Closed Bug 5867 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

[PP]Compose body, back space deletes a char, string repeats


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fenella, Assigned: bugzilla)



RE: seamonkey build (1999-050308) steps: 1. Open apprunner 2. Open Messenger from Tasks menu 3. Click New Msg 4. Fill in To: and Subject field, no problem 5. Type text in compose body, Press Backspace and press Enter 6. One character got deleted but the string of text duplicates 7. Click on Send, apprunner immediately crashes. Reproducible: yes Occurs on Linux only
Sorry, I need to add one more step before it crashes 8. Close compose window, it crashes. It does not crash in step 7.
Severity: blocker → major
Summary: [PP]Compose body, back space delete a char, crash upon Send → [PP]Compose body, back space deletes a char, string repeats
I think closing compose window crashes is an existing bug, but back space causes it to repeat strings in a new bug
This could be similar to what scurtis is seeing.
That IS what I reported in 5810. However, I haven't gotten any real response to 5810, and it may need to be split up into separate bugs. The backspace problem seems to be Linux-only, and the return key problem seems to be cross-platform. Want to make this the Linux-only backspace key bug, and I'll drop that issue from 5810?
Oh, btw, closing the compose window crashing is an altogether different bug...I thought that was part of the webshell leaking bug...I'll try to dig up the bug #.
(I think the crashing on closing compose is It's marked as platform=all.)
Let's have this bug track the backspace issue then.
Target Milestone: M6
set TM for M6
We need to release note this. I'll add it to Vera's release note tracking bug.
*** Bug 6039 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Severity: major → normal
The close window crash has been fixed as bug #5793. However, we still have the problem with delete a selection that doesn't work. I have a fix and waiting for the tree to open... change severity to normal as it's not a crash anymore.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
should be ok now...
RE: linux (1999-05-14-08-m6) This problem has been fixed.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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