Closed Bug 57549 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[PATCH] Image type not shown in titlebar


(Core :: Internationalization: Localization, defect, P3)






(Reporter: karl, Assigned: attinasi)




(Keywords: l12y, regression, Whiteboard: [ETA: 4/20/01] fix in hand - approval made - ready to checkin)


(10 files)

When viewing images directly (not embedded in web pages), the title bar isn't

1 Go to <URL:>
2 Titlebar now says 'PNG Image 602x402 pixels - Mozilla (build ...)
3 Both the text 'PNG Image' (or 'Jpeg Image' or whatever), the text 'pixels' and
the 'x' (multiplication sign' should be localizable. They currently are *not*.
Blocks: 12394
Reassigned to ftang.
Assignee: rchen → ftang
Keywords: l12y
Adding nsbeta1 keyword to localizability bug.
Keywords: nsbeta1
The hard coded string is in the following location- end of

397 attinasi 1.37 // append the image information...

398 scc 1.43 titleStr.AppendWithConversion( " Image" );

399 nisheeth 1.26 if (mImageRequest) {
400                   PRUint32 width, height;
401                   mImageRequest->GetNaturalDimensions(&width, &height);

402 attinasi 1.40 // if we got a valid size (sometimes we do not) then display it

403 attinasi 1.37 if (width != 0 && height != 0){

404 scc 1.43 titleStr.AppendWithConversion( " " );
405                     titleStr.AppendInt((PRInt32)width);
406                     titleStr.AppendWithConversion("x");
407                     titleStr.AppendInt((PRInt32)height);
408                     titleStr.AppendWithConversion(" pixels");

409 attinasi 1.37 }

410 nisheeth 1.26 }

411 attinasi 1.37 // set it on the document

412 nisheeth 1.26 SetTitle(titleStr);

reassign to attinasi

attinasi- please fix the localizability issue ASAP. Thanks. Let rchen or tao
know if you need some info about how to do it.
Assignee: ftang → attinasi
The way to fix it is to remove the string to a properties file 
and read it from the file so that the localizers can translate the string into 
the different languages. 
Thanks, rchen, for the tip. Is there a standard API I should use to read the
properties file entry?
Any pointer to an existing example of a property file being used would be
helpful as well...
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Frank, can you give Marc an example? Thanks.

The bug is not resolved fixed.

Reopen it.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
OK, I think I have this figured out now (thanks to sfraser for the
nsIStringBundle clue). I'll attach my patch and a couple of new files for review...
I only tested my changes on Windows and Linux - is there something else I have
to do for the Mac?
setting milestone M0.8
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.8
The fixes are attached - still waiting for a review.
Whiteboard: [fix in hand][waiting for review]
Hi, Marc:

Some minor points:

1. Unix uses "/" instead of "\" as the directory delimitor. 
   Please verify patches on all platform again since you are adding new file.
   For Mac, sfraser can help you on adding new files to build process.
2. nsImageDocument.cpp. You don't need to "getspec()" from a uri. 
   CreateBundle() takes "const char*" as the uri string.

Oops, I forgot to mention another point: I didn't see "x" and "pixel" been 
externalized into the property file. Is this intentional?
Thanks for the review, Tao. You caught my big mistake of not externalizing
'pixels'. As for the X, I'm not sure what to do with that, since it is used to
indicate 'by' as in 10 X 10 pixels (ten by ten pixels). Can that really be
translated? I guess it is best to externalize it and let the localizers try, eh?

I'll get new patches soon. Thanks again!
I have attached a new patch and new file. 

The other two pieces of text (pixels and x) are now externalized, and the 
CreateBundle is passed the properties file URL as a const char* directly (much 
nicer!). Also, I fixed the paths for the UNIX makefile, although the DOS-path 
delimiter seemed to work (really, I did test it on Linux). I have not retested 
teh on Linux but I will on Monday (Linux machine at home is dead).

Tao, please check again when you have a chance - thanks!
Whiteboard: [fix in hand][waiting for review] → [fix in hand]
Hi, Marc:

Thanks for the quick action. A few nit-picking points:
1. you might want to use upper case for macro definition: the property file url.
2. I am wondering if you can 'extend' the life span of the handle to 
   nsIStrinBundleService. With the current code, it is "initialized" three times
   for each string retrieval; same thing happens to the stringBundle. The latter
   cached by strinbundleservice already, though.
3. I didn't see the patch for Mac's MANIFEST file which exports the property
   file to dist. This is fine when jar packaging is turned on (the current
   default in the current release/tinderbox build process.)
   It will break someone's debug build if s/heturn jar packaging off. 

