Closed Bug 60844 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

N601 Crash (Linux) #7: Mozilla crashes when using plugger from redhat. [@ nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag]


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: knutjbj, Assigned: shaver)



(Keywords: crash, topcrash)

Crash Data


(6 files)

I have Redhat linux 7 with Netscape 6 and latest Mozilla night build. Both of them can not use realplayer eventhough I have copy and raclass into plugins folder. PLugger cause booth browsers to crash.
See bug 56464 on the realplayer issue. As for plugger, I see mozilla registering the plugin but getting a SIGSEGV immediately afterward (linux CVS build from source dated 11/20/2000 16:39 PST, plugger 3.2). Changing summary to refer only to plugger, confirming bug. Stack trace from segfault: #0 0x4187901e in nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag (this=0x81a7628, aPluginInfo=0xbffff24c) at nsPluginHostImpl.cpp:463 result = 0x81a9648 "audio/x-mpegurl" str = 0x100 <Address 0x100 out of bounds> i = 40 #1 0x41880829 in nsPluginHostImpl::ScanPluginsDirectory (this=0x819afd0, pluginsDir=@0xbffff2e8, compManager=0x8066118, layoutPath=0x819b058, checkForUnwantedPlugins=0, checkForDups=0) at nsPluginHostImpl.cpp:3000 pluginFile = {<nsFileSpec> = {mPath = {mData = 0x81a4e28}, mError = 0, _vptr. = 0x4189dc84 <nsPluginFile virtual table>}, pLibrary = 0x81a7168} pluginLibrary = (struct PRLibrary *) 0x81a7168 info = {fPluginInfoSize = 32, fName = 0x8079628 "Plugger 3.2", fDescription = 0x81a7680 "<img width=40 height=40 border=0 align=left src=><a href=>Plugger</a> version 3.2, written by <a href=http://fredrik.hubbe"..., fVariantCount = 41, fMimeTypeArray = 0x81a96f8, fMimeDescriptionArray = 0x81a97a0, fExtensionArray = 0x81a9848, fFileName = 0x0} res = 0 pluginTag = (nsPluginTag *) 0xbffff26c bAddIt = 1 iter = {mCurrent = {mPath = {mData = 0x81a4e28}, mError = 0, _vptr. = 0x4015ac1c <nsFileSpec virtual table>}, mExists = 1, mResoveSymLinks = 1, mStarting = {mPath = {mData = 0x819d8d8}, mError = 0, _vptr. = 0x4015ac1c <nsFileSpec virtual table>}, mDir = 0x81a4f38, _vptr. = 0x4015abec <nsDirectoryIterator virtual table>} #2 0x41880c3a in nsPluginHostImpl::LoadPlugins (this=0x819afd0) at nsPluginHostImpl.cpp:3074 lpath = {mRawPtr = 0x819b058} path = {mRawPtr = 0x819b058} isLayoutPath = 1 rv = 2152792067 compManager = {mRawPtr = 0x8066118} pluginsDir = {<nsFileSpec> = {mPath = {mData = 0x81a4d18}, mError = 0, _vptr. = 0x4189dc90 <nsPluginsDir virtual table>}, <No data fields>} #3 0x4188047c in nsPluginHostImpl::GetPluginFactory (this=0x819afd0, aMimeType=0x4185dce3 "application/x-java-vm", aPlugin=0xbffff388) at nsPluginHostImpl.cpp:2846 this = (nsPluginHostImpl *) 0x819afd0 rv = 3221222300 pluginTag = (nsPluginTag *) 0x40161398 #4 0x41850785 in nsJVMManager::StartupJVM (this=0x819cc20) at nsJVMManager.cpp:594 start = 4197943586 err = 0 pluginHost = {mRawPtr = 0x819afd4} pluginFactory = (nsIPlugin *) 0x0 rslt = 0 end = 0 d = 135960136 #5 0x41850e4d in nsJVMManager::MaybeStartupLiveConnect (this=0x819cc20) at nsJVMManager.cpp:783 this = (nsJVMManager *) 0x819cc20 #6 0x41851a18 in nsJVMManager::StartupLiveConnect (this=0x819cc20, runtime=0x8107dc8, outStarted=@0xbffff42c) at nsJVMManager.h:128 outStarted = (PRBool &) @0xbffff42c: 0 #7 0x40489c55 in nsJSEnvironment::nsJSEnvironment (this=0x819c520) at nsJSEnvironment.cpp:1472 started = 0 this = (nsIObserver *) 0x819c520 rv = 0 observerService = {mRawPtr = 0x80a5e10} manager = {mRawPtr = 0x819cc28} #8 0x404896b9 in nsJSEnvironment::GetScriptingEnvironment () at nsJSEnvironment.cpp:1417 No locals. #9 0x40489ff2 in NS_CreateScriptContext (aGlobal=0x81477d8, aContext=0x81454e8) at nsJSEnvironment.cpp:1512 aGlobal = (nsIScriptGlobalObject *) 0x81477d8 aContext = (nsIScriptContext **) 0x0 environment = (nsJSEnvironment *) 0x0 scriptContext = (nsIScriptContext *) 0xbffff54c #10 0x40e15069 in nsDocShell::EnsureScriptEnvironment (this=0x8145438) at nsDocShell.cpp:4306 No locals. #11 0x40e16628 in nsWebShell::GetInterface (this=0x8145438, aIID=@0x40603890, aInstancePtr=0xbffff5d8) at nsWebShell.cpp:330 this = (nsWebShell *) 0x8145438 aIID = (nsIID &) @0x40603890: {m0 = 2626754656, m1 = 32217, m2 = 4564, m3 = "\232\203\000\000dest"} rv = 0 #12 0x40103f20 in nsGetInterface::operator() (this=0xbffff630, aIID=@0x40603890, aInstancePtr=0xbffff5d8) at nsIInterfaceRequestor.cpp:37 factoryPtr = {mRawPtr = 0x814545c} status = 0 #13 0x405ee29a in nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal>::assign_from_helper (this=0xbffff62c, helper=@0xbffff630, aIID=@0x40603890) at ../../../dist/include/nsCOMPtr.h:856 this = (nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> *) 0xbffff62c helper = (nsCOMPtr_helper &) @0x81a9648: {_vptr. = 0x69647561} newRawPtr = (nsIDOMWindowInternal *) 0x0 #14 0x405d768a in nsAppShellService::GetHiddenWindowAndJSContext (this=0x80ac700, aWindow=0xbffff678, aJSContext=0xbffff670) at ../../../dist/include/nsCOMPtr.h:552 this = (nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> *) 0xbffff62c docShell = {mRawPtr = 0x8145438} hiddenDOMWindow = {mRawPtr = 0x0} sgo = {mRawPtr = 0x4015e2f4} scriptContext = {mRawPtr = 0x8145438} jsContext = (struct JSContext *) 0xbffff630 this = (nsAppShellService *) 0x81a9648 rv = 0 #15 0x405d4861 in nsAppShellService::SetXPConnectSafeContext (this=0x80ac700) at nsAppShellService.cpp:191 rv = 0 xpc = {mRawPtr = 0x81468b8} junk = {mRawPtr = 0x0} cx = (JSContext *) 0x0 #16 0x405d54f1 in nsAppShellService::CreateHiddenWindow (this=0x80ac700) at nsAppShellService.cpp:247 newWindow = {mRawPtr = 0x8155d58} rv = 0 hiddenWindowURL = 0x405fafa3 "about:blank" url = {mRawPtr = 0x8124b60} #17 0x80520f9 in main1 (argc=1, argv=0xbffff8a4, nativeApp=0x0) at nsAppRunner.cpp:988 rv = 0 eventQService = {mRawPtr = 0x808e570} obsService = {mRawPtr = 0x80a5e10} needAutoreg = 0 cmdLineArgs = {mRawPtr = 0x80ac5c0} appShell = {mRawPtr = 0x80ac700} walletService = {mRawPtr = 0x4015ce58} #18 0x8052d26 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff8a4) at nsAppRunner.cpp:1255 argv = (char **) 0xbffff8a4 nativeApp = (nsINativeAppSupport *) 0x0 rv = 0 splash = (nsISplashScreen *) 0x0 dosplash = 0 remoterv = 0 argused = 0 mainResult = 0 #19 0x403019cb in __libc_start_main (main=0x8052ba0 <main>, argc=1, argv=0xbffff8a4, init=0x804c244 <_init>, fini=0x805edcc <_fini>, rtld_fini=0x4000ae60 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xbffff89c) at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:92 argv = (char **) 0xbffff8a4 rtld_fini = (void (*)(void)) 0x4000ae60 <_dl_fini> stack_end = (void *) 0x81a9648
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: crash
Summary: MOzilla does not recognize realplayer 7 and crashe when uisng plugger from redhat. → Mozilla crashes when using plugger from redhat.
