Closed Bug 57950 Opened 24 years ago Closed 17 years ago

delete selected message from Inbox has no effect


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ekrock, Unassigned)




(2 files)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001024 Netscape6/6.0
on WinNT 4.0 SP4

Mail got into a state in which I would select a message in the inbox, but I was
unable to delete it by any means. Delete key, the delete toolbar icon, and the
Edit-->Delete Message menu pick all had no effect.

Restarting the browser fixed the problem.

I have not been able to come up with a way to reproduce this, but I'm filing to
put this problem on radar.
Do you use IMAP?  This could've been a server issue (IE dredd).  
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
Would this be related to bug 63550?
*** Bug 87716 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Have you been able to reproduce this problem on recent builds?
Assignee: putterman → naving
I got the same problem today on Mac OS9.1 Mozilla Build 2002100403
I have tried only the delete button.
Restarting the browser fixed the problem as reported

I use Mozilla since 1.1a. It's the first time i got this

I use a pop account.

Platform to ALL ?

QA Contact: sheelar → stephend
Attached file index file for Inbox
I've attached my inbox file showing this problem. I am using Mozilla 1.2.1, ie, 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130. Clicking
the Delete button has no effect at all. 

Restarting doesn't seem to help.
mass re-assign.
Assignee: naving → sspitzer
I guess ekrock is not here any more to discuss whether this bug is still a 

Jean-Pierre Melkonian, is this bug still an issue for you?  Have you upgraded to 
a more current version of Mozilla?  (If still on MacOS9, I guess that limits you 
to 1.3.)

Kent Tong, is this bug still an issue for you?  I downloaded your attached files 
and integrated them into my mail folders with 1.4 and had no problem deleting 
the file in the inbox.
I'm having this same problem under Mozilla 1.5 (release), running under Windows
XP SP 1, IMAP server. Restarting Mozilla solves the problem, then it quickly
recurs. I cannot yet figure out a precise way to duplicate this. The behavior
did not occur under 1.4 or earlier on my machine.
This is the context in which that bug showed up:
Using Thunderbird 0.2 with my NT 4 system did not show the bug.
After a hard drive failure, I restored my HDD content from a Ghost 2002 image
that did not have Thunderbird on it.  I had to reinstall Thunderbird and I tuned
it to use the mail folders I had restored from a daily backup (stored in a zip
file).  That's when the bug showed up for the first time!

I installed version 0.3 and the bug is still there.

precision: delete from any folder don't work
I can delete about 2 batches of selected messages before the bug shows up.
Bug still present in version 0.4 (20031205), I installed yesterday.
Here is a very serious related problem: if I delete messages from the Inbox or
from Drafts or from Templates, they disappear from the appropriate 'folder'
indication in the Mail window, but the size of the Inbox, Drafts or Template
folder in Documents: Mozilla: Profiles: (my profile): Mail does not get any
smaller and over a period of time becomes enormous and eats up one's Hard Disk

I use Mozilla 1.3.1 on a Mac G3 (beige) with OS 9.2.2.
Michael Graubart, that is as expected.  You can solve the problem by compacting 
the folder -- right-click on the folder and select 'Compact', or (with a folder 
selected) choose  File|Compact Folders.  See also 
Just installed Thunderbird 0.5 release and the bug is still present.
I am also experiencing this problem.  I get the impression it has something to
do with the preview pane and/or opening the message.  Before viewing or opening
any message, no problems deleting.  But after viewing or previewing certain
messages, I can't delete messages anymore unless I restart the program.

Help/About says:	
Mozilla 1.6
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040331

I installed this on my 2.6 kernel using Gentoo linux's "emerge" utility.
Forgot to say that I'm using pop, not imap.
I'm experiencing this problem with 1.7b rc1 for OS/2. The problem is
intermittent. I have 4 accounts. I may be able to delete several messages from
one inbox. Then when I go to another and attempt to delete messages there, the
message remains and the preview pane that shows message content without opening
the message no longer works in that inbox either. But if I go to another
account, I may be able to delete a message there, and the preview pane works.
Weird, huh?
I've been having this same problem with all builds up to and including Mozilla
1.8a1. My bug is similar to comment 19. Pressing the delete button works fine on
five of my six mailboxes. On the sixth and last (that works) in the list, I find
that I can delete the first message after closing and reopening Mozilla.
However, I can't delete any emails in boxes after that time.

I can manually move messages to any other mailbox folders (Drafts, Templates or
Sent) other than Trash. However, once in those folder I cannot delete them there

I did today try double clicking email in Inbox and getting it to display. Then I
did the Shift-Delete. The message was deleted. It does not work when the delete
button up at the top of the page is pressed. Once this message is deleted using
Shift-Delete I can delete the following messages in the same manner, as long as
they are in display mode. But when I return to the Inbox list mode (normal mail
screen) I cannot delete highlighted messages. 

Any ideas? 
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
I am experiencing this bug under Thunderbird 1.0... still around, guys... :(
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
I haven't seen this with Thunderbird 2.0 - now instead of doing nothing, it sometimes takes a while for the delete to actually take effect.
Mike wrote "I have not seen it with any recent version of Thunderbird.  I've
also used a couple of versions of the Mozilla suite since then and
haven't seen it there either."

David "I don't have the problem" with TB2 or SM1.1

=> WFM
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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