(3) is optional since I am not sure if anyone does turn-off the stuff.
I brought it up because I saw your changes in win/unix makefiles.

I uppercased the URL macro and improved the lookup function to avoid repeatedly 
initializing the service and the bundle. I also added what I believe to be the 
Mac manifest file we neeed (still need to test on a Mac). Please review this 
one, tao, and hopefully it is correct now! Thanks.
please verify the patch on mac/linux. r=tao. Thanks.
BTW, I didn't see any change in Mac's build script to install/copy files in
MANIFEST_PROPERTIES. Is this intentional?
Regarding the Mac - nothing is intentional ;) I don't even know where the Mac
build scripts are... I have not yet contacted sfraser for his help, so I was
just following the lead of layout/html/forms in creating the MANIFEST_PROPERTIES
file. I have no idea of what it means to update the Mac, but I will be learning
that very very soon. And, to be clear, I will test on all three main platforms
before I check in. There is a Mac developer here who will test it for me.
Thanks, Tao.
Attached a new patch to localize the entire string, so words can be reordered 
(saw Erik's comment in n.p.m.reviewers).  Marc, can you review this?  Thanks.
Blake, it looks great to me! Thanks for taking this on, I appreciate it. r=attinasi
Marc: no problem; I was doing a similar fix for another bug, and figured I 
could help here.  Thanks for the earlier patches.

Fix checked in.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Changed QA contact to Yuying, after we get Japanese 
localized build, please verify this.  
QA Contact: teruko → ylong
I checked 03-29 trunk build, there is no string like "PNG Image...." inside the 
title bar, although we still don't have any licalized build at this point, but 
for English version there is no string exists any more.  Is it the right way?  
I'll re-open it, please change the status if I am wrong.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Damn.  Someone broke this, it definitely used to work.  I want to blame pav, 
but I don't have any proof.  Yuying, can you try a few older nightly builds so 
we can get an idea of when this regressed?
Summary: Title bar when viewing images not localizable → Image type not shown in titlebar
Seems the string still exists on 03-16 trunk build, so must be something after 
status please?
I'll investigate. Clearing the [fix in hand] notation as that was for the old
fix. Adding regression
Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [fix in hand]
Target Milestone: mozilla0.8 → mozilla0.9
Cool - the bulk of the work to put the image name in the title is done in
nsImageDocument::UpdateTitle (nsImageDocument.cpp). The bulk of that routine is
wrapped in a #ifndef USE_IMG2 block, so it is not compiled in right now.

The code in that block does not compile now, however I moved the #ifndef so that
it just wraps the image size gathering code and it compiles and works OK.

Pav, how do I do this now?

  > mImageRequest->GetNaturalDimensions(&width, &height);
Never mind Pavlov, I figured it out. Patch coming...
Whiteboard: [ETA: 4/20/01]
Keywords: patch
Summary: Image type not shown in titlebar → [PATCH] Image type not shown in titlebar
Whiteboard: [ETA: 4/20/01] → [ETA: 4/20/01] [fix in hand - waiting on reviews]
Description of change: with the new image interfaces we need to get the image
from the request, then query the image for the height and width. In the old
interfaces we jsut asked the image request for the dimensions. The change
supports both interfaces via the USE_IMG2 #ifdef already established.
So, just the last patch? If so, sr=waterson

pavlov, have you left any other #ifdef treats for us to find?
chris: only in rdf ;)
a=blizzard for 0.9
Whiteboard: [ETA: 4/20/01] [fix in hand - waiting on reviews] → [ETA: 4/20/01] fix in hand - approval made - ready to checkin
*** Bug 76213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Does this fix the that that the throbber keeps going and going and going with an
image loaded?

That's part of the issue I reported in bug 76213
OK.  Here's what I'm seeing:

1)  Open a blank new browser
2)  Go to an image URL (
3)  Throbber stops. The titlebar updates.
4)  Go to
5)  Go to
6)  Throbber stops. The titlebar does _not_ update.
7)  Reload
8)  Throbber stops. The titlebar updates.

So this is not completely fixed. Looks like nsImageDocument::EndLayout() is not
always called....  Should this just be a separate bug?
Yes, please file a separate bug if you haven't yet, and cite it here.  Thanks,

Mark it as verified due bug 77378 has been filed.
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