Closed Bug 596822 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Web Console menu item check mark is inconsistent among platforms and broken on Windows


(DevTools :: General, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(blocking2.0 final+)

Tracking Status
blocking2.0 --- final+


(Reporter: pcwalton, Assigned: msucan)



(Whiteboard: [patchclean:0925][fixed-in-devtools])


(1 file)

Currently, the Web Console menu item has a check mark next to it on Windows indicating whether it's open or closed (although it's currently broken and it won't update when you close it via the X button). Other platforms, as well as the alt menu, don't have the check mark.

I'm slightly in favor of eliminating the check mark entirely, since as far as I can see the check mark is only used for items under the "View" and "Window" menu, not for "Tools". But I'd be glad to get UI feedback on this. The options are:

(1) Check mark
(2) "Show Web Console" which changes to "Hide Web Console"
(3) No check mark

In any case, the behavior should be fixed on Windows at least. Because this is a glaringly obvious UI issue affecting the main menu on Windows, I'm nominating this as a Firefox 4 blocker.
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Summary: Web Console check mark is inconsistent and broken on Windows → Web Console check mark is inconsistent among platforms and broken on Windows
Summary: Web Console check mark is inconsistent among platforms and broken on Windows → Web Console menu item check mark is inconsistent among platforms and broken on Windows
if this is just the App Menu's Web Console menu-item, it's probably a simple fix to update it properly on show/hide.
blocking2.0: ? → final+
Blocks: devtools4b8
Assignee: nobody → mihai.sucan
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
This is the proposed fix. I suggest we remove the checkbox for the same reasons as you do, but also because the rest of the tools, like Downloads, Error console, or even Preferences ... do not have a checkbox, nor do they have menuitems that change their labels based on state (eg. "Show downloads" and "Hide downloads").

This patch only seems to need to fix the new app menuitem for the Web Console. I couldn't test this patch on my Windows 7 virtual machine, make fails.

Please let me know if other changes are needed. Thanks!
Attachment #478534 - Flags: feedback?(pwalton)
Whiteboard: [patchclean:0925]
Comment on attachment 478534 [details] [diff] [review]
proposed fix

One line patches are delicious.
Attachment #478534 - Flags: feedback?(pwalton) → feedback+
Comment on attachment 478534 [details] [diff] [review]
proposed fix

Thanks Patrick for the feedback+! Asking for review from Gavin.
Attachment #478534 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #478534 - Flags: review?( → review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
pushed to devtools,
changeset 7f1425dc04f6.
Whiteboard: [patchclean:0925] → [patchclean:0925][fixed-in-devtools]
How is this "chekin-needed" and "uiwanted"?
Version: unspecified → Trunk
good question. removed ui-wanted as I don't think we need that anymore.
Keywords: uiwanted
Closed: 14 years ago
Keywords: checkin-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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