Closed Bug 62592 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Missing text labels in menus, titlebars and edit|preferences


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Malcolm_Ferguson, Assigned: asa)


There are many missing text labels, as follows:

Main browser window:
* File menu - the two menu items between "Edit page" and the separator are blank.
* File|New sub-menu - the middle two of the four menu items are blank.
* Tasks menu - the items between Navigator and Composer, and "Bugzilla helper...
" and "Enter bug...".

Edit|Preferences dialog
* Appearance node - only Navigator check box has a label, the other two are blank.
* The top level nodes between Navigator and Advanced are blank.  Expand those
two nodes results in more blank nodes.  None of the panels on the right
associated with these unlabeled nodes have any labels on the widgets.

Mail (open the inbox from the icons at the bottom left of the browser)
* No title on the title bar
* 3 menus have no labels
* Most of the menus have at least 50% of items blank
* Previous installation (before I cleaned up), the pop-up right-click context
menu for the Inbox had no text at all.

This applies to Mozilla 0.6, and the latest nightly.  I've attempted to ensure
that I have a clean install (removed Netscape 6 and Mozilla) - cleaned the
registry and deleted the installation directories.  Netscape 6 has no problems.
Worksforme build 2000121120 win32. This is typically a profile issue. Also
lately the builds had a few problems, please try with a brand new profile (not
one created by ns6) and a new latest build, thanx.
You're absolutely right.  It was a profile issue.  I found the profile buried in
the "Documents and Settings" directory tree.  Once I had deleted that, I
reinstalled and found no problems.  Sorry, I had assumed that Mozilla kept
profile info in it's directory like Netscape < 4.7, and didn't look any further.
Presumably there are plans to make upgrading a little smoother.  For now, is
there version information in the profile that could be checked by the installer?
 A warning at installation time might be useful.
WFM per reporter's comments.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
marking verified using the 2000121608 nightly on win2k.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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