Closed Bug 58259 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

JRE load failure renders browser unusable for RH 6.0 users


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nbaca, Assigned: edburns)


(Whiteboard: [rtm-])


(1 file)

Branch build 2000-10-27-08MN6: Linux 6.0 (KDE) Overview: Perform a Custom install. At the end of the installation it tries to auto launch but fails. The console displays: *** Registering sample JS components There was an error trying to initialize the HPI library. Please check your installation, HotSpot does not work correctly when installed in the JDK 1.2 Linux Production Release, or with any JDK 1.1.x release. Could not startup JVM properly! java_vm process: could not start Java VM INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not read ack from browser System error?:: Resource temporarily unavailable - Tried restarting but the same error appears.
Marking "rtm" since this is a basic function that should work.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: rtm
what options in the custom dialogs did you select?
Assignee: ssu → sgehani
cc:lchiang. This problem is not happening on all linux boxes. I checked on her box, it has a KDE UI. Mine has Gnome(works fine for me). Custom install with whatever comes selected by default is showing this problem on nbaca's machine. Manually deleting the java plugin from the plugins folder allows the browser to launch otherwise this error is blocking user from launching the build.
cc: george, edburns
QA Contact: gemal → gbush
to date, I know nbaca and laurel having this problem. I haven't heard about this from anyone else so I'm not sure how widespread this is.
Samir: need you to investigate this. Does the Linux installer attemp to copy the wrong (old) plugin files?
Whiteboard: [rtm need info]
Dan, Nope the installer doesn't copy files from anywhere (like we do on Win32); it merely installs the JRE bits and makes a symlink to the real in the root of the plugins folder. This is on my investigation queue. Will pay the cited mail QA folks a visit.
Problem idenitified. Users running a RedHat 6.0 distribution of Linux (kernel rev ~2.2.5-22) cannot launch the browser successfully if they have Java 2 installed because when loading the browser process exits (at plugin load time after autoreg'ing when the browser is coming up). This prevents RH 6.0 users form running Netscape 6/mozilla if they Java 2 installed. However, this works fine with a RH 6.1 distribution (kernel rev ~2.2.12-xx). Also, if RH 6.0 users remove the plugins/java2 directory entirely then they can start the browser successfully. Pavlov, Akkana, McAfee, What minimum version of glibc needs to be present? Also, do we support RH 6.0 users as the minimum or RH 6.1? I will attach the console output that incriminates loading to provide more context for the latter questions.
Assignee: sgehani → edburns
Summary: Custom install fails to open Navigator → JRE load failure renders browser unusable for RH 6.0 users
RH 6.0 is pretty old now. We should probably just say we require redhat 6.1, then hope someone finds a workaround (does it work to uninstall kaffe or install a later version?) which we can release note for people on 6.0 who don't want to upgrade.
this happens for me too, I am running rh6.0 at work. Agree with Akkana, we should recommend at least rh6.1, and rel-note the remove-java-plugin workaround for rh6.0 users.
oh right, installing kaffe is a better workaround. We should list both workarounds, some users might not be able to install to kaffe to fix this problem.
let's get the wording for this and send to verah's release note tracking bug.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
In the meantime, can we get this off the rtm radar?
[rtm-] there's nothing we can do in Netscape 6 to fix this, we'll just have to relnote the workarounds (upgrade your kernel or install kaffe instead)
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] → [rtm-]
I concur with mcaffee. Marking WONTFIX.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
shrir - can you get this into the release notes tracking bug?
installed on RH 6.1 successfully
I'm using a system that started as a rh6.0 system but has been upgraded along the way. [jks@d1 ~] java -version java version "1.2.2" Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, native threads, sunwjit) I am currently running the 2.4.0 kernel. Trying to start mozilla .7 results in: [jks@d1 /usr/local/mozilla0.7] ./mozilla ./ ./mozilla-bin MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/local/mozilla0.7 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla0.7:/usr/local/pgsql/lib LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla0.7:/usr/local/mozilla0.7/components SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla0.7 LIBPATH=/usr/local/mozilla0.7 ADDON_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla0.7 MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin MOZ_TOOLKIT= moz_debug=0 moz_debugger= Registering plugin 0 for: "*","All types",".*" ...and then it just freezes, not eating up cpu but just sitting there. No window pops up. If upgrading the kernel won't work, what will? What is so special about rh6.0 that breaks mozilla?
I've have upgraded to RedHat 6.2 but the JRE still crashes on startup with a shmget error?
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Please ensure that your mozilla was ./configure'd --disable-debug and built with that configuration. Furthermore, if you have 0.7 you have to do this: * To get 0.7 to work with Java on Unix, apply patch from 62489. Then please re-test. I'm marking invalid, please reopen if, when you do the above steps, the problem persists.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
vfy invalid
Could this be related to 67005, since when I got that error I was running Red Hat 6.0 with an updated kernel? (The error I got was different, but I had used a different Java version.)
Upgrading glibc to 2.1.3 appears to resolve the problem
Note that this is also true on debian woody (testing). This wasn't true for the 0.9.2 version. Also, it does no more read jpeg images...
i had a very similar issue on redhat 6.2 - checked and manually installed the plugin link - still no luck. then i added /usr/local/mozilla to the PATH and java now loads and browser no more crashes =) can any confirm this is still active
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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