Closed Bug 56002 Opened 24 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Make path to profile dir unpredictable


(Core :: Security, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: security-bugs, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Whiteboard: [rtm++])


(21 files)

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--- jar, from bug 55731: --- b) We again are being burnt by the fact that the attacker can guess where we will place a file (re: default user directory). At some point we need to put some more randomization in this placement.. but we never seem to get aronud to it... and it has burnt us many times. Let's do this. Aside from bug 55731, we've had numerous problems in Communicator and NS6 so far involving the reating of the default profile. So, how to do it? If we want even more security, we should apply this fix to all profile directories, not just the default one, as an attacker may be able to guess other path names besides "default/" The trick is to do this in a way that isn't too complex for the user. The simplest way would be to append a random number to the end of the profile directory name, and store that number locally where it can't be discovered by an attacker. That way, everything in the directory is protected. Otherwise, we'd have to change every file that ever gets added to the profile directory, and this would be harder to maintain.
ccing selmer and bhuvan for suggestions. How can we do this and not make the user experience (or troubleshooting) more complex?
Target Milestone: --- → M19
I don't see this going into RTM. I think it merits a design discussion. There could be a lot of unintended side-effects to making this change.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Target Milestone: M19 → Future
Appending random numbers to the end of the profile directory name won't work because that would send us beyond the 8.3 limit (and, yes, there are still some platforms that will be broken by such). Better is to have a mapping of the name the user choses for his profile name (or default that we chose for him) and the actual profile name. The actual profile name is generated randomly. The mapping could be kept in the registry or some equivalent place (i.e., the place where we already store the list of profiles names and their actual paths).
Munging a number into the leaf of the profile directory name somehow is probably not a big deal. However, changing the location of the defaults directory still seems problemmatic.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can somebody please explain what this will help? Mozilla still has to find the profile :), so if we can find, why wouldn't the attacker find it, assuming he can read files? Unless we're doing something freaky like "ls ~/.mozilla*" to find the profile, the path to the profile has to be stored somewhere, and an attacker can also read and interpret that. > Appending random numbers to the end of the profile directory name won't work > because that would send us beyond the 8.3 limit This is not a problem on Unix (and neither on Mac, I think), and the profiles folder path code is not XP anyway.
The critical mis-assumption above is: "...assuming he can read files..." The attacker typically cannot read files from your local disk (that *would* be a privacy/security breach of significance). Indeed, the goal of many attacks is to read files (or directories). Sadly, knowing where the user's directory is placed often allows the attacker to *place* content at known locations in the file system... and then execute that trojan content... and then using that trojan content, actually read files from the file system.
So, it is usual that exploits only allow to write, but not to read, arbitary files? Does this (ability to writing arbitary files) include existing files? If yes, an attacker could create a new default profile and then overwrite our prfiles list file to point there. The user would notice it, but the attack would succeed, not? If a common class of exploits only allows to write new files in known locations, this bug might indeed help.
The mistake in that last comment is the (oft repeated) statement about "writing arbitrary files." The attacker does not typically begin an attack with such powers. Certainly the files "written to" are not arbitrary. Morover, the contens are often heavilly restricted, and also far from arbitrary. The attacker is restricted in terms of what files s/he can (effectively) write to. For example, the attacker provides a page of html most of the time, and hence gets to write to "some" file in the cache (hopefully, a file whose path/name cannot be guessed). Some cookie data is placed into the cookie file, and hence the attacker has effective partial write permission to at least part of that file. Each and every byte of downloaded content and data, that arrives in the users directory structure, represents a possible trojan byte of code. If the location of the trojan bytes are not knowable to the attacker, then an attack will be that much more difficult to construct.
Oh, I'm starting to understand. So, e.g. if an attacker knew *where* the script he just loaded via http was cached, he could load it via file:, which would give the script more rights. <shut-up/>
Ben, it's also hard to understand the purposes behind this bug considering that we can't see what bug 55731 is about and how the exploit in that bug works.
The mapping between profile name and profile directory name is already stored in our profile registry. Making the directory name different from the profile name is not difficult. Using something other than "default" should be very straightforward for the default case. I doubt that attackers can easily get the info out of our registry file, but I'll let security experts determine that :-) So, I suggest we do this for newly created (or migrated) profiles: assume 8.3 names use default.nnn instead of default where nnn is a random (unique) number use <profilename>.nnn instead of <profilename> again nnn is random I'm not sure how we would fix this for existing profiles created by mozilla derived clients prior to the introduction of this fix. Messing around with existing names has always lead us into murky waters. There are prefs and junk that refer into the profile and we always forget some of them when attempting things like this. This might be an argument to getting this in before RTM...
We sometimes send people into their profile directory to fix something by hand (add a pref, delete mail summary files). Since randomizing user-provided profile names would make this hard to do, and the user-provided name already isn't easily predictable, would we randomize only the default profile name? I don't see the problem with 8.3. If that's a concern, just change "default" into "def00000" through "def99999"
Closing the hole with "default" is a big step and probably covers the majority of cases (Bhuvan, are most single profiles migrated named "default"?) The next most at risk group would be people who choose their profile name the same as their username or their actual name. An attacker like the one described in 55731 could reasonably expect that the user's login name on the news server will also be the user's profile name and would frequently be right. We _already_ have the problem that the profile name doesn't always match the profile directory name because we have to uniquify the directory name. In this case, I believe we generate names like <profilename>.001 and .002 etc. The proposed fix would extend this to all profile directory names except the .nnn would be random as well as unique. If it would help, we could put a .txt file in the directory that says what the profile name for that profile directory actually is ;) Anyway, getting this for "default" is probably the 80% case.
Keywords: rtm
I guess we can say the probable name for a single profile in 4.x world is "default". However, we have to remember that in 4.x, when the user has no profile, he/she is always presented with a CreateProfile Wizard and gets chance to change the name of the profile from "default". It will nice if we have some data to back up our "default" profile name assumption here. Today, in 6.0, the only time we create unique profile directories is when the user tried to migrate a profile and already has a profile directory with that name. So, we use nsIFIle's APIs to create unique directory name and the format for unique directories is <profile name>-1, -2, ...-n (not <profilename>.nnn). We also have to remember that getting profile directory name from the registry might not be a hard task...
People who chose something other than default have already moved out of the high risk category and their risk then depends on the type of name they have chosen. I don't think that argues against fixing this for "default" unless we have reason to believe a majority of users changed the name (and if they did, how come this attack is serious?) If the attacker can interpret and use the info in the registry, then there's no point in making any change for this bug at this time. Does anyone know if that's the case?
