Closed Bug 609955 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Remove IDL from ConsoleAPI component


(DevTools :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ddahl, Assigned: ddahl)



(Whiteboard: [followup])

We should be able to treat our ConsoleAPI componentas a regular JS object that can deal with dynamic arguments lengths. Right now, we need an IDL that specifies a number of args passed into console.log/info/warn/error

I thought that once the brain transplants landed we would be able to do this by removing the idl and adding the __exposedProps__ property to the component. 

I am creating this bug to make sure - perhaps there are other things we need to do?

CCing mrbkap and jst
Whiteboard: [followup]
Assignee: nobody → ddahl
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Can I get more about why this should block? Does it prevent an important behaviour we want to enable in FF4?
(In reply to comment #1)
> Can I get more about why this should block? Does it prevent an important
> behaviour we want to enable in FF4?

Because we have a hard limit on the number of arguments you can pass console.log in the IDL.
With my patch in bug 568629 you should be able to make window.console a vanilla JS object and thus not need any IDL for it at all. I'm not aware of anything else that's needed.
(In reply to comment #3)
> With my patch in bug 568629 you should be able to make window.console a vanilla
> JS object and thus not need any IDL for it at all. I'm not aware of anything
> else that's needed.

oh cool. It still needs to be a component, correct?
You'll still need 'a' component, but all that component needs to do is to implement the interface nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer and the init() method in it and then it can return whatever object you actually want to have be the value of window.console. The object you return doesn't need any XPCOM goo at all, it can be a vanilla JS object, with __exposedProps__ etc on it.
Ok, this appears to be working great, thanks.
(In reply to comment #6)
> Ok, this appears to be working great, thanks.

uh, hmm. no it is not. I keep getting one of the following errors: 

"__exposedProps must be undefined, null or and object"


"console.log is not a function"

I tried just returning nothing from init() and then tried creating a new object and returning it, but it was a closure (which I thought might be sub-optimal in this case)
The first one is bug 610078.
(In reply to comment #1)
> Can I get more about why this should block? Does it prevent an important
> behaviour we want to enable in FF4?

This should block because console.log as it's defined elsewhere allows for multiple arguments to be passed to it and they'll all just get appended to the output. Ours currently has a fixed number of arguments and if we hit one of these many-argumented log functions on the web, logging will break.

(not sure what that breakage would look like, probably just lopped-off output at best, at worst, an exception).
I spent some time trying to roll this into the patch in bug 587734 - but I keep hitting those errors. It sounds like the patch is slightly more involved than I thought. I thought I could just add an __exposedProps__ property to the component, and the component would only expose the console api. Do I have to create an entirely distinct object to return from init?
Depends on: 610078
The latest patch in bug 568629 doesn't include the IDL, and things seem to be working fine based on preliminary testing.
Bug 568629 landed without the IDL.
blocking2.0: ? → ---
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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