Bug 59548
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
Need to store Identity: Send Unsent Msg case with webmail, also Drafts to Local Folders
(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: ch.ey)
(1 file, 2 obsolete files)
12.41 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Using nov8 mn6 commercial build Mac OS 9.0
I ran into this case today which confused me regarding using Send Later/Send
Unsent messages... talked to Seth about it, he also suggested Rich/rhp might
already have something logged about the cause, so cc:ing Seth and Rich.
Had created a new profile, used initial Activation screen to activate a Webmail
account which became the default account. Added some other POP and IMAP
accounts on nsmail-1, so the Account Settings showed Outgoing SMTP as nsmail-1.
Using said profile, I did the following steps:
1. Had launched to mail, logged into all accounts.
2. Composed messages from an nsmail-1 IMAP and nsmail-1 POP account, used Send
Later for those messages. Messages were properly showing in Local
Folders/Unsent Messages.
3. Collapsed the default account before exiting.
4. Relaunched to mail, File|Send Unsent Messages.
I was prompted for smtp login to Webmail account. This confused me since I
believed nsmail-1 to be the outgoing/SMTP server. I checked Account Settings
and saw only one SMTP server listed, nsmail-1.
Seth said this is probably because we don't store the identity for the unsent
message to track to server or copy-to-Sent folder or anything. When I went to
send the Unsent messages, it used the default account which happened to be
Webmail and wasn't what I assumed would be the SMTP server.
Once I changed the default account to one of the other (nsmail-1) accounts, this
scenario didn't prompt me for Webmail smtp password.
So, Seth thought we should probably store the ID to use the appropriate server
for this (smtp) situation as well as other possible situations with copy to Sent
folder, etc.
*** Bug 59549 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•24 years ago
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Comment 4•24 years ago
Updating for the current build/current status:
By using 02-26-09-Mtrunk build:
It seems that this is working for me now.....
Laurel, can you reproduce this problem for the current build?
Comment 5•24 years ago
Ccing Ninoschka since this involved multiple accounts.
Marking as worksforme based on 02-26-09-Mtrunk build verification.
Please reopen this bug if you don't agree......
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 7•24 years ago
ducarroz, has this been fixed in the back end?
I doubt it, but I could be wrong. reopening.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Still happens using feb28 commercial trunk build. No change.
Comment 9•24 years ago
no idea. Personnaly I haven't touched this part of the code for a very long time.
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•24 years ago
This is bugging me... I assume the case I'm going to describe is part of this
problem (or should it be/is it logged separately?): When you edit a draft
authored by an account which is not the default account and it saves to local
draft folder, the draft is saved in the local folders drafts with the right
identity showing. When you open/edit the draft, the identity is reset to the
default account's identity and then sent showing the default identity. I don't
know if we should tip off the user to this in help or release notes?
Comment 11•24 years ago
I've added your comments to the Release Notes bug 81652. This should be
documented in the release notes.
Comment 12•24 years ago
*** Bug 82672 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reporter | ||
Comment 13•24 years ago
*** Bug 84965 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Need to store Identity: Send Unsent Msg case with webmail... → Need to store Identity: Send Unsent Msg case with webmail, also Drafts to Local Folders
Comment 14•23 years ago
Was bitten by that bug recently when I composed some mails with my gmx account
and saved them to the unsent messages folder.
After going online again, the messages have been sent.
They were sent using the default smtp server, not the server selected for the
gmx account. This is really annoying and from the bug I see nobody really cares.
Is that the reason that the setting for further smtp servers (additional to the
default one) is so much hidden in the account preferences?
Mozilla is great, but please fix that bug.
BTW: I know, I could grab the code and provide a fix myself. No time for that.
But at lease I am doing some evangelizing with my IE stuck friends...
Comment 15•23 years ago
Sorry, forgot to mention build ID:
Mozilla 1.1a
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; de-AT; rv:1.1a) Gecko/20020611
Reporter | ||
Comment 16•23 years ago
I'm nominating this for buffy -- I'm tired of getting confused by this scenario.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Comment 17•22 years ago
*** Bug 151328 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 18•22 years ago
*** Bug 156806 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 19•22 years ago
*** Bug 129255 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20•22 years ago
*** Bug 177831 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 21•22 years ago
*** Bug 153809 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22•22 years ago
this bug worksforme after upgrading from 1.1b (2002082608) to 1.3a (2002111508)
under: Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US
Comment 23•22 years ago
Can you check if Message ->edit message as new, also detects and keeps the old
email address as it was saved in drafts?
this problem occurs on 2002 10 29 08
Comment 24•22 years ago
Hi JG,
I wasn't aware of this occurrence of the bug; however: after checking this, the
answer to your question is: it depends -> if you do an "edit message as new" on
a message that sits in the
a)draft/template/trash folder: it works alright
b)sent folder: the bug bites you
Assignee | ||
Comment 26•22 years ago
I've coded a fix for this bug and hope you'll like it.