If an attacker can read your registry, then you have a securtiy breach that needs to be fixed... it is that simple. There is a ton of stuff about what is installed on the current machine that is kept in the registry, and this is typically considered confidential information. Most users don't set up a second profile, and hence they live with the "default" name. This factoid has caused numerous security firedrills at Netscape (the default profile, plus some other exploitation, which is what we typically repaired). I can tell you that IF we had unguessable profile names, that we would not have been forced to make several premature (security fix) releases of Navigator x.x.
I was about to say what jar just said. The issue of an attacker reading the registry is tangential to this issue. What's important here is that an attack already has the ability to write to several files. Cookies is one example. If he can write arbitrary things to those files and if he can guess where those files wind up, then he can do damage. The fix is to block both of those ifs. Many of our security fixes to date have involved blocking the first IF -- i.e., restricting what he can write in the file or preventing what he writes from being executed. What is being proposed here is to block the second IF -- i.e., allowing him to guess where the file wound up.
Sounds like we're all in agreement that the registry problem is bogus (if you read my comments again, you'll see that I was really agreeing with this sentiment :-) So, again, we should focus on fixing the name "default" to something much less guessable. Phil's suggestion of defnnnnn sounds good to me. How long would it take a bit of javascript to make 100,000 attempts to find the thing? Do we need even more randomness than defnnnnn implies?
Of course defnnnnn.nnn is even better. And better yet is nnnnnnnn.nnn (why do we need the "def"). It's not a matter of how long it would take javascript to try all the combinations. The attack typically involves the website luring you into clicking on a link to the file. Now how long do you think it would take the website to lure you to click on 100,000 different links?
So, is the consensus to make this change for "default" only? Or for all profile directories? "defnnnnn" or something similar will help users & tech support people find the profile directory when necessary.
So far, the consensus is around default only. Nobody has responded that the users who explicitly chose a name have done so poorly that they're generally open to attackers. Steve, is it the case that no use of frames and the submit() or click() methods or any other javascript can cause content to be loaded and interpreted without the user explicitly cooperating? I haven't tried it, but I'm worried about the attacker's ability to generate a link and have javascript load it for him/her without user intervention.
5 random characters are possibly enough, and certainly a drastic improvement. Instead of a "mere" 10 to the 5th power (digits only), we'd have at least 26 letters, 10 numerals, and at least an underscore, for a total of 37 ^ 5th, or easilly 70 million. IF we assumed we could *try* to handle case as well, that would be 63^5th, or just shy of a billion (most file systems support case-sensitivity, and this support will increase over time). IF we were trying to get "fancy" we'd offer the option to randomly generate the profile name for the "default" user, and we could continue to show it (via UI) as "default," even though the name would be a full 8 characters of randomness, or at least 63 ^ 8th, or about 250 trillion (we'll need drastic speed-ups in JS before this will be problematicly guessable!).
jar, I was about to suggest the chars :). If I understood selmer's comments right, the profilename is already independant of the profiledir. Even then, I think, we should keep the first "def", because the user might want to fiddle lwith the files (e.g. to get to the raw msg folder files).
morse, do you want to own this? Sounds like you know what to do to make this happen. It would take me longer.
Jar - very amusing. Ben - yes, the display name is independent of the directory name (but it would be nice to keep at least some crumb of a correlation between them for those who must grunge around in the directory) Anyway, my question was, for "default" can we take "def" and append a 5 digit NUMBER and be done with this or is more randomness than that required? Other more complex solutions are welcome from people willing to attach a correct patch and check in the fix.
Using the full character set rather than just numbers is no more difficult...we simply generate a larger random number and encode it as characters. I agree with Ben and selmer that the directory should be easily spottable by the user, so it should probably have come correlation to the profile name.
Mitch, OK I'll take a crack at this and try to come up with a patch. The only thing that I'm going to have to grope for is the code that currently puts the profile info in the registry. So if anyone can tell me where that is, you can save me some searching time.
Ignore my question above. I don't need to find the registry code -- the only thing I need is where the "default" string comes from and I just found it (in mozilla/profile/src/profile.cpp).
Steve, please include Bhuvan in the reviews.
Thanks, Steve. I would be happy to review this.
I have a couple of patches that I'm about to attach. One is for nsProfile.cpp and the other is for newProfile1_2.js. Here are some comments on the patches: 1. The random name is generated for the default profile only. Frankly I would prefer to see this used for all profiles. In order to do that, simply remove the if statements added in both patches and replace them with their true parts only. 2. The random name is of the form xxxxxxxx.def where xxxxxxxx is an 8-digit random number based on the current time. If people still think that it's important to use characters instead of digits in order to increase the number of possibilities, this will require more work. Frankly I don't think it's worth it. 3. The change in newProfile1_2.js is to fix the display of the profile pathname that appears when you are creating a new profile. The wizard currently displays the following: Your new settings, preferences, and bookmarks will be stored in: <profile pathname goes here> In the case of the randomized name I display the leaf directory as ????????.def where the user actually sees the question marks. It would be tricky to figure out what the actual random name is going to be at the time the wizard is running so I sort of punted here. I figure the user doesn't care to see the actual random name anyhow. Let me point out that there already are some problems with this display. Specifically, if the user enters a new profile name, the displayed pathname does not get updated -- the leaf remains as the original one. However if the user presses "Chose Folder" to change the folder, then the leaf of the displayed pathnname is correctly updated. So, since this display is a bit flakey already, I saw no reason to go to great lengths to make it display the random name correctly.
Correction: In my explanation above I said that the random name is of the form xxxxxxxx.def. That's wrong -- I meant to say xxxxxxxx.prf.
Assignee: mstoltz → morse
Reassigning to morse. The patches look good to me securitywise, but someone more familiar with this code should probably review it.
these patches aren't ok yet. 1) is time_t XP code? use PRTime structures. 2) you use "Default User" as hard coded string. doesn't that come from a .dtd or .properties file that will be localized for every language?
adding selmer to the cc list.
Steve Morse, There are more cases we may need to look at. 1. Migrated profiles take a different route and they are not covered in the above case. Case where the user's 4.x single profile name is "default" and we migrate that. All we do today is to create "default" directory on the 6.0 default profile location. So, we need to do this check at and check for string "default" as the default profile name in 4.x is "default". 2. Also, if there are no 4.x profiles or if automigration fails we create a default proflie named "default" (little inconsistency with FrontEnd here...) and the directory is also named after the profile as default and that is done in the routine CreateDefaultProfile() But again this routine uses CreateNewProfile and you covered the issue over there. So, only thing you need to fix the descrepancy here is to change the define value on from "default" to "Default User" (that will also fix the inconsistency we have). bhuvan
I agree with morse's comments. 1) we should "salt" the directory name for all profiles, not just the default 2) I don't like the "???????" showing up in the UI for the default profile. why can't we come up with the "salted" name and show it to the user? or is that too confusing? I agree with something else selmer implied in an earlier comment: we should have the profile's name in the name of the "salted" directory name. like sspitzer123123, default58520. the user will still need to make sense of the dir name on disk. having "salt" only is of no help. I don't think this will be ready by rtm. is there an rtm subset of the problem we want to fix for rtm?
