Closed Bug 585985 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Way to focus on a console group without turning everything else off


(DevTools :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jbalogh, Unassigned)



Viewing everything together is nice, but sometimes I'd like to drill down into just Network or CSS. I don't want to turn everything off, because maybe there will be something interesting in the logging too.  And clicking all those checkboxes is kind of annoying.

Maybe I want a tab for each group, or maybe I want to be able to uncheck network for a minute to hide all that noise and then pop it back into place.  Or maybe I want to be able to bookmark a filter like (network|css|log) and have a tab for that.
this should be possible using the filter box. Type Network or CSS and it should show only those types of messages.

I believe this is a dupe but will leave it for the Console gurus to mark.
(In reply to comment #0)
> Viewing everything together is nice, but sometimes I'd like to drill down into
> just Network or CSS. I don't want to turn everything off, because maybe there
> will be something interesting in the logging too.

See bug 583359.

> And clicking all those checkboxes is kind of annoying.

Yeah, I originally wanted to make clicking the category name turn on or off all the associated checkboxes. Wouldn't be hard to bring that back, I don't think; I'll make a note of it.

> Maybe I want a tab for each group, or maybe I want to be able to uncheck
> network for a minute to hide all that noise and then pop it back into place. 
> Or maybe I want to be able to bookmark a filter like (network|css|log) and have
> a tab for that.

How about being able to right click on, say, a network message and choose "View Only Network Messages"?
(In reply to comment #2)
> How about being able to right click on, say, a network message and choose "View
> Only Network Messages"?

Bug 583359 does most of what I'm looking for. Turning that menu click into the corresponding search/filter might be a good way to teach people how to use the filter.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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