The problem was not that no id was saved (at least not for versions in the last
months). The problem was not, that the messages were sent over the default SMTP
server. They were sent over the wrong smtp server if the right server wasn't
assigned to an identity which has been assigned to the default account (mostly
the first account).
The default account was the only one that has been checked for identities
matching the one saved in the mail (as X-Identity-Key in the mail header).
I now extended the check to all identities (gathered by GetAllIdentities)
instead of only the default accounts identities
Also added freeing mIdentityKey in nsMsgSendLater::DeliverQueuedLine and
nsMsgSendLater::BuildHeaders that has been forgotten.
Updated•22 years ago
Attachment #116073 -
Flags: review?(ssu)
Comment 27•22 years ago
I just tried to reproduce this bug with a debug build from yesterday, and no
luck yet. Let me try a few other ways.
Comment 28•22 years ago
I'm still having no luck reproducing this bug.
laurel, are you still able to reproduce this bug? If so, can I come by and take
a look at how you're reproducing the problem?
Assignee | ||
Comment 29•22 years ago
I had to reproduce this bug for fixing it. And I made it - it still exists!
After looking in the current code it's clear that it can't work.
Do you have (at least) two mailaccounts with one identity each? And the
identities have different smtp servers?
Write a mail with the second identity and "send later". The X-Identity-Key of
the mail in Unsent Messages has a value > 1?
Sending it via "send unsent messages" will send it over smtp server of identity 1.
If not, it's my turn to wonder.
Comment 30•22 years ago
I think I just reproduced it. The server listed in the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)"
should override each accounts' server settings, but it's not. Will try the
patch and report back.
Comment 31•22 years ago
Comment on attachment 116073 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to take notice of all identities SMTP servers
Christian, sorry it took so long to verify your patch. Your patch does fix
this problem of mail not using the server from the account the message was
written from to send it.
Seth mentioned that he might ask you to clean up other parts of
nsMsgSendLater.cpp since it's such a mess in there. :)
However, I'll let him decide on how the code should be cleaned up.
good job!
Attachment #116073 -
Flags: review?(ssu) → review+
Assignee | ||
Updated•22 years ago
Attachment #116073 -
Flags: superreview?(sspitzer)
Comment 32•22 years ago
Attachment #116073 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 33•22 years ago
Attachment #118141 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 34•22 years ago
over to, who did the original patch.
I'll test your patch (plus my code cleanup) and land if it all looks good.
Assignee: ducarroz → ch.ey
Comment 35•22 years ago
tested and fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago → 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.4alpha
Comment 36•22 years ago
Comment on attachment 116073 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to take notice of all identities SMTP servers
see the last patch, your patch + code cleanup.
Attachment #116073 -
Flags: superreview?(sspitzer)
Assignee | ||
Comment 37•22 years ago
Looks well and still works. Thanks.
Comment 38•22 years ago
thank you Christian for the initial patch.
Comment 39•22 years ago
With build 20030331 on all platforms, I am now seeing a regression where I
select an email link from the header of a mail message and select Compose Mail
To, it now shows the From identity of the mail account from where I'm reading
the message and not the default mail account like it's suppose to. Did the fix
for this bug cause this regression.
Assignee | ||
Comment 40•22 years ago
Knowing what has been changed I can't imagine that this is a regression.
And I just tested the case you described with build 20030319.
That's before this fix was checked in and nevertheless the mail shows the from
identity of the mail account from where I'm reading the message.
Comment 42•22 years ago
Trunk build 2003-03-31-05: WinXP
fyi: I noticed that if the messages were created in a previous build such as
Netscape 7.02 (Save As Draft to Local Folders, Save As Template to Local
Folders), after installing today's build these messages still have the problem.
New messages created in the trunk build retain the correct identity.
Assignee | ||
Comment 43•22 years ago
That wouldn't be that hard if this problem really exists. But can't image -
This bug is about the messages residing in Unsent Messages aren't send over the
server responsible for the id that is saved in the message header.
If a message was edited from Drafts after moving from Netscape to Mozilla and
saved in Unsent Messages then, it may have been saved with the wrong id to it.
That's not the scope of this bug.
Do you know, if the messages when edited from draft had there old sender address
in From, or the address of the default account?
Can you test this again and look on the X-Identity-Key line in the message
source when the mail is in Drafts on Netscape and in Unsent Messages on Mozilla?
Maybe the id isn't already stored in Netscape 7.02 or some other problem.
Comment 44•22 years ago
*** Bug 169385 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•20 years ago
Product: MailNews → Core
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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