Let me try to address the comments raised above: -------------------- 1. sspitzer: Use PRTime structure instead of time_t Good point. I'll make that change and attach the diffs shortly 2. sspitzer: "Default User" should be in dtd or proterties file That's difficult to do. I use it in two places in my patches above -- once in a cpp file and once in a js file. The one in the js file can, with a bit of trickery, use the "Default User" that is in newProfile1_2.dtd. The trickery is required because a js file accesses strings in a .properties file but the "Default User" is currently in a .dtd file. But I know how to solve that problem (I have done it in my own modules) by defining a dummy attribute in the xul file, initializing it from the dtd string, and then referencing it from the js file. The one in the cpp file is more difficult since it has no way to access the dtd file containing the string. Yes, we could add a .properties file and have it access it there. But now we are repeating the "Default User" string in two places and if we ever change it in the future we'll probably forget that it is in two places. Also we are adding a new file and now need to start modifying makefiles and manifest files. Finally, note that the string "Default", which as Bhuvan pointed out is used for migrated profiles, is indeed hard-coded into the cpp file and cannot be localized. Bottom line of all this is that maybe we should consider randomizing *all* profiles and not just the default one. Then we don't have to fetch the "Default User" string and this problem suddenly goes away. I was already leaning in this direction and now this argument makes it even more attractive to do so. 3. bhuvan: migrated profiles take a different route If we no longer check for "Default User" (or "Default" in this case), is this still a problem? If so, could you indicate what change I need to make for this case. 4. bhuvan: If no 4.x profiles, we create default one named "Default" This I'm sure is no longer a problem if we randomize *all* profiles and not just the default one. 5. sspitzer: We should randomize all profiles, not just the default Agreed, as noted by all my comments above 6. sspitzer: I don't like the "???????" showing up in the UI This appears only when the profile is created. You don't even see the path when the profile is selected on later uses of the profile manager. The display is already flawed (as I mentioned above) because it still keeps displaying the default name even after the user has entered a new name in the profile-name field. Finally, the profile wizard doesn't know what the randomized name will be because it hasn't been randomized yet. The randomization will occur in the cpp code after the user clicks finish. So I think that the question marks are the best that we can hope to get for rtm. It could always be fixed in the future but, frankly, I doubt if it's worth ever doing so. 7. sspitzer: we should have the profile's name in the random directory name. Yes, this would be a good idea so that we can tell the user where to find his profile. However, simply appending the random digits to the end of the profile name won't work because it will push us over the 8.3 limit (that limit is still needed on some platforms). A better solution to this problem is to have a text file of a fixed name (e.g., profile.txt) inside each profile directory and that file contains the name of the profile (see selmer's comment of 2000-10-15 22:34) ---------------------------------- OK, I think I've addressed all the comments. So now I'll put up the revised patches.
I forgot to mention that my revised patches do not cover item 7 above. I recomment that that be done post rtm. If others feel that we need to do that prior to rtm, then I'll come up with a quick patch to do that.
Of course there's an alternative way for the user to find where his profile directory wound up. Specifically he would run regexport and redirect the output to a file. Then he would use his favorite text editor to read the file, find his profile name, and see the corresponding directory pathname.
I agree that we should "salt" all directory names if possible, not just the default directory. However, I agree with Seth that the user should be able to recognize a particular profile directory on their disk, preferably without having to consult some sort of mapping file. "profilename23456" is the obvious way to do this. I know it would be more work, but can we do it this way on platforms which do support long filenames (this is the majority of platforms, I'm sure)? I'm anticipating problems and complaints when a user is asked to find their profile directory among several - they would either have to look up the correct profile directory in a table, or open them up and look through the contents, or potentially choose the wrong one to modify.
Where, specifically, do we need to keep profile names to 8.3? Wouldn't the OS just do the ~ thing in those cases? Even granting that 8.3 is sometimes required, the original proposal had at least the first 3 characters of the profile's name preserved. It isn't a lot, but it's better than nothing. Of course, this leads us back to the discussion about the amount of randomness required... I don't see any argument against obscuring all NEW profile names. Just stay away from attempting to rename existing ones. I don't think we should create a new file in the profile at this time. As Steve pointed out there is another way to get that info (even if it's very difficult.)
I also agree with Seth and Mitch. Munging in the profiles dir is still a common task for users. Examples: - Edit prefs.js - the only way to set hidden prefs, e.g. to add the "do not strip domainname in POP account name" pref - Move/Save/Convert/Rescue local mails I don't see completely randomized profile names as an option. (However, I fail to understand why we are still restricted by 8.3 filenames, but well.) I think, 3 numbers or even 3 chars (37^3 ~= 50000) of randomness are not enough, because might be able to programmatically (JS) try all cases. Add all 3 requirements (partly readable name, 8.3, large radomness), and I don't see how you could randomize all profile dirs. However, "defCCCCC" would still work. (If the random chars are a real problem, just use numbers for now, and I *might* hack the code to use chars later.)
Is there any way to make this attack _without_ inducing the victim to click on a preformed link to the infected file? I don't see an answer about whether some bit of JS can be gotten executed that could attempt all possible combinations if the randomness isn't great enough. I would rather not introduce a false sense of security, so I don't think we should take this patch unless the randomness is sufficient for the life of the product.
selmer, I don't know the actual incidents (Mitch and jar will have to fill in here), but JS is so powerful these days (and getting more powerful all the time) that I don't see anything off-hand that could be triggered by a link-click, but not JS. E.g. |document.location.href=malitiousURL|. 8.3: Let's say we add 5 random chars to the profile anme and call this the prodile dir (something like this is the plan, not?). On Win95, this would mean: mitchH7L4V -> mitchH~1 and defaultZ5B9 -> defaul~1, right? Effect: 0 :-(.