Keywords: 4xp
Adding topcrash keyword and [@ nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag] for tracking, this is the #7 topcrash for RTM on Linux. Below is the stack trace and some user info from talkback: nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag() nsPluginHostImpl::ScanPluginsDirectory() nsPluginHostImpl::LoadPlugins() nsPluginHostImpl::GetPluginFactory() nsJVMManager::StartupJVM() nsJVMManager::MaybeStartupLiveConnect() nsJVMManager::StartupLiveConnect() nsJSEnvironment::nsJSEnvironment() nsJSEnvironment::GetScriptingEnvironment() NS_CreateScriptContext() nsDocShell::EnsureScriptEnvironment() nsWebShell::GetInterface() operator []() nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_helper() nsAppShellService::GetHiddenWindowAndJSContext() nsAppShellService::SetXPConnectSafeContext() nsAppShellService::CreateHiddenWindow() main1() main() + 0x18cbe (0x4027ccbe) URL:(23126401) Comment: (23126401) trying to open netscape from Konquerer while on URL:(23144908) Comment: (23126233) opening netscape from the start menu in KDe2 Comment: (23144908) Starting Netscape 6 Comment: (23155422) clicking on .netscape Comment: (23130332) Did not want to reload Flash or RealPlayer from net just to install pluginsfor NS6. So I tried# cd /usr/lib/netscape/plugins (4.76)# find . -print | cpio -pdl /usr/local/netscape/pluginscpio: /usr/local/netscape/plugins/./ notnsPluginTag::nsPluginTag() a31e8351
Keywords: topcrash
Summary: Mozilla crashes when using plugger from redhat. → RTM Crash (Linux) #7: Mozilla crashes when using plugger from redhat. [@ nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag]
I just downloaded Mozilla 0.7 and installed plugger 3.2. The plugin works correctly, but whenever I want to check out the plugin's page (about:plugins), Mozilla dies with the following error: ./ line 72: 2297 Segmentation fault $prog ${1+"$@"} I hope this helps. -gordon
By doing an about:plugins and monitoring the text in the xterm, it seems like mozilla is correctly parsing the /etc/pluggerrc file but segfaults when it hits the end of the file. This does not depend on the contents of the file.
Plugger hands back a MIME description that has a trailing separator (;, which is then converted to | in SetMIMETypeSeparator. This bug is caused by failure to handle this gracefully. I have a patch that lops off the empty MIME entry, which fixes the bug for me, and will attach it. av, can you review?
Assignee: av → shaver
Finishing what I started: get rid of new_str, fix some mildly-spooky signedness confusion, and move the static declarations of CALLBACK functions out of the header, and into the .cpp, where they belong. It now compiles for me with only one warning (--disable-pedantic): a possibly-uninitialized warning from the AReadableString code, which is almost certainly spurious. Can I please get some review for this? It's busting people every day, and the fix is easy.
