two directories up", at least at the command prompt and in the Run dialog. Does the patch check for this case? Do other versions of Windows behave differently? Nominating for rtm, because this breaks importing IE favorites if the name of a favorite contains "..." or ends with ".".
Keywords: rtm
Whiteboard: [rtm need info]
marking [rtm need info] since you are working on this. Please get r= and sr= and move to [rtm+] so the PDT can decide whether to approve this. Seems unlikely to get approval unless you can describe why this would happen to a lot of regular users.
I feel this is a rather big issue for Windows users. It's possible that several Favorites have ".." somewhere in them. It's even more likely that a Favorite ends with a ".". This bug makes too many of *my* Favorites disappear, please fix it! :-)
I had about 7 favorites like that where I had not changed the name from the page's title, so I think lots of users will encounter this bug. (OTOH, I have a whole lot of unsorted favorites, so I could be overestimating.) Nominating for relnotertm in case it doesn't get fixed for rtm.
Keywords: relnote, relnoteRTM
Side note: Windows 95 also, I've just discovered, accepts ... for 2 directories up. Gerv
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] → [rtm need info] relnote-user
Summary: filenames containing '..' stop the directory enumerator... → Favorites containing ".." in them cause all other favorites to not be displayed! filenames containing '..' stop the directory enumerator...
This needs R= and SR= *NOW* if you're EVER going to get this in the branch. Trying to get Waterson's attention.
Doug, is the patch you attached the correct patch? Any testing done on it? Have you tried to get reviewers? Adding Jud to CC. We need some immediate love on this!
Summary: Favorites containing ".." in them cause all other favorites to not be displayed! filenames containing '..' stop the directory enumerator... → filenames containing '..' stop the directory enumerator (can affect imported favorites)
Old patch. scc: is the syntax reasonable? would someone review this patch?
Keywords: approval, patch, review
*** Bug 57071 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
No. This is not the correct patch. There needs to be more work on this fix based on the comments that I got from IRC & via the first review.
PDT marking [rtm-]. Files with ".." in the name seem rare, and if we can't agree on the patch, we're out of time.
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] relnote-user → [rtm-] relnote-user
Files containing .. are not rare. They are actually quite common. I'm sorry the current patch isn't complete or correct. Thanks dougt for your prompt reply, i'm sorry if my pestering brought this into the killing radar.
As jst originally mentioned in this bug: Why not use a similar fix as was made in xpcom/io/nsLocalFileUnix.cpp? That fix has been in the tree for a while (Sept 18), and hasn't been backed out. I'd think that a similar approach in the xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp would be acceptable, even this late in the game.
It looks like OS/2 may suffer from the same problem. The code in nsLocalFile::AppendRelativePath in nsLocalFileOS2.cpp looks too similar to that in nsLocalFileWin.cpp.
Adding to the mozilla0.9 radar, hoping we'll get a patch for this in soon.
Keywords: mozilla0.9
*** Bug 62156 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 64853 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Could we *please* have this reviewed and checked in? What about the OS/2 version of this file (nsLocalFileOS2.cpp)? It appears to have the same faulty logic as the Windows version...
brendan, can you review patch 22648. It is basically your unix patch with slight mods.
Argh. The patch will allow appending, and forbid foo/../bar (Unix pathname component separator used for clarity), but it won't stop, because it calls strstr(fragment, "..") once only. Why are we proscribing .. components in relative pathnames, anyway? I think we all agreed that "security" was not a good reason. Doug, how about a patch that rips out .. checks altogether? /be
that would be kewl with me. When creating nsIFile's, buyer beware. Patch coming shortly.
AppendRelativePath is called in quite a few places. Ccing mstoltz to see if he knows whether the .. check is important.
On Unix, there's no safety in excluding ..'s without expanding symlinks. And since you can't expand symlinks, verify that the pathname doesn't go up above some controlling directory, and then actually *use* the pathname, in one atomic operation, there is no safety in checking symlinks and ..'s. The only safe course is chroot(2). So I think there can be no convincing case for excluding ..'s. Prove me wrong, anyone. /be
*** Bug 67440 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: filenames containing '..' stop the directory enumerator (can affect imported favorites) → filenames containing '..' or ending w/ '.' stop the directory enumerator (can affect imported favorites)
*** Bug 69239 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 69348 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding IE to summary to help finding this bug.
Summary: filenames containing '..' or ending w/ '.' stop the directory enumerator (can affect imported favorites) → filenames containing '..' or ending w/ '.' stop the directory enumerator (can affect imported IE favorites)
53152 Build ID: 2001021820 Platform: win32-talkback OS: Windows 2000 Professional Still happens with this build. Do we have to turn off the .. check on Windows? Wouldn't it be sufficient to check for occurance of ../ on windows? And why does the directory enumerator have to stop enumerating the whole directory? Can't it just skip the suspicious entry and advance to the next file? (with my favorites, there is one that has a .. in its name, but Mozilla ignores it and all other entries following it, including some subfolders.)
Alek: patch hasn't been checked in yet, so of course it still occurs, and exactly as you have pointed out. Dougt: What is the status on getting the patch r/sr/a by some of the people here on the Cc: list of this bug, and barring any major problems, getting the patch into the tree? Would be nice :o)
+ if (!node || (*node == '/') || (strchr(node, '/') != nsnull)) => + if (!node || *node == '/' || strchr(node, '/'))
timeless: what's so evil about adding parentheses to make code easier to read?
Why not just if (!node || strchr(node, '/')) ? If you want an explicit check for the first character for some reason (I can't think of why), then at least do: if (!node || *node == '/' || strchr(node+1, '/')) Jesse: not all parentheses make things clearer, and certainly parens+explicit-comparison-to-nsnull muddies the waters here. I vote for if (!node || strchr(node. '/')) myself: short and sweet.
r=timeless for shaver's suggestion. I agree 100% i wasn't actually trying to understand what the code did before, all i could tell was that i couldn't understand it, it's a gag reflex.
can someone put an sr= on this for shaver's last suggestion. be?
r/sr=brendan, what shaver said. /be
*** Bug 69348 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
note: > // Cannot start with a / or have .. or have / anywhere The comment is no longer accurate, the 'or have ..' part can be deleted. It is r/sr now, would be *very* nice if this was checked in :)
fix checked in. thanks all.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 69963 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
WFM on WindowsME (2001070204 build). I do not verify only because this bug can depend on some OS differences with WinNT. Marking mostfreq.
Keywords: mostfreq
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