It seems to me that all the objections I'm hearing above (about the user being able to find the profile directory) would be solved if the user could easily see a mapping of profile name to leaf-directory name. Suppose I modify the profile-manager display so that instead of just showing a single column of profile names, it shows two columns -- one with the profile names and the other with the leaf-directory name. I'll try to work up a patch to accomplish this.
morse, I don't think that would help. In most cases, the user never sees the profile manager (because tehre is only 1 (profile). Even if he doesn, he him have ignored these odd numbers all the time and when a tech support says to open the profile dir, the user doesn't remember the number. Example: From mailnews.js: pref("mail.allow_at_sign_in_user_name", false); //strip off chars following the @ sign in mail user name You are an ISP using a "" POP accountname scheme. How would you explain to a user how to set up the account in Messenger? With your suggestion, the description gets several steps longer and more failure-prone (with means lost $ for companies).
BTW: While this was just one example (there are many more), it was not a randomly picked one. Many ISPs in Germany require an "@" in the account username, see bug 57129. Also, of course, "more failure-prone" doesn't only mean lost $ for ISPs (through tech support), but also real problems for users. E.g. user messes up prefs.js -> navigator doesn't work as expected anymore -> user tries to fix it -> doesn't work -> user this "start from scratch" and deletes profile -> user lost all mails (of course, this is a worst-case scenario, but I *was* in such situations before).
Attaching diffs for the change to display the leaf of the profile directory along with profile name in the profile manager window. Also attaching a screen shot showing what the profile manager now looks like.
Ben, I'm not sure I understand the example you are trying to present. Could you please go through it step by step (without editorializing).
A word of explanation about the screen shot attached. The profiles "def1" and "morse" were old profiles created prior to any of these changes. So the leaf directory name for these profiles equals the profile name. That is why no leaf directory name is displayed for them. All the others are newer profiles which have random leaf names. The leaf names are displayed in those cases.
I've got a suggestion: we now have: .mozilla/<profile name>/prefs.js to fix this bug, let's do: .mozilla/<profile name>/<salt>/prefs.js the user can find there files the salt is there, and can 8.3 or bigger depending on the OS. there is already code in the tree to take a string and "hash if necessary" so it is safe for the underlying file system. right now that code lives in nsMsgUtils.cpp, but this would be the excuse to move it out. <salt> should be the only directory under <profile name> and, as far as UI goes, the users profile is still in <profile name>, the there is no need to change the ui. this should also be a pretty easy as far as implementing a fix. comments?
One more bit of polish to my patches. Currently the patch is fetching the current time in microseconds and taking the last eight digits. It turns out that on win32, that time is really in milliseconds and the last three digits are always zero. So the revised patch for nsProfile.cpp converts the time to milliseconds before taking the last eight digits.
I'm strongly against having: "def33 == 3242342342334" in the profile UI to represent "sspitzer" that's a really bad UI. adding ben since he owns the profile manager UI. any comments on my suggestion on how to implement this?
Steve, I appreciate your zeal, but we can't use the patches that change the profile manager UI. The idea of showing this info has been entertained and rejected at least twice. There is no support for this solution at any point in time. Additionally, we need to avoid making ANY ui change in this fix if we want RTM approval. The UI freeze and the L10N deadline have both passed and a solution requiring such changes will simply be rejected. We don't require the UI changes for RTM in any case. If the user explicitly chose a directory, we should notice and honor that. If they did not do so, we should apply our munging rules. The fact that the directory is then different is not significant enough to worry about for the RTM. Please don't attach another patch until we have some agreement on the final solution.
Seth, I think you've hit on the correct solution - for the trunk. It might also be the correct solution for the branch, but I suspect the patch is large and the risk is also not trivial. At the least, the profile manager isn't expecting this extra directory level and could easily be horked by it. I hope other parts of the product won't care about that extra level, but the only way to know for sure is to actually try it. Can you and Bhuvan get together and figure out how much change and risk this really is for the branch?
Unless Seth & Bhuvan come back with a small, safe patch for his proposal, I think we still need to do some direct name munging for RTM. I don't feel like I got a good answer about the amount of randomness required. It does sound like 5 digits isn't considered enough by some. We could get more digits by using the defnnnnn.nnn approach or we could switch to allowing characters (both upper and lower case) and digits. If we expand into characters, I'd like to go with defaulnn.nnn so we get some more characters from the profile name. Any other proposals? Any agreement?
OK, I'll forget the UI changes. Are we back to considering the changes only for the default directory and not for the user directory. In that case we have the problem of hard-coding "Default Profile" into the nsProfile.cpp file rather thanhaving it in a .properties or .dtd file. Is there any objection to doing that?
Instead of defnnnnn.nnn, how about what I'm currently doing which is nnnnnnnn.prf (or .def if you prefer)? That's cleaner to implement.
I'm not objecting to doing this for all user names, only in the case where the user explicitly chose a directory. I don't like nnnnnnnn.prf because it implies NONE of the characters from the profile name are present in the directory name. Similarly for nnnnnnnn.def unless you'd also do nnnnnnnn.sel for selmer - but that would be wierd. If we could use upper + lower + digits and just 3 characters, I'd rather go with 8 characters from profile name + dot + 3 characters randomness. Is 62^3 = 238,328 combinations random enough? If not, then 7 chars profile name + 1 char random + dot + 3 chars random should give 62^4 = 14,776,336 combinations and that aught to be enough for RTM. Sorry if that's harder, but the usability aspect is not trivial. People need to be able to find this stuff when things go wrong and the absence of any clue will simply cause people to give up.
OK, we have 11 positions to play with (8 before the dot and 3 after). So we will use the first x positions to mirror the head of the profile name and the last 11-x positions for the randomness. Now it's a matter of deciding as to what x should be.
selmer, re amount of randomness: (all IMO) 5 chars are enough. 4 chars are minimum. 5 digits are OK for rtm, if chars give you implementation headache - we can still change to chars later. 4 digits are not enough. morse, see the bug I reaferenced for a more detailed description of the @-in-pop-account-name example. My point was that normal (even novice) users *have* to go into the profile dir sometimes, and the example tried to proof this claim.
OK. 5 digits are not enough. As I said previously, I don't want any solution that doesn't actually solve the problem correctly. Steve, are you willing to rework your fix to use upper/lower/digits rather than just digits? If so, then use x=6. If not, then use x=4. Bhuvan, can you help make sure we're only changing directory names when the user did NOT explicitly choose a name? Are we agreed now?
OK, I'll get started right now reworking my fix to use upper/lower case characters and will use x=4.