Keywords: mozilla0.8, patch, review
I assume the big block moved from ns4xPlugin.h to ns4xPlugin.cpp wasn't modified. I didn't look all that closely. nsPluginHostImpl.cpp: In 3 places you used strdup instead of PL_strdup. For your change from SetLength(-1) to SetLength(0), shouldn't this allow you to remove the code in ns4xPluginStreamListener::OnStartBinding that corrects -1 to 0? Perhaps a comment in nsIPluginStreamInfo.h about the meaning of 0 is in order (although it doesn't currently have any comments!) s/NULL/nsnull/ I think (after hearing it from jag) do_GetService is now preferred to NS_WITH_SERVICE (but I don't really care), i.e., nsCOMPtr<nsIPlugin> plugin(do_GetService(";1", &result)); nsPluginsDirUnix.cpp: Why fix only in nsPluginsDirUnix.cpp? Wouldn't this bug affect all platforms? (Roughly the same code seems to be duplicated in nsPluginsDir*.cpp for the other platforms.) According to shaver, the only plugin he's found that gives this type of string is a Unix-only plugin (plugger). However, maybe we should be a bit more crash-resistant on other platforms too? (It's a pretty simple fix to copy over to the other files.) Perhaps it would also be nice to make the nsPluginsDirUnix.cpp version of CalulateVariantCount work like the windows one and add 1 internally, avoiding the additional variable where it's called? Since this fixes a topcrash, r=dbaron if you fix the strdup->PL_strdup, although I think it would be good to fix the other issues as well.
Actually there are 4 places where you used strdup instead of PL_strdup.
Couple comments: 1. I'm not convinced replacting `new_str()' with `strdup()' is safe because `new_str()' checks for a null argument. 2. Your changes are mildly schizophrenic (you use both strdup() and PL_strdup(), pick one). 3. In this little part of Rome, C++ comments, please. 4. Why are you replacing nsPluginStreamInfo->SetLength(-1) with SetLength(0)? (I don't know if it's right or wrong, but vend me a clue.)
I thought I converted all my strdups to PL_strdups, but apparently not. As waterson points out, though, I may well have to revert to calling new_str, which I will then fix to just call PL_strdup if the string isn't null. I'm pretty sure that _some_ of the cases can't be null, but safety first. I didn't change the other platforms because I had no way of verifying their behaviour, and the code is new enough to me that I didn't feel comfortable operating blind. I thought about the removal of that -1 -> 0 line, but I wasn't sure that there were no Mac-only paths that could result in that. I'm tempted to just back that change out, because while I know that it's wrong to pass -1 as an unsigned parameter, I'm not sure I can analyze the code well enough to make sure that it's safe to pass 0. And it (mostly) works now, right? I'm going to back it out. nsnull used, though most of the rest of the code seems to use NULL. Waterson: in the part of Rome immediately preceding my comment is a C-style comment. You want I should convert them all? New patch coming up.
Damn, I'm an idiot. PL_strdup returns |strdup("")| if passed a NULL pointer, which is not exactly the same thing. How much do we care? (I wonder why it does that -- perhaps so that NULL return always signals an error, but then I consider passing NULL to strdup to be an error too.)
Probably that's why new_str is used. It does the right thing in duplication nsPluginTag: if any member is null in the source it will be null in the target too. I could not get from what I read why you replaced it with strdup.
Right. OK, so I'm going to update so that PL_strdup is matched with PL_strfree, and attach it. That will give us the current dup-propagates-NULL behaviour, with uniform allocator behaviour. Stay tuned.
My latest patch is _just_ a fix for the crash in question, plus a single use of PL_strdup where I'm sure -- no, really -- it's correct. Sorry for the flailing, please gimme the review I need to check it on in.
Brendan, I beseech you to sr= this patch.
Already done "verbally" (my words were transmitted) on IRC #mozilla, but for the record, /be
Is this fixed/check-in?
Yeah, sorry.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
updating summary to N601 as this is still a topcrasher in the N601 release. leaving resolved fixed...since this has been fixed in the trunk.
Summary: RTM Crash (Linux) #7: Mozilla crashes when using plugger from redhat. [@ nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag] → N601 Crash (Linux) #7: Mozilla crashes when using plugger from redhat. [@ nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag]
*** Bug 70281 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: mozilla0.8
marking verifd snce this was fixd on trunk.
Crash Signature: [@ nsPluginTag::nsPluginTag]
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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