? If you're doing upper/lower/digits, then x=6.
working on a small safe patch to do <profile name>/<salt>
Steve Morse, 1. We have a clear separation for the users who didn't specify a dir of thier choice to store profiles vs those who did. Inside the ::CreateNewProfile(), you have a if/else loop (starting at You should be doing your changes in if loop which is where all those who didn't specify the profile dir explicitely. You can see a comment to that effect in that loop. 2. Given that, now you need to take care of special default case we have in routine CreateDefaultProfile routine too. Lines 1917 through 1919 ( should be replaced by your new randomized directory name routine...and the secind param on the function call on line 1922 should be changed to profilePath.GetUnicode() to be in line with CreateNewProfile function declaration. 3. Also, there is a migration case I talked about yesterday. and line 1533 should be replaced by your new randomized dir call. 4. Finally, I think it will be better if you can make AppendRandom to return nsresult and check for the success of same at all places where it is called. You are doing a Append operation inside that function (which returns some rv). It is crucial that we succeed there and also some of the code pieces you are reaplcing have been checking for the return value.
I'll be off-line for a few hours so I want to post what I have before I leave. This is a temporary patch for nsProfile.cpp which adds the following to my previous patch: 1. Random names are of the form XXXXXXyy.yyy where X's are from profile name and y's are random characters 2. Random characters were chosen from the set of 26 lower case letters, 10 digits, and underscore. I did not use upper-case letter because some platforms are case-insensitive on their file names (e.g., win32). 3. Made the fix described by Racham's comment #1 above I still need to digest the rest of his comments and add them to the patch.
I've a fix for this. racham and I are going to meet and make sure I've gotten all the places where I need to do it. I'll attach the patch.
ok, racham helped me find the other case (migration). migration, -CreateProfile, profile wizard, silent creation of "Default User" all work. r=racham I'll attach the latest patch. the one open question is: is 8 characters of 0-9 enough of a salt? (10^8) if not, I can do 8 characters of 0-9,A-Z which would be (36^8). (note, not a-z, since on some filesystems a == A)
I am seeing srand() wrong. I've got a new patch that fixes that and uses 0-9,A-Z. taking this bug from morse.
Assignee: morse → sspitzer
How will these patches work with I18N? I forgot to ask that this morning, sorry. I don't see in Seth's patch where we're leaving it alone if the user chose it explicitly. Is it just that we're already within that context? (I'm not talking about the existing check, I'm talking about what the user did in the UI.)
Sorry, didn't realize this hadn't been marked rtm need info. Doing that now. Please update to rtm+ when the patch is r= & sr=.
Whiteboard: [rtm need info]
i18n is safe, since a-z,0-9 is safe no matter what the system char set it. even if the user picks the path, we still do the salting. that is by design. racham, can you review? alecf, can you super review?
Seth, I thought it was a requirement (as stated by selmer) not to alter paths specified by the user? I aqree with selmer, because in this case, the user explicitly expressed a wish (which usually means, he cares that it is done exactly that way), and the problems this bug is supposed to fix doesn't exist.
I should note that I don't care about the user-specified path for N6.0.
after talking to racham, I'll make it so if the user specifies the directory, we don't salt. here's one good reason: if you have a profile directory somewhere, you'd need to be able to set a profile *right* to that directory. the extra salt would mess you up. I'll make the fix, and get it reviewed and rtm+.
racham and I are going to rtm- this bug. there are too many edge cases to do this right, and I feel any fix that addressed them all would be too risky for 6.0, especially with a few days left. regressing the profile code at this point would be a bad thing. since 4.x has this problem, I don't feel bad about shipping 6.0 with the same problem. this will be something we'll think through and test fully on the tip (maybe for 6.5? not sure) note: I don't plan on checking in anything on the branch or tip, since we still don't have a complete solution. at some point we'll discuss all the edge cases, and how to handle them.
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] → [rtm-]
Seth, but please don't post-pone this bug into the unknown future. Even if it doesn't make N6.0, we should still try to work it out and get into the tree (trunk) soon, assuming you are all still interested. > you'd need to be able to set a > profile *right* to that directory. the extra salt would mess you up. Completely agreed, I had the same concern, but didn't dare to speak up, considering the time pressure. MS Outlook Express (or was it Outlook?) is very bad in that it creates a single folder called after the profile name under the profile dir. I was always confused which folder to select - I remember vaguely some very frustrated hours trying to migrate an old msg base. So, if you go with the extra subfolder, make sure that all code that selects a profile folder works regardless of which folder (the one with the human-readble name or the random one) is selected. (I just realize that we might have the same problem already with our multiple profiles, if the user is not aware that "default" is the real profile, not the profiles folder. Did this never turn out to be a problem on Windows?)
> assuming you are all still interested This part shouldn't have made it into the submission, sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you don't care. Re chars: I think, you should use lower and upper chars. Platforms on which the case is not significant won't be hurt by that. OTOH, platforms on which it is get extra randomness.
racham and selmer may have resurrected this with a simple idea on when to salt. marking need info again while I work on it.
Whiteboard: [rtm-] → [rtm need info]
I have a comment on seth's patches. Namely the use of PR_Now() to obtain the salt. From the tests that I ran with my own patches, I observed that PR_Now() is returning the time in milliseconds and right-padding with three zeroes to produce a time in microseconds. At least that's what is done on win32. In other words, the last three digits of the salt are being wasted. That can easily be corrected by dividing by 1000 before doing anything with the result of PR_Now().
morse: I salt rand (using srand) with the number of seconds since the epoch. PR_Now() / 1,000,000 see the latest patch.
OK, I just noticed the division by 1,000,000 (before reading your last posting). So now my question is why are you converting to seconds instead of to millisconds. If someone was trying to guess your seed based on the time he thought you created the directory, he'd have it 1000 times easier to guess if you used seconds instead of milliseconds.
Also, why are you generating a salt (based on current time) and the using rand? This makes sense if you were generating a sequence of random numbers. But since you only need one random number, the salt itself is just that. In other words, go with the current time as the random number.
I agree: use milliseconds and not seconds for the salt of rand. using the milliseconds as the directory name seems less safe than generating a 8 random characters.
Tangent alert! These minor corrections are solving a non-problem. Please take the final patch for r= and sr= and get this into [rtm+] state ASAP.
Non issue or not, why not get it optimal? It's just a matter of change 1,000,000 to 1,000.
I asked racham to review last night, I follow up on the review today. then, I'll get a super review.
r=racham (for patch #17619). Here the cases we need to be testing : We salt, if the profile directory does not exists already.. 1. CreateNewProfile wizard (-profilemangaer or -profilewizard) 2. -CreateProfile option 3. Silent profile (named "default") creation (no 4.x && 6.0 profiles) 4. Someone deletes the profile folder from the disk 5. All migrated profiles I will also test the patch.
more test cases: 2a) -CreateProfile <profile> 2b) -CreateProfile "<profile> <path to directory that exists>" 2c) -CreateProfile "<profile> <path to directory that doesn't exist>"
Seth, Here is the case we may run into problems : 1. I create a profile say "foo", under default location (say the salt is an2t39s4) 2. So, I have $HOME/.mozilla/foo/an2t39s4 folder for that profile 3. I do bunch of custimozations 4. Quit the app 5. Run profilemanager and delete profile entry 'foo' but don't delete files 6. After that, let's say I want to use the same the dir 7. So, if you open the proflie wizard and type that the profile name you just deleted ('foo'), it will go and look for existence of $HOME/.mozilla/foo. We find it's existence and we try to use it without salting now. So, contents under $HOME/.mozilla/foo/an2t39s4 are ignored. Remember a key point here, we just typed profile 'foo' in the wizard and the app got the default dir ($HOME/.mozilla) and added the profile name 'foo' to it and then checked the existence... 8. In order to avoid let's say we choose that folder explicitely, in that case, we type the profile name to be 'foo' and the choose the directory to be $HOME/.mozilla/foo/an2t39s4. So, now we do our routine again, where we append the profile name and check for $HOME/.mozilla/foo/an2t39s4/foo and that will not exist and we salt again..ultimately, we point somewhere else.. We always append the profile name for the reason that we want to protect users from choosing root folders profile location and then later trying to do "Delete Files" operation on such case.
> We always append the profile name for the reason that we want to protect users Gee, don't do that. That's was exactly the problem with Outlook (Express) I described above. Do I exactly what I say (i.e. accept exactly the folder I entered), just tolerate a possible salt dir.
Hmm... racham's comment confused me. Just to be clear, assuming the salt directory name is an2t39s4. Then the default user would have all data in: $HOME/.mozilla/an2t39s4/default/* IF a profile was created for "foo," then all their data wolud be in: $HOME/.mozilla/an2t39s4/foo/* There is no reason to hide profiles for one user from another user on a single machine. There is no apparent reason to believe that profiled users don't have read access to the file system, and hence this level of hiding would have no impact. Racham's scenario above showed the salt directroy *under* the profile name directory, and I didn't see any motivation for that. Which of us is confused? If I'm confused, what was the motivation for putting the salt under the profile named directory? It also seemed (as I thought abotu this in my mind at least) that coding changes would me fairly small when the salt came before the profile name in the path.
the scenario racham points out is a real problem. nice job in finding it. jar, your confusion comes from this: we append the salt after the profile name, not before it. we do .mozilla/profile/salt not .mozilla/salt/profile moving the salt would solve this problem, but I haven't investigated how feasible this is. I'll do that now.
PLEASE put it under the profile name, not above like jar suggested. The benefits are entirely for the developers - easier to manage profiles by hand - but if we have a choice let's at least help someone!
Again confused: Why would putting the salt lower help a developer?
Not I'm getting confused. Jim asked the question: Racham's scenario above showed the salt directroy *under* the profile name directory, and I didn't see any motivation for that. I thought that the reason for this was to help the user find his profile. We tell him to look in the folder that he specified and then for the profile name that he specified. Then under that he finds a single salt that he ignores. If we do it the other way, then he might find several salts before finding his profile name and he wouldn't know which one to traverse -- he would have to traverse them all until he found the one that contained his profile name. Wasn't that the motivation for what you did or am I confused?
morse and alecf are correct: having the salt after the profile was to help the user find there files on disk.
I presumed there would be a single salt directory, and under that *all* profiles would be placed. There is no real advantage to having multiple salt directories, one per user. We're hiding these names from generic malicious web content, not from a fellow user that has a profile on the same machine.
Jim, how would we know that a salt directory exists? Consider this scenario. User creates a profile foo1 in the default folder. So he gets .mozilla/an2t39s4/foo1. Now he wants to create profile foo2. How does the browser know that an2t39s4 is the salt as opposed to some other subdirectory? It doesn't so it creates some other salt and puts foo2 under that salt.
I think the problem that Racham raised can be fixed in his step 7: 7. So, if you open the proflie wizard and type that the profile name you just deleted ('foo'), it will go and look for existence of $HOME/.mozilla/foo. We find it's existence and we try to use it without salting now. Once we find it's existence and we know we are in the default folder, we should use it by assuming that it already contains a single folder which is the salt. So we don't resalt but we do use the salt that is already there.
In answer Morse's question: How would we know a salt directory exists? My expectation was that we'd list the name of our salt directory in our registry. This is (I'm guessing) the same place as we currently list the names of profiles. The hack of having the salt directory be a solo-directory to aid in its identification is not needed if you record the name of the directory. As I said, I had a simple picture in my mind, and I was not groking the advatages of this alternate strategy. I don't think there are great problems with either, but my picture seemed (to the uneducated kibitzer) simpler.
If we add new information to our registry, we'd have to make sure it was done in a backwards-compatible manner.
Why can't the new problem be fixed by changing Bhuvan's step 7 to check for the existence of the salt directory? By definition there should be exactly one directory with a salted name in there. We might want to add a .slt extension or something evil like that to make our identification more accurate. I believe this would result in a correct solution. Jar's proposal isn't any worse and I don't see that it confuses the issue overly much (again, I would add .slt or something to the name of that directory so it's easier to identify and document.) There isn't really a backwards compatibility problem, but Bhuvan has had to deal with this for other registry fields. It just makes the total solution more complex is all. My vote is to fix step 7 as I suggested in the first paragraph if that results in the smallest correct patch.
Adding .slt for the salted dir seems to be reasonable. Adding salt entry into profile registry is certainly more work at this point of time.
in this latest fix, I do the following: AddLevelOfIndirection(dir) checks if dir/prefs.js exists. if so, just use dir. if not, check if dir/<foo>.slt exists, where <foo> is 8 characters and <foo>.slt is a directory. if it exists, use it for dir. else, generate <bar> and use dir/<bar>.slt racham, please review and test.
Is prefs.js completely reliable? I'm worried that there's an edge case where it's valid to not have a prefs.js (or not have it YET when this happens.) Would it be safer to see if there are any contents other than a single .slt directory?
selmer's right, when you first create a profile there is no prefs.js file. That file doesn't get created until the first time that you use the profile. If you simply create it with the profile manager but don't start the browser using that profile, you have no prefs.js file.
there are probably edge cases lurking where there is no prefs.js file. the question is: if they don't have prefs.js, what would be lost by doing the extra salt? no prefs == no mail or news accounts. steve scenario: create an account "foo", delete it but leave the files, create "foo" again. there is no prefs.js, but there will be a "xxxxxxxx.slt" directory under .mozilla/foo, so we'd just use it. if "foo" was a profile created before this patch (so there was no .slt directory), but never used, deleting and then re-adding "foo" would set the directory to .mozilla/foo/<salt>.slt but since the profile was never run, what does it matter?
I agree with seth - prefs.js is really the only way to know if a profile has been used... I don't know how soon the file is created, but it's pretty early.. and if there is no prefs.js, and the profile dir hasn't been used, then it's safe to re-use that dir anyway.
Also, we don't need to worry about the users who deliberately moved or deleted prefs.js file. I looked at the patch. It looks good. Again, let me try couple of cases and see that we are doing good..
Seth, An update to internal profile data structure to consider new salted directory is missing in the patch which will affect windows and linux users...but it is very easy to fix. Scenario : 1. Created a profile 'foo' in the past 2. Let's it is created under $HOME/mozilla/foo 3. Let's say I wiped out my folder foo from $HOME/mozilla 4. Then I used new product with the salted strategy 5. So, we see $HOME/mozilla/foo missing and we create one 6. Then we salt. say I got $HOME/.mozilla/foo/sadf87fd.slt 7. Then I dump all default profile files into $HOME/.mozilla/foo/sadf87fd.slt 8. I run the app... 9. If you go and look at you $HOME/.mozilla/foo folder you will find files like panels.rdf, localstore.rdf, prefs.js along with sadf87fd.slt 10. We should not see any other files or directories over there other than sadf87fd.slt What went wrong : Between step 6 and 7, you need to update the profile data structure so that it knows about this newly salted dir.. One of the ideas for fixing this : You can simply use SetProfileDir() routine after you are done with salting in this location and that should take care of the rest. (location : nsProfile.cpp 874,884 in your patch) Other than this, I didn't see any major problems..
In the step 1, when I mentioned created profile 'foo' in the past, referring to creation of profile using builds without this patch..
> You can simply use SetProfileDir() routine after you are done with salting in > this location Isn't that potentionally dangerous, in the case we misinterpreted the profile as empty before? E.g. I wiped my prefs.js only, but left my mail folders in there. You think, "no prefs.js -> no profile -> salt -> set to new profile dir", so the old mail folder won't be found. Wouldn't it be better not to "salt", and just use the existing profile dir?
good catch on the edge case. I'll attach a new version of the patch with racham's suggested fix.
Ben, if the user deletes prefs.js, he/she lost all the mail/news related prefs and lots of other settings too..So,I don't think we should be trying rescue those who deletes their prefs.js file..
Seth, patch looks good to me. r=bhuvan
I'm a little worred about just returning from AddLevelOfIndirection if a call to Exists() fails. My initial impression is that it's better to assume it doesn't exist in that case and continue to create the salt directory. Granted, I didn't look at the implementation of Exists() and I don't know what kinds of things make it fail - that's part of why I'm concerned :-)
that's an XPCOM failure, meaning something when horribly wrong. as always, we should be using NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) so we at least get an assertion
current status of this beast: I've got a r=racham. from alecf's comments, he'd like to see me use NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv). I'll add that, get racham to re-review, and get work on getting alecf to super review.
r=racham, sr=alecf marking rtm+. PDT: should this land on the tip first, and then the branch?
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] → [rtm+]
This bug is in candidate limbo. We will reconsider this fix once we have a candidate in hand, but we can't take this fix before then.
Whiteboard: [rtm+] → [rtm+] [InLimbo-OOH]
fix landed on trunk.
No matter what the name of the profile dir is or where it is, there is scriptable code to find it. See: #385. How are we protected from this? If attacking js could use directory service, this patch isn't going to help.
ccarlen, does a webpage (which is probably what an attacker would use) have access to that? ("Scriptable" does not imply that.)
conrad, if they can do that they can use any of the scriptable interfaces.
We are moving toward the candidate. Please check this fix into the trunk so we can get get some cook time.
I landed this on the trunk last night.
Depends on: 58231
Seth, need salting just one more time...(Mac only). If the user deletes a parent profile folder, Mac does the resolution of that situation much before other platforms (see bugs 56041 and 57361) and it creates a directory so that all persistent operations get resolved properly. That directory is empty to start with and it will filled, if the user chooses to run the app with that profile. So, those situations take route of PopulateIfEmptyDir() routine. If we identify a dir not having contents at that time, we just copy all default contents there. So, we need the fix you did at through #889 at Sorry to bring up this late. I was doing more testing and came across this one.
*** Bug 58231 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Conrad, The last case I mentinoed is of a special interest to the branch. With what you are fixing for bugs 57011 and 57014 only on trunk, you may not even have to worry about the case I mentioned. Because you will not be doing any things we did on 56041 and 57361 on the trunk as result of fixing 57011, 14. So, we need to get this change onto trunk now and so that we move it onto the branch laterand make sure that branch has all the fixes it needs to have.
Bhuvan, you're right. I was just saying that, on the trunk anyway, I was doing possibly overlapping work with somebody. But yeah, the fix you mentioned should go in in any case.
thanks for catching this, racham. I'll update the patch. can you re-review it?
when I get a review, I'll land the new part of the patch to the trunk. (the old part already lives on the trunk.)
Seth, What I saw missing in that patch was a call to SetProfileDir adding indirection in the new place (inside PopulateIfEmptyDir()). Because we are changing the directory and we won't possibly hitting the SetProfileDir() call you made on #893 (nsProifle.cpp), we need to makesure we convey this change to the registry via updating internal data structure. So, that calls for bit more small changes. I am attaching a small patch here (wrt the files on trunk). Please take a look, if you think everything is OK, please update that with your megafix. Otherwise, you can modify that to the correctness.
r=sspitzer on racham's fix. but that fix only applies to the trunk, which already has the other part of the fix for 56002 on it. this patch can't go on the branch, since it applies to new code that is trunk only. racham, we should check it in to the trunk, but it doesn't affect this bug at all.
sr=alecf on the latest patch as well
I've landed rachams fix to the trunk. for the branch, is still the patch we hope to land.
Seth, There is some confusion here. The new code (patches for bugs 56041 and 57361) is going onto the branch also (and infact it is done in the interest of branch). It is checked in onto the trunk just for the sake of getting baked properly. Infact, that code is not meant for the trunk (once we check in patches for 56041 and 57361 on branch, we will have those removed from the trunk and later Conrad will check in the correct longterm fixes for trunk). We thought it is better idea to have baked for a while on the trunk before we land it on the branch. So, please makesure that the latest patch (#18167) goes onto the branch when the time comes.
ok, when those other fixes land on the branch, I'll land your additional fix on the branch. (assuming this bug gets rtm++).
QA >junruh
QA Contact: czhang → junruh
Seth, I spoke to PDT members about this bug. We can still get this one in if the following cases are completed with trunk builds : 1. John Unruh covering all template testing for ProfileManager that Grace usually does 2. Between 2 of us, we need to look at all ProfileManager regressions that have popped up since this fix went on the trunk and check the relavance and fix them as needed. If we can update the bug tomorrow (by noon) for the cases mentioned above and if we are good, we have a chance of this bug getting considered for status rtm++.
Bhuvan, not *just* the regressions since this went on the trunk (although you should certainly look at those) but also retest all other recently fixed Profile Manager bugs which could be regressed by this change.
1. John Unruh is covering the template testing listed at http://blues/users/gbush/publish/50_FINAL_TP/50_install_page.html 2. We will be looking at following list a. ProfileManager bugs fixed in the recent past (in last 30days) and check for possible regressions associated with this fix b. Open ProfileManager bugs that have been filed/changed lately Let me know If I miseed any other criteria.
Problem with the Mac - The directory created under default is always the same - rr8gbcix.slt. Reproduced twice in a row on a G4, and once on a G3. Linux is OK. It creates different directory names each time I start Netscape 6 without a .mozilla and .netscape folder. Windows is OK. It creates different directory names each time I start Netscape 6 without a mozilla folder and mozregistry.dat and nsreg.dat.
Noticed what John has mentioned...the name of the random salted folder is always rr8gbcix.slt on Mac. Other 2 platforms are OK (we get random names in each case). Need to check randomization process once again wrt to mac. John, what about all other profilemanager tests..? Are we OK there..? I have verified case 2a from my previous update. All the listed bugs are working fine on all platforms. Checking the list in 2b right now.
I'll do some debugging on my mac. my guess is I'm calling srand() with the same value. that would explain why rand() always returns the same values.
I've fixed the rand problem. racham and I sat down and debugged the problem. on mac, the granularity of PR_Now() is not as good as win32 and linux, so dividing by 1,000 and then casting always gave the same number. diving by 1,000,000 (to get seconds, not milliseconds) works for all three platforms. we also fixed another problem where you set up a profile, quit, remove the profile dir on disk, start back up and make changes (to prefs and bookmarks). , quit and restart you loose the changes . the fix was to make sure we update the registry after adding the level of indirection and call SetProfileDir(). racham will post a new fix, and add some comments.
Seth and I just looked at list 2b (recently filed/regressed profile manager bugs). Only problem that we found and fixed already is to update ther registry to contain recreated salted directories in the case where user has deleted the profile folder or it's parent folder. Will be posting the patch along with Seth's fix for random number generataion process that fixes the salt dir name on mac. Will post the patch which contains these changes.
I don't understand how dividing by 1,000,000 to get seconds gives a unique number on the mac, but dividing by 1,000 to get milliseconds gives the same value every time. How could that be possible? I need to understand this because I do the division by 1,000 in the wallet module when I generate random names for the wallet and password database files.
morse: the number was good, it was the cast to (uint) that was giving us the same number. it kept turning it into 4294967295, which is probably the max for a uint.
rtm++, please checkin ASAP so we can build today.
Whiteboard: [rtm+] [InLimbo-OOH] → [rtm++] [InLimbo-OOH]
Whiteboard: [rtm++] [InLimbo-OOH] → [rtm++]
fixed on branch and trunk. fyi to qa, this will only affect newly created or migrated profiles. existing profiles will not have the added level of indirection.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified on Win, Mac and Linux 11/1 evening branch builds.
Keywords: vtrunk
Verified in the 11/14 Win, Mac and Linux trunk builds.
I'm sorry. In my opinion this won't get you any further. You have spend much time and manpower to develop unneccessary code and an unwanted feature. Don't you recognize that hiding the directory in any way is A) Security by obscurity B) Annoying to the user Please consider this : A) Every local program and maybe some remote exploits via websites can get a directory listing Fix A) by creating 3 different decoy-directories with other salts. B) Mozilla has a file from which it knows where to find the profile. This file is always in the same place Fix B) by faking this file C) Anyway the user starts the only mozilla executable on the computer Fix C) by decoy mozilla-installations.... If you have a malicious javascript which can read from harddisk you can gather the path from the mozilla-db then get into the profiledirectory then read everything you want. If you have a malicious javascript which can write onto the harddisk then simply upload a 0-byte explorer.exe into C:\ and no windows-computer will reboot correctly. Or upload a new mozilla.exe. The normal user who you want to protect will install mozilla in it's default path. (NO!!!! Don't change the default path to C:\Programs\JASOPiuf0gs89uedroiNRSjjcjy.asdjiaosj\maybe\here\maybe\not\) Of course you can continue this "security"-paranoia : When at some point even the user has no chance to detect where his profile has been stored, and he has no way to remove the data except by replacing the hard disk (obviously we can still try other media.. nvram in BIOS or RTC) - then you have won. If you still don't want to accept this -what I think the reality is- then you should reconsider Bug #70931 ([RFE] Override salted Profile directory). If you can accept this - then throw your valuable newly developed code away. Because in my opinion what you are doing is what you certainly don't intended to : You are patronizing the user by the same way the Microsoft Internet Explorer does : Hiding Files anywhere in the system, unneccessary problems by backing up and restoring profile data, undetectable and maybe at some point even unremoveable. Greetings -Markus
This bug was brought to my attention by, from that I was having problems backing up profiles but was loosing information when restoring them. The problem lies in the mail client, loosing all the information because of the little random directory trick. Reading through everything. I have found it quite easy to potential crack. You don?t have to have this random billion links to find the directory. It?s even easier. The mozilla application directory, Usually C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Mozilla ther is a file called registery.dat get this file and that?s all you need to find all the information for the profiles. I just opened it as a text file and voila I got the randdome directory for the profile if you care to know its ?directory_C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\MKruer\la6zurea.slt.? It?s not even encrypted so this entire security issue is in my opinion bogus because it doesn?t have to be cracked. The information is there clear as day. A better solution if you want to protect the directory it to place a high level encryption on the files and then store the key in the registry or some file that is randomly generated, and placed in some other directory. The idea is to keep the path the same so for proposes of back-up so you don?t have to re-associate folders because they are in different directories. But when you do restore it will ask for verification that you have permission to ?uses? the profile. You then enter the password, it would see if it works and then store it in a safe place so the next time you use the profile it has everything you need to access the information. The password for a profile would be created when the profile was created. Hope that makes sence.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
this bug is only 35 printed pages long. It was verified fixed. If you have _any_ issues with it, file a new bug.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
35 pages long!
I'm sorry but 35 pages are not enough.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 96601 ***
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified dupe.
Reopening; this bug is not a dupe of 96601, it's the complete opposite of it. Gerv
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Re-resolving as FIXED. Gerv
Closed: